Wheatheart Conventional Auger Manual
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16. 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 2.6. S AFETY D ECAL L OCATIONS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 16 30617 R0
20. 3. T RANSPORT W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 20 30617 R0
22. 4. P LACEMENT W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 22 30617 R0
30. 5. O PERATION W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 5.4. O PERATING P ROCEDURES 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 30 30617 R0
1. Part Number: 30617 R0 Revised: 4/2/10 Read this manual before using product. Failure to follow instructions and safety precautions can result in serious inju ry, death, or property damage. Keep manual fo r future reference. BH AUGERS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ OPERATION MANUAL
11. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 2. S AFETY F IRST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 2.5. M AINTENANCE S AFETY 30617 R0 11 Figure 2.1 Safety Work Area
13. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 2. S AFETY F IRST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 2.6. S AFETY D ECAL L OCATIONS 30617 R0 13 Figure 2.2 Safety Decals
14. 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 2.6. S AFETY D ECAL L OCATIONS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 14 30617 R0 Figure 2.3 Safety Decal Locations
42. 8. T ROUBLESHOOTING W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 42 30617 R0
5. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 1. I NTRODUCTION 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 30617 R0 5 1. Introduction Congratulations on the pur chase of your new Wheathear t BH Auger. This piece of equipment will complement your agricultural operation by aiding in the safe and efficient movement of gr ain, pulse crops, fertiliz er, or any other granular materials. Your new Wheatheart au ger will serve you well if you understand how it operates, if you use it prope rly, and if you care for it properly. This manual is intended to help you operate your equipment in a safe , efficient, and trouble-free manner. Please read th is manual completely before operating your new grain auger. This operator’s manual covers all BH auger s built by Wheatheart Manufacturing, so please use the Table of Contents as a guide when searching for specific infor- mation. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference. Should any information rema in unclear after thoroughly reviewing this manual, contact your Wheatheart Dealer for clarification before operating your auger. Knowing the serial number and date of purchase will save time in getting your questions answered. Please write down this informatio n in the space provided below.
15. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 2. S AFETY F IRST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 2.6. S AFETY D ECAL L OCATIONS 30617 R0 15 Figure 2.4 Safety Decal Locations Important: If Safety Signs have been damaged, removed, or become illegible, or if parts are replaced without safety signs, new signs must be applied. New safety signs are available from your authorized dealer.
46. 9. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9.5. P ARTS L IST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 46 30617 R0 9.5. PARTS LIST Figure 9.1 51’ Foot Auger
48. 9. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9.5. P ARTS L IST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 48 30617 R0 38 9900643 LOCKNUT, 7/16" - 14 20 20 20 22 18 18 39 9900788 FLANGE NUT, 3/8" - 16 12 12 14 16 12 12 40 9900129 FLANGE NUT, 5/16” 2 2 2 2 2 2 41 9900130 FLANGE NUT, 1/4" - 20 6 6 6 6 6 6 42 9900537 WASHER, 1/2" LOCK 2 2 2 2 2 2 43 9900565 WASHER, 1/2" FLAT 2 2 2 2 2 2 44 9900132 SELF-TAPPING SCREW, 1/4-14X5/8” 12 12 14 14 12 12 45 4503192 WOODRUFF KEY, 1/4" X 1” 4 4 4 4 4 4 46 9900131 SETSCREW, 3/8" - 16 X 3/8” 5 5 5 5 5 5 47 0309027-2 HAIR PIN 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 9900685 3/8" NPT PLUG 1 1 1 1 1 1 49 4503215 GASKET FOR 1" FLANGETTE BEARING 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 4503128 1" BEARING FLANGE, SINGLE 2 2 2 2 2 2 50A 4503130 1" BEARING INSERT, LESS FLANGES 1 1 1 1 1 1 51 9900538 LOCK NUT, 1/2” - - - 2 6 6 52 9900678 NUT JAM , 1/2” - - - 2 - - 53 500705 WASHER 1" SAE PLT - - - 2 - - 54 9900169 BOLT, 1/2-13 X 2-3/4” GR8 PLD - - - - 2 2 55 9900588 BOLT, 1/2” X 1-1/4” GR5 PLD - - - - 4 4 56 4503306 HOSE, CLEAR, 5/16” x 12” - - - - 2 2 REF.NO. PART NO. PARTS DESCRIPTION 8x36’ 8x41’ 8x46’ 8x51’ 10x36’ 10x41’
49. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9. A PPENDIX 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 9.5. P ARTS L IST 30617 R0 49 Figure 9.2 51’ Auger (2)
51. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9. A PPENDIX 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 9.5. P ARTS L IST 30617 R0 51 Figure 9.3 51’ Auger (3)
53. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9. A PPENDIX 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 9.5. P ARTS L IST 30617 R0 53 Figure 9.4 51’ Auger PTO Drive
58. 9. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9.5. P ARTS L IST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 58 30617 R0 B BEARING 0707012 Z REEL (3-1/8" HUB) 0707032 C DRIVE SHAFT 0707013 BB PRESSURE PLATE 0707033 D BOLT 0707014 CC RATCHET WHEEL 0707034 E LOCKNUT 0707015 DD HOUSING 0707035 F BEARING 0707016 EE HOUSING 0707036 G LOCKNUT 0707017 FF GEAR 0707037 H BEARING 0707018 GG BOLT 0707038 J DRIVE SHAFT 0707019 HH SPACER 0707039 K GEAR COVER 0707020 JJ SCREW 0707040 M HANDLE (B2500) 0707006 KK SPACER 0707041 N BEARING 0707021 PP WASHER 0707042 P SPACER 0707022 QQ BEARING 0707043 Q GEAR 0707023 SS WASHER 0707044 R DRIVE SHAFT 0707024 TT SPRING 0707007 S SPACER 0707025 UU SHAFT EXTENSION 0707008 T SPRING (B2500) 0707026 VV WASHER 0707005 U PAWL 0707027 WW BOLT 0707009 V BOLT 0707028 XX WASHER 0707045 W CARRIAGE BOLT 0707029 YY BOLT 0707046 X ROPE CLAMP 0707030 Ref. No. Description Part No. Ref. No. Description Part No.
2. This product has been designed and constructed accordi ng to general engineering standards a . Other local regulat ions may apply and must be followed by the operator. We strongly recommend that al l personnel associated with th is equipment be trained in the correct operational an d safety procedures required for this product. Periodic reviews of this manual wit h all employees should be st andard practice. For your convenience, we include this sign-off sheet so you can record y our periodic reviews. a. Standards include organizations such as the American Society of Agri cultural and Biological Engineers, American National Standards Institute, Canadian Sta ndards Association, International Organization for Standardization, and/or others. Date Employee Signature Employer Signature
24. 5. O PERATION W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 5.2. O PERATOR C ONTROLS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 24 30617 R0 5.2. OPERATOR CONTROLS Figure 5.1 The belt engaging lever, winch, and engine ar e located as shown in Figure 5.2. Please refer to engine m anual for engine controls. Figure 5.2 Winch
6. 1. I NTRODUCTION W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 1.1. P RE -D ELIVERY C HECKLIST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 6 30617 R0 1.1. PRE-DELIVERY CHECKLIST 1.1.1. M ECHANICAL • All fasteners tightened. • Belts present and adju sted to proper tension. • Upper chain drive adj usted and lubricated. • Auger rotates freely. • Tire pressure within ma nufacturer’s specification. • Wheel bolt torque with in specification. • Winch brake and locking mechanism tested, lock engages properly, and brake prevents freewheeling. There should be at l east 3 wraps of cable around winch drum in t he fully down position. • Winch cable checked for damage such as fraying, kinks, or unraveling. Cable anchor on winch drum must be tight. • Gearbox oil level checked. • Engine oil level checked. • Machine greased. • Machine cleaned. 1.1.2. S AFETY • All guards and shields instal led, secured, and functional. • All safety signs installed and legible. • Reflectors installed and clean. • Operating and safety instru ctions reviewed with owner. • Operator’s Manual supplied to owner.
9. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 2. S AFETY F IRST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 2.2. O PERATING S AFETY 30617 R0 9 • Follow good shop practices: • keep service area clean and dry • be sure electric al outlets and t ools are properly grounded • use adequate light for the job at hand • Think SAFETY! Work SAFELY! 2.2. OPERATING SAFETY • Ensure guards are present and secure. • Clear the work area of unauthorized persons, particul arly small children and pets. • Clean the work area to pr event slipping or tripping. • Ensure a fully equipped fi rst aid kit is on hand and t hat you know how to use it. • Ensure a working fire ex tinguisher is on hand and that you know how to use it. • Be certain the PTO driveline is secure ly attached to the jackshaft and to the tractor. • Before starting tracto r, be certain that power to PTO is in the off position • Keep hands, feet, hair, and clothing away from all moving or rotating parts. 2.3. TRANSPORT SAFETY • Ensure tires are inflated to the tire manufacturer’s recommended pressure. • Check with local authorities regarding transportation of agricultural equipment on public roads. O bey all applicable la ws and regulations. • Make sure that all light s and reflectors required by the local highway and transport authorities are in place, are functioning, and can be seen clearly by all overtaking and oncoming traffic. • Be sure the unit is hitched se curely to the towing vehicle. • Do not allow rider s while transporting. • Display a Slow Moving Vehicle emblem when transporting below 25 mph (40 km/h). • Use hazard-warning flashers when trans porting with a tractor unless prohib- ited. • Keep to the right an d yield the right-of -way to allow faster traffic to pass. • Never transport fast er than the road terr ain or conditions will allow you to do safely. • Use caution when making co rners or meeting traffic. • Use caution when approach ing height-limiting objects. • Take special care and precautions w hen transporting during times of limited visibility such as rain, s now, fog, dusk, or at night. It is recommended that you wait for a more approp riate time to move. • Use caution when tu rning or cornering.
10. 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 2.4. S TORAGE S AFETY 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 10 30617 R0 • Do not transport auger on a slope greater than 20°. The auger may overturn. 2.4. STORAGE SAFETY • Store in an area away from human activity. • Do not permit children to play on or around t he stored machine. 2.5. MAINTENANCE SAFETY • Shut off and disable the power sour ce before working on the machine. • Ensure service area is clean and dry. • Ensure electrical outlets and tools are pr operly grounded. • Use proper tool s for the job. • Ensure there is adequate lighti ng to perform the job safely. • Wear safety gear that is appropr iate for the job being performed. • Use extra caution when cleaning and servicing augers because flighting edges can become sharp. • Follow proper procedures w hen mounting a tire on a ri m. If in doubt, have a qualified tire repair service pe rform the required maintenance. • Install and secure all guards afte r maintenance work is completed.
47. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9. A PPENDIX 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 9.5. P ARTS L IST 30617 R0 47 REF.NO. PART NO. PARTS DESCRIPTION 8x36’ 8x41’ 8x46’ 8x51’ 10x36’ 10x41’ 1 4503112 UPPER TUBE WELDMENT, BH8” 1 1 1 1 - - 1 4506101 UPPER TUBE WELDMENT, BH10” - - - - 1 1 2 4503116 LOWER TUBE WELDMENT, 8” X 51’ - - - 1 - - 2 4503115 LOWER TUBE WELDMENT, 8” X 46’ - - 1 - - - 2 4503114 LOWER TUBE WELDMENT, 8” X 41’ - 1 - - - - 2 4503113 LOWER TUBE WELDMENT, 8” X 36’ 1 - - - - - 2 4506116 LOWER TUBE WELDMENT, 10” X 41’ - - - - - 1 2 4506102 LOWER TUBE WLEDMENT, 10” X 36’ - - - - 1 - 3 4503123 UPPER FLIGHTING, 8 IN 1 1 1 1 - - 3 4506104 UPPER FLIGHTING, 10 IN - - - - 1 1 4 4503154 INTAKE FLIGHTING, 8 IN 1 1 1 1 - - 4 4506113 INTAKE FLIGHTING, 10 IN - - - - 1 - 4A 4503158 LOWER FLIGHTING, 51 X 8 IN - - - 1 - - 4A 4503157 LOWER FLIGHTING, 46 X 8 IN - - 1 - - - 4A 4503156 LOWER FLIGHTING, 41 X 8 IN - 1 - - - - 4A 4503155 LOWER FLIGHTING, 36 X 8 IN 1 - - - - - 4A 4506117 LOWER FLIGHTING, 41 X 10 IN - - - - - 1 4A 4506103 LOWER FLIGHTING, 36 X 10 IN - - - - 1 - 5 4503122 DRIVESHAFT, 1-1/4 X 288 IN 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4503144 DRIVESHAFT, 1-1/4 X 125 IN - - - 1 - - 6 4503143 DRIVESHAFT, 1-1/4 X 89 IN - - 1 - - - 6 4503142 DRIVESHAFT, 1-1/4 X 53 IN - 1 - - - 1 6 4503141 DRIVESHAFT, 1-1/4 X 17 IN 1 - - - 1 - 7 4503127 TRACK STOP 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 4503053 TRACK SHOE 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 4503060 48" DRIVESHAFT SHIELD 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 4503220 42" DRIVESHAFT SHIELD - - 1 - - - 9 4503219 24" DRIVESHAFT SHIELD 1 - - - 1 - 10 4503061 60" DRIVESHAFT SHIELD 4 5 5 6 4 5 11 4503062 SHIELD TIE-DOWN STRAP 6 6 7 7 6 6 12 4503073 BEARING ADJUST PLATE, TOP 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 4503159 INTAKE GUARD 8 IN 1 1 1 1 - - 13 4503233 INTAKE GUARD W/BIN SWEEP MNT 1 1 1 1 - - 13 4506115 INTAKE GUARD 10 IN - - - - 1 1 13A 4503249 INTAKE GUARD 8 IN, AUSTRALIA 1 1 1 1 - - 13A 4503250 INTAKE GUARD 8 IN, W/BIN SWEEP MT, AUSTRALIA 1 1 1 1 - - 13A 4506114 INTAKE GUARD 10 IN, AUSTRALIA - - - - 1 1 14 4503068 CLEVIS 1 1 1 1 - - 14 4506100 CLEVIS - - - - 1 1 15 4503160 1" BUSHING 1 1 1 1 - - 15 19776 1 1/4” BUSHING - - - - 1 1 16 2300028 PRESS-IN GREASE FITTING 1/4” 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 4503214 GASKET FOR 1 1/4" FLANGETTE BEARING 1 1 1 1 - - 19 4500062 1 1/4" BEARING FLANGE, SINGLE 12 12 14 16 10 10 19A 4503131 1 1/4" BEARING INSERT, LESS FLANGES 1 1 1 1 - - 19B 4500067 1 1/4” FLANGE BEARING, 4 BOLT - - - - 1 1 19C 9900856 1 1/4” BEARING, LESS FLANGE - - - - 1 1 20 4503125 LOWER SPROCKET, 25 TOOTH 1 1 1 1 - - 20 B009012 LOWER SPROCKET, 30 TOOTH - - - - 1 1 21 4503124 UPPER SPROCKET, 14 TOOTH 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 4503129 ROLLER CHAIN W/CONNECTOR 1 1 1 1 - - 22A 9900771-2 ROLLER CHAIN CONNECTOR ONLY 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 4506111 ROLLER CHAIN, BH10” - - - - 1 1 23 4500085 OIL BATH COVER, 10” - - - - 1 1 23 4503126 OIL BATH HOUSING COVER 1 1 1 1 - - 24 4503069 CLEVIS PIN 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 4500063 1 1/4" SPLIT HARDWOOD BRG, TWO HALVES 5 5 6 7 5 5 26 4503058 AIRCRAFT CABLE, 51' TRUSS (1/4" X 60') - - - 1 - - 27 4503070 TRUSS SUPPORT BRACKET - - - 1 - - 28 4503071 EYEBOLT W/NUT - - - 2 - - 29 4500081 1/4" CABLE CLAMP - - - 7 - - 30 4503099 TRUSS CABLE ANCHOR - - - 2 - - 31 4503149 DRIVESHAFT COUPLER 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 4500068 BOLT, 7/16" - 14 X 1” 18 18 18 20 18 18 33 9900128 BOLT, 7/16" - 14 X 2-1/4" GR8 2 2 2 2 - - 34 9900530 BOLT, 3/8" - 16 X 3/4” 12 12 14 16 12 12 35 9900797 BOLT, 5/16" - 18 X 3/4 "2 2 2 2 2 2 36 9900603 BOLT, 1/4" - 20 X 1", GR5 6 6 6 6 6 6 37 9900558 BOLT, 1/2" - 13 X 1” 2 2 2 2 2 2
50. 9. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9.5. P ARTS L IST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 50 30617 R0 REF.NO. PART NO. PARTS DESCRIPTION 8x36’ 8x41’ 8x46’ 8x51’ 10x36’ 10x41’ 1 4503002 51' LOWER ARM WELDMENT - - - 1 - - 1 4503208 46' LOWER ARM WELDMENT - - 1 - - - 1 4503198 41' LOWER ARM WELDMENT - 1 - - - 1 1 4503193 36' LOWER ARM WELDMENT 1 - - - 1 - 2 4503003 OUTER SUPPORT ARM 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4503004 AXLE WELDMENT W/SP TABS 1 1 1 1 1 1 3A 4503235 AXLE W/SP TABS & HUBS 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4503006 LIFT ARM, 51', 211-15/16” - - - 2 - - 4 4503212 LIFT ARM, 46', 188-3/8” - - 2 - - - 4 4503202 LIFT ARM, 41', 164-5/16” - 2 - - - 2 4 4503196 LIFT ARM, 36', 141” 2 - - - 2 - 5 4503007 LIFT ARM X-SUPPORT - - - 1 - - 6 702001 WINCH 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 4503059 HAND WINCH MOUNT PLATE 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 4503098 CABLE PULLEY MOUNT - 1 1 1 - 1 9 4503108 CABLE PULLEY MOUNT STRAP - 2 2 2 - 2 10 1900011 CABLE PULLEY - 1 1 1 - 1 11 4503046 IDLER BRACKET PLATE - 1 1 1 - 1 12 4500064 PULLEY IDLER FLAT 1/2” - 1 1 1 - 1 13 4503047 IDLER BASE PLATE - 1 1 1 - 1 14 4503054 MOTOR MOUNT 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 4503110 MOUNT ANGLE 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 4500059-5 INNER SEAL SE11 2 2 2 2 2 2 17 4500059-3 INNER BEARING LM67048 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 4500059-4 INNER RACE LM67010 2 2 2 2 2 2 19 4500059-8 HUB W/CUPS (INCL. 16, 18, 20) 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 4500059-2 OUTER RACE LM11910 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 4500059-1 OUTER BEARING LM1949 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 4500059-10 NUT, CASTELLATED 3/4 UNF 2 2 2 2 2 2 23 2300198 COTTER PIN 3/16 X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 4500059-6 DUST CAP DC12 2 2 2 2 2 2 25 4503236 TIRE 15” 2 2 2 2 2 2 25A 4500059-11 RIM AG 4 BOLT 2 2 2 2 2 2 26 4500059-7 WHEEL BOLT WB10 8 8 8 8 8 8 27 9900038 3/8" U-BOLT TO FIT 2 1/2" HSS 2 3 3 3 2 3 28 9900011 1/2" U-BOLT TO FIT 2 1/2" HSS 4 4 4 6 4 4 29 9900535 BOLT, 3/4" X 2 1/2" GR5 2 2 2 2 2 2 30 9900647 BOLT, 1/2" X 4" GR5 2 4 4 4 2 4 31 9900039 BOLT, 3/4" X 6-1/2" GR5 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 9900599 BOLT, 1/2" X 2-1/2” - 1 1 1 - 1 33 9900009 CARRIAGE BOLT 7/16" X 3-1/2” 4 4 4 4 4 4 34 9900831 NUT NYLOCK 5/8” - 1 1 1 - 1 35 9900699 BOLT 3/8" X 1" GR5 - 2 2 2 - 2 36 601007 NUT NYLOCK 3/8” 7 11 11 11 7 11 37 9900538 NUT NYLOCK 1/2” 10 15 15 19 10 15 38 9900695 NUT NYLOCK 3/4” 3 3 3 3 3 3 39 601008 WASHER 3/8" FLAT 4 6 6 6 4 6 40 9900565 WASHER 1/2" FLAT - 5 5 5 - 5 41 9900002 EYEBOLT, 5/8” - 1 1 1 - 1 42 4500081 1/4" CABLE CLAMP 2 2 2 2 2 2 43 4503056 1/4" CABLE 35' LONG 1 - - - 1 - 43 4503057 1/4" CABLE 40' LONG (HAND WINCH) - 1 - - - 1 43 4503067 1/4" CABLE 44' LONG (HAND WINCH) - - 1 - - - 43 4503183 1/4" CABLE 49' LONG (HAND WINCH) - - - 1 - - 43 207017 1/4” CABLE 38’ LONG (HYD. WINCH) - 1 - - - - 43 4503065 1/4” CABLE 41’ LONG (HYD. WINCH) - - 1 - - - 43 4503182 1/4” CABLE 45.5’ LONG (HYD WINCH) - - - 1 - - 44 4500059 HUB 411 COMPLETE LESS NUT 2 2 2 2 2 2 45 9900536 BOLT 1/2" X 1-1/2” - 1 1 1 - 1 46 9900560 BOLT 1/2" X 2-1/4” - 1 1 1 - 1 47 9900531 BOLT 3/8" X 1-1/4" GR 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 48 9900643 NUT NYLOCK 7/16” 4 4 4 4 4 4 49 3 PLASTIC CAP 4 4 4 4 4 4 50 4500010-4 SPINDLE 2 2 2 2 2 2
52. 9. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9.5. P ARTS L IST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 52 30617 R0 REF. NO. PART NO. PARTS DESCRIPTION 8X36’ 8X41’ 8X46’ 8X51’ 10X36’ 10X41’ 1 4503077 GEARBOX GUARD 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 W19613 SHEAVE, 13” 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4503064 GEARBOX 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4503259 GEARBOX, REVERSIBLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4503132 COUPLING SPROCKET, BOLT STYLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4503216 COUPLING CHAIN W/CONNECTOR LINK 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4503217 COUPLING SPROCKET, KEY STYLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 4503010 GEARBOX MOUNT PLATE 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 4503161 LEVELER BAR CLEVIS 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 4503171 LEVELER BAR TUBE, 51’ - - - 1 - - 9 4503170 LEVELER BAR TUBE, 46’ - - 1 - - - 9 4503169 LEVELER BAR TUBE, 41’ - 1 - - - 1 9 4503168 LEVELER BAR TUBE, 36’ 1 - - - 1 - 10 4503190 TANK MOUNT BRACKET, SINGLE 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 4503111 TANK MNT BKT, DBL (GAS & HYD TANK) 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 4503054 MOTOR MOUNT 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1200051 PLASTIC FUEL TANK 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 4503005 MOTOR PULLEY GUARD 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 4503117 MOTOR PULLEY GUARD MOUNT 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 1902216 PULLEY 4.2" X 1-1/8” 1 1 1 1 1 1 15A 1901216 PULLEY 4.2" X 1" (HONDA 20 HP) 1 1 1 1 1 1 15B 4503072 PULLEY 6.55” 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 GAS ENGINE 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 4503176 GAS MOTOR MOUNT DISCHARGE SIDE 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 4503177 GAS MOTOR MOUNT INTAKE SIDE 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 4503052 BATTERY MOUNT 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 9900530 BOLT, 3/8" X 3/4" GR5 7 7 7 7 7 7 21 9900699 BOLT, 3/8" X 1" NC GR5 PLTD 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 9900715 BOLT, 3/8" X 1-3/4" GR5 UNC PLTD 4 4 4 4 4 4 23 9900216 CLAMP GEAR 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 9900114 BOLT 5/16" X 2-3/4” 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 9900133 BOLT 1/2" X 1-3/4" GR 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 26 9900038 3/8" U-BOLT TO FIT 2-1/2" HSS 2 2 2 2 2 2 27 601007 NUT NYLOCK 3/8” 16 16 16 16 16 16 28 1200024 HOSE CLAMP 1/4” 2 2 2 2 2 2 29 1200023 HOSE 1/4" X 3’ 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 601008 WASHER 3/8" FLAT 17 17 17 17 17 17 31 4503192 KEY WOODRUFF 1/4" X 1” 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 700615 KEY 1/4" X 1-1/2” 2 2 2 2 2 2 33 310008 CHAIN COUPLER 12T (4,5,6,24,36) 1 1 1 1 1 1 34 9900800 BOLT 1/4" X 3/4" GR5 UNC PLTD 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 9900528 WASHER 3/8" LOCK 7 7 7 7 7 7 36 9900520 NUT NYLOCK 5/16” 1 1 1 1 1 1 37 9900538 NUT NYLOCK 1/2” 2 2 2 2 2 2 38 4503063 GEARBOX COUPLER SHIELD 1 1 1 1 1 1 39 4500068 BOLT, 7/16" X 1” 4 4 4 4 4 4 40 9900643 NUT, NYLOCK, 7/16” 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 4503066 SHIELD SECURING PLATE 1 1 1 1 1 1 42 9900562 NUT NYLOCK 1/4” 3 3 3 3 3 3 43 W18689 B300 BELT - - - 2 - - 43 4500078 B270 BELT - - 2 - - - 43 W19479 B240 BELT - 2 - - - 2 43 W19478 B210 BELT 2 - - - 2 - 44 ELECTRIC MOTOR (1725 RPM) 1 1 1 1 - - 45 4503167 ELECTRIC MOTOR MOUNT INTAKE 1 1 1 1 - - 46 4503166 ELECTRIC MOTOR MOUNT DISCHARGE 1 1 1 1 - - 47 4500071 UBOLT SQ 1/4NCX8-1/4X9-3/4X4 THD PLD 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 9900531 BOLT 3/8" X 1-1/4" GR5 UNC PLTD 6 6 6 6 6 6
54. 9. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9.5. P ARTS L IST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 54 30617 R0 REF. NO. PART NO. PARTS DESCRIPTION 8x36’ 8x41’ 8x46’ 8x51’ 10x36’ 10x41’ 1 4503077 GEARBOX GUARD 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4503072 PULLEY 6.55” 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4503064 GEARBOX 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4503259 GEARBOX, REVERSIBLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4503132 COUPLING SPROCKET, BOLT STYLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4503216 COUPLING CHAIN W/CONNECTOR LINK 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4503217 COUPLING SPROCKET, KEY STYLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 4503010 GEARBOX MOUNT PLATE 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 4503161 LEVELER BAR CLEVIS 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 4503171 LEVELER BAR TUBE, 51’ - - - 1 - - 9 4503170 LEVELER BAR TUBE, 46’ - - 1 - - - 9 4503169 LEVELER BAR TUBE, 41’ - 1 - - - 1 9 4503168 LEVELER BAR TUBE, 36’ 1 - - - 1 - 10 W18689 B300 BELT - - - 2 - - 10 W19480 B270 BELT - - 2 - - - 10 W19479 B240 BELT - 2 - - - 2 10 W19478 B210 BELT 2 - - - 2 - 11 4503054 MOTOR MOUNT 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 4503225 60" PTO - DRIVELINE 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 4503222 PTO RUBBER MOUNT STRAP 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 4503221 PTO RUBBER FLAP 5-1/4" X 9” 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 4503089 PTO FRONT GUARD 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 W19613 SHEAVE, 13” 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 4503084 PTO MOUNT 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 310031 UELPL205-100T 1" PILLOW BLOCK ASSY. 2 2 2 2 2 2 19 4503093 PTO JACKSHAFT 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 9900797 BOLT 5/16" X 3/4" GR5 UNC PLTD 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 9900114 BOLT 5/16" X 2-3/4” 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 9900530 BOLT 3/8" X 3/4" GR5 11 11 11 11 11 11 23 9900699 BOLT 3/8" X 1" GR5 UNC PLTD 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 4500068 BOLT 7/16" X 1” 4 4 4 4 4 4 25 9900558 BOLT 1/2" X 1" GR5 PLTD 2 2 2 2 2 2 26 9900133 BOLT 1/2" X 1-3/4" GR5 6 6 6 6 6 6 27 9900038 3/8" U-BOLT TO FIT 2 1/2" HSS 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 9900520 NUT NYLOCK 5/16” 3 3 3 3 3 3 29 601007 NUT NYLOCK 3/8” 6 6 6 6 6 6 30 9900643 NUT NYLOCK 7/16” 4 4 4 4 4 4 31 9900538 NUT NYLOCK 1/2” 8 8 8 8 8 8 32 601008 WASHER 3/8" FLAT 5 5 5 5 5 5 33 9900528 WASHER 3/8" LOCK 11 11 11 11 11 11 34 4503192 KEY WOODRUFF 1/4" X 1” 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 700615 KEY 1/4" X 1-1/2” 3 3 3 3 3 3 36 0309027-2 HAIR PIN 1 1 1 1 1 1 37 4503063 GEARBOX COUPLER SHIELD 1 1 1 1 1 1 38 4503094 PTO TRANSPORT SADDLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 39 4503223 PIN PTO TRANSPORT SADDLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 9900800 BOLT 1/4" X 3/4" GR5 UNC PLTD 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 9900562 NUT NYLOCK 1/4” 1 1 1 1 1 1 42 4503066 SHIELD SECURING PLATE 1 1 1 1 1 1 43 4503092 PTO SHAFT GUARD 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 9900565 WASHER 1/2" FLAT 4 4 4 4 4 4 45 310008 CHAIN COUPLER, 12T (4,5,6,21,28) 1 1 1 1 1 1
55. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9. A PPENDIX 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 9.5. P ARTS L IST 30617 R0 55 Figure 9.5 Tractor End Figure 9.6 Gearbox TRACTOR END Ref. NO. PART NO. PART DESCRIPTION 12R 1 18595 ½ PTO SHAFT, IMPLEMENT END, 60" 2 18597 ½ PTO SHAFT, TRACTOR END, 60" 3 18473 UNIVERSAL JOINT REPAIR KIT 4 18593 ROLL PIN, 1/4 X 1" 5 18603 INNER PLASTIC SHIELD, 60", C/W RETAINER RING & NYLON BRG 6 18605 OUTER PLASTIC SHIELD, 60", C/W RETAINER RING & NYLON BRG 7 18471 SNAP HITCH YOKE 8 18476 IMPLEMENT YOKE, 1” BORE 9A 4503225 60" PTO - SHAFT, COMPLETE
56. 9. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9.5. P ARTS L IST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 56 30617 R0 Figure 9.7 Model K1550 Ref. NO. PARTNO. PART DESCRIPTION 1 18376 HOUSING 2 18377 SHIM (.005) 3 18378 BEARING CUP, TIMKEN #LM 11710 4 18379 BEARING CONE, TIMKEN #LM 11749 5 18380 SQ. KEY, 1/4” X 3/4” 6 18381 GEAR 7 18382 BEARING CUP, TIMKEN #LM 44610 8 18383 BEARING CONE, TIMKEN #LM 44643 9 18079 ROLL PIN 10 18385 BUSHING 11 18386 SEAL, (NATIONAL #470553, CR #9843) 12 18387 SHAFT 13 18388 CAP 14 18091 BOLT, 5/16 – 18 X 1”, GR. 2 15 18390 GASKET (.005) 16 18391 CAP 17 18392 SHAFT 18 18393 1/4” PIPE PLUG-SOLID 19 18394 1/4” PIPE PLUG-VENTED 20 4503064 GEARBOX, COMPLETE
29. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 5. O PERATION 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 5.4. O PERATING P ROCEDURES 30617 R0 29 5.4.4. C LEANOUT 1. Run the unit to clean out the majority of the grain. 2. Shut down and lock out the power source. 3. Clean grain from the auger and hopper, and dump it into a container. . WARNING Lock out all power before attempting repairs / removing obstructions.
4. TABLE OF CONTENTS W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 4 30617 R0 6. Maintenance......... ................ ................. ................ .............. .............. .............. ............. ....... 31 6.1. Fluids & Lubricants .. ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ ............. 31 6.1.1. Storage & Handling. ............... .............. .............. ............... .............. .......... 31 6.2. Maintenance Intervals ........... .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .......... 32 6.3. Maintenance Procedures............ ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... 32 6.3.1. Visual Inspection ................ ................ ................ ............... .............. .......... 32 6.3.2. Servicing Upper Chain Dr ive ............... .............. ............... .............. .......... 33 6.3.3. Greasing Machine........... ................. ................ ................. .............. .......... 34 6.3.4. Cleaning Machine ........... ................. ................ ................. .............. .......... 34 6.3.5. Repacking Wheel B earings ............. ................ ................. .............. .......... 34 6.3.6. Tightening Whee l Bolts ............... ................ ................. ................ ............. 34 6.3.7. Service Engine.............. ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... 35 6.3.8. Checking Gear Box Oil Lev els .................... ................. ................ ............. 35 6.3.9. Changing Gearbox Oil ....... ................ ................ ............... .............. .......... 35 6.3.10. Truss Cable Service (51' Auger Only) ..................... ........... ............ ........ 36 6.3.11. PTO Driveline ...... ................ .............. .............. ............... .............. .......... 37 6.3.12. Winch (41', 46', and 51' Augers Only)..... .............. .............. ............ ........ 37 6.3.13. Replacing Belts ........... ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... 37 6.3.14. Tightening Belts ............... ................ ................ ............... .............. .......... 38 7. Storage ............... ................ ................ .............. .............. .............. ............... ............. ........... 39 8. Troubleshooting .............. ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............. .... 41 9. Appendix .............. ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ......... 43 9.1. Specifications .......... ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ ............. 43 9.2. Bolt Torque Values . ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ ............. 43 9.3. Tightening Flare Type Tube Fitt ings ................ ................ ............... .............. .......... 44 9.4. Tightening O-Ring Fittings ............... ................ ................ ............... .............. .......... 45 9.5. Parts List......... ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. . 46 Warranty Registration...... ................ .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. ............ ..... 59 Limited Warranty ............. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ............... ....... 61
40. 7. S TORAGE W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 40 30617 R0 WARNING To reduce the risk of injury or death to persons using this equi pment, follow basic safety precautions. When handling batteries: Exercise caution; batteri es contain acid which can eat through clothing , burn skin, and cause blindness.
23. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 5. O PERATION 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 5.1. D ESCRIPTION O F T HE E QUIPMENT 30617 R0 23 5. Operation 5.1. DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT The Wheatheart Auger is desi gned to efficiently handle gr ain, pulse crops, or other granular materials. The auger come s field-ready and e quipped with such features as reinforced, lo w-pitch flighting at the in take for high capacity and longer wear, a belt engaging le ver that can be operated from either side, and a frame design that allows for extra bottom reach for bin load-out applications. Many features incorporated into this machine are the result of suggestions made by customers like you. Read this manual carefully to learn how to operate the machine safely and how to adj ust it to provide maximum efficiency. By following the operating instructions in conjunction with a good maintenance program, your auger will provide many year s of trouble-free service. Warning: Before continuing, please reread the safety in formation relevant to this section at the beginning of this manua l. Failure to follow the safety instructions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage.
41. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 8. T ROUBLESHOOTING 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 30617 R0 41 8. Troubleshooting The following table lists the causes and so lutions to some po tential problems you may encounter in operat ing your BH Auger. Table 8.1 PROBLEM CAUSED BY SOLUTION The auger does not turn. • auger is plugged or obstructed • identify and remove obstruction • drive belt is slipping • adjust the tens ion of the belt • fully engage the belt release • a bearing is seized • identify the bea ring and replace • a chain is broken • identify the chain and repair or replace • gearbox is seized • fix or replace the gearbox • gearbox coupler bolt is bro- ken or missing • replace the bolt The bottom auger will not turn. • center coupler bolt is broken or missing • replace the bolt Auger is noisy. • obstruction in the auger • identify and remove obstruction • auger shaft bolts are loose or damaged • tighten or replace bolts • auger shaft is bent • repair or replace auger • flighting is damaged • repair or replace auger • worn bearing • repair or replace bearing • low gear oil level • inspect the gearbox, replace if dam- aged or add oil if not damaged • upper chain drive loose • tighten the chain as required The auger will not raise or lower. • auger is already at its maxi- mum or minimum height • if at maximum hei ght, lower the auger • if at minimum height, raise the auger • broken cable • replace cable • obstruction in the slide • clear the obstruction • winch is seized • consult your local Wheatheart dealer • the bottom or top of auger is obstructed • clear the obstruction Low material auger- ing rate. • engine speed is too slow • increase rpm of the engine • inadequate material flow from truck or hopper • increase flow of material • flow into the auger intake is restricted • clear grating of obstructions • material too wet or heavy • unloading rates are for dry grain • flighting is worn • repair or replace as required • belt slipping • identify the belt, adj ust or replace as required Auger will not hold in elevated position. • malfunctioning or damaged winch mechanism • consult your local Wheatheart dealer Tube is flexing. • loose truss cables • tighten cables as required
62. Wheatheart is a Division of Ag Growth Industries LP Part of the Ag Growth International Inc. Group P.O. Box 39 Rosenort, Manitoba, Canada R0G 1W0 Phone: (866) 467- 7207 (Canada & USA) Fax: (866) 768-4852 website: www.wheatheart.com email: sales@wheatheart.ca © Ag Growth Industries Limited Partnership 2009 Printed in Canada
12. 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 2.6. S AFETY D ECAL L OCATIONS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 12 30617 R0 2.6. SAFETY DECAL LOCATIONS • Keep safety decals clean and legible at all times. • Replace safety decals that are missing or have become ille gible. See decal location figures below. • Replaced parts must display the same decal(s) as t he original part. • Safety decals are available from y our distributor, dealer, or factory. 2.6.1. D ECAL I NSTALLATION 1. Decal area must be clean and dry, wi th a temperature above 10°C (50°F). 2. Decide on the exact position bef ore you remove the backing paper. 3. Align the deca l over the specified area and ca refully press the small portion with the exposed sti cky backing in place. 4. Slowly peel back the remaining paper and carefull y smooth the remaining portion of the de cal in place. 5. Small air pockets can be pierced with a pin and smoothed out using the sign backing paper. 2.6.2. D ECAL L OCATIONS Replicas of the safety decals that are attached to the equipment are shown below. Good safety requires t hat you familiarize yourself with the various safety decals and the area s or particular functions that the decals apply to as well as the safety precautions that must be taken to avoid se rious, injury, death, or damage.
38. 6. M AINTENANCE W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 6.3. M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 38 30617 R0 6.3.14. T IGHTENING B ELTS 1. Lock out all power. 2. Engage the bel t engaging lever. 3. Loosen the bolts on the engi ne mount shown in Figure 6.8. Figure 6.8 Engine Mount Bolts 7. Slide the engine back (t owards the spout) until t here is adequate tension on the belt. If the alignment of the pulleys needs adjustme nt, slide the engine left or right until the pulleys line up. 8. Re-tighten the engine mount bolts and torque as shown in the tables in Section 9. 9. Minor tension adjustments can be made by sliding t he idler up or down. Idler shown in Figure 6.9. Figure 6.9 Belt Idler
57. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9. A PPENDIX 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 9.5. P ARTS L IST 30617 R0 57 Figure 9.8 Hydraulic Winch Kit REF. NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 18561 HANDLE ASSEMBLY 2 18496 ROPE KEEPER KIT 3 18497 RATCHET KIT 4 18573 FRICTION DISC 5 18574 INPUT SHAFT 6 18567 LOCKNUT, 1/2 - 13, SPECIAL 7 18575 SPACER 8 18438 STEEL BUSHING 9 18576 BRAKE DISC 10 18577 RATCHET GEAR ASSEMBLY 11 18578 PINION AND DISC ASSEMBLY 12 702001 WINCH, COMPLETE Ref. No. Description Part No. Ref. No. Description Part No. A BASE 0707011 Y NUT 0707031
18. 3. T RANSPORT W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 18 30617 R0 • Display a SMV (slow moving vehicle) emblem when transporting slower than 25 mph (40 km/hr). Neve r transport faster than road, terrain, or co nditions will allow you to safely. • Take special care and precautions when transporting during times of limited visibility such as rain, s now, fog, dusk, or at night. It is recommend that you wait for a more approp riate time to move. • Use hazard-warning lights when transporting with a tr actor, unless prohibited. • Keep to the right and yield the right-o f-way to allow faster traffic to pass. • Use caution when turning corners or meeting traffic. • Be aware of height limiting objects. • Do not transport the aug er on a slope greater than 20°. The auger may over- turn. The Wheatheart auger is de signed to be easily and c onveniently readied for transport. Follow this proc edure when converting the machine from operating to transport configuration. 1. Make sure work area is clear of any obstru ctions before lowering. 2. Connect the auger to the towing vehicle and use a retainer to lock the hitch draw pin in place. 3. Place the belts under tension. 4. Remove all wheel chocks. 5. Lower the auger until t he roller track shoe is re sting on the down position stop, and there is slight tension on the lift cable. 6. Lock the winch into place by turni ng the handle clockwis e until 2 clicks are heard. 7. Place the PTO driveline in the tran sport saddle and secure (PTO drive only). WARNING A vehicle imbalance between the towing vehicle and the machi ne could reduce your vehicle’s stability, handling, and braking ability, and could lead to an upset or collision. Transport at a speed th at road conditions allow, to a maxi mum speed of 20 mph (32 km/h) DANGER Upending Hazard: Do not raise auger intake above tow bar height. Empty auger and lower fu lly before moving. Failure to do so will resu lt in serious injury or death.
25. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 5. O PERATION 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 5.3. A UGER D RIVE & L OCKOUT 30617 R0 25 Figure 5.3 Belt Engaging Lever & Engine 5.3. AUGER DRIVE & LOCKOUT Correct operation of the W heatheart auger requires pre- inspection of the drive system, operator knowledge on how to shut down t he system, and a general monitoring of the syst em during operation. G AS E NGINE DRIVE SYSTEM Before starting the motor, ensure that: 1. The gas tank is properly closed. 2. The belt release is dis engaged so that the belts are released from the motor pulley. 3. The area surroundi ng the auger is prope rly ventilated. 4. Pulley shields are in place and secure. LOCKOUT 1. Shut down and lock out power source. 2. For engines with a rope or crank start, remove t he spark plug wire or the spark plug. For engines with an electric start, remove the ignition key, the spark plug wire, or the spark plug. E LECTRIC M OTOR DRIVE SYSTEM Before starting the motor, ensure that: 1. The motor is properly grounded. 2. The belt release is di sengaged so that be lts are released fr om motor pulley. 3. Pulley shields are in place and secure. LOCKOUT 1. The electric motor shoul d be equipped with a main power disconnect switch capable of being locked in the off positi on only. The switch should be in the
3. TABLE OF CONTENTS W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 30617 R0 3 1. Introduction .............. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ .......... 5 1.1. Pre-Delivery Checklist ......... ................. ................ .............. .............. .............. .......... 6 1.1.1. Mechanical ................... ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ 6 1.1.2. Safety ......... ................ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 6 2. Safety First.............. ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ 7 2.1. General Safety .... ................ ................. ................ .............. .............. .............. .......... 8 2.2. Operating Safety ........ ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ 9 2.3. Transport Safety ......... ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ 9 2.4. Storage Safety.......... ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 10 2.5. Maintenance Safety...... ................. ................ ................ ................. .............. .......... 10 2.6. Safety Decal Locations ............... ................. ................ ................. ................ .......... 12 2.6.1. Decal Installation .......... ................. ................ ................. ................ .......... 12 2.6.2. Decal Locations ............ ................. ................ ................. ................ .......... 12 3. Transport................. ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ .......... 17 4. Placement ................... ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. ........ 21 5. Operation .................. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ............... ......... 23 5.1. Description Of The Equipment . ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 23 5.2. Operator Controls ..... ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 24 5.3. Auger Drive & Lockout ........... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 25 5.4. Operating Procedures .. ................. ................ ................ ................. .............. .......... 26 5.4.1. Break-in Period .. ................ ................ ................. .............. .............. .......... 26 5.4.2. Operation ........... ................ ................ ................. .............. .............. .......... 27 5.4.3. Shutdown............. ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. .......... 28 5.4.4. Cleanout .............. ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. .......... 29
36. 6. M AINTENANCE W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 6.3. M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 36 30617 R0 Figure 6.5 Gearbox 6.3.10. T RUSS C ABLE S ERVICE (51' A UGER O NLY ) 1. Locate the eyebolt anchors for t he cable. Refer to Figure 6.6. Figure 6.6 Cable Adjustment 2. Tighten the nut on the eyeb olt until there is enough tens ion in the cable as to keep the tube straight. 3. If the proper cable tens ion cannot be obtai ned before the eyebolt runs out of adjustment: • Support auger tube. • Loosen the eyebolts but do not remove the nut. • Loosen the clamps on the cable on both sides. • Shorten the cable until there is tension on t he cable and tighten the clamps. • Return to step 2. WARNING Before doing anything to the trussing, ensure auger tube is properly supported by overhead crane or other prope r lifting device.
19. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 3. T RANSPORT 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 30617 R0 19 8. Install the safety c hain between the auger and the frame of the towing unit. Important: The chain must have a load rating at least as high as the auger weight. CAUTION After lowering auger, always turn winch handle clockwise at l east 2 clicks to tighten brake lock. Maintain control of wi nch handle at all times. Maintain light cable tension when in towing position. Do not put lubric ation on brake disc. Check cable before each use and replace if frayed or damaged. Make certain that cabl e clamps are securely tightened. S AFETY C HAIN • The safety chain should be threaded through the handle on the lower tube, and wrapped around the auger tube be fore attaching to the towing vehicle. • The loop should form a cradle that will prevent the au ger from digging into the road surface or upse tting, should a breakaway occur. • Ensure there is no more slack in the chain than required for turning. • When not in use, store the safety chain in a clean, dry place. Replace the safety chain if one or more links or end fittings are broken, stretched, or otherwise damaged, or deformed. •
44. 9. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9.3. T IGHTENING F LARE T YPE T UBE F ITTINGS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 44 30617 R0 9.3. TIGHTENING FLARE TYPE TUBE FITTINGS 1. Check flare and flare seat for defects that might cause leakage. 2. Align tube with fi tting before tightening. Table 9.2 Imperial Bolt Torque BOLT DIAMETER (Nm) (Lb-ft) (Nm) (Lb-ft) (Nm) (Lb-ft) 1/4" 8 6 12 9 17 12 5/16" 13 10 25 19 36 27 3/8" 27 20 45 33 63 45 7/16" 41 30 72 53 100 75 1/2" 61 45 110 80 155 115 9/16" 95 60 155 115 220 165 5/8" 128 95 215 160 305 220 3/4" 225 165 390 290 540 400 7/8" 230 170 570 420 880 650 1" 345 225 +850 630 1320 970 Table 9.3 Metric Bolt Torque BOLT DIAMETER (Nm) (Lb-ft) (Nm) (Lb-ft) M3 0.5 0.4 1.8 1.3 M4 3 2.2 4.5 3.3 M5 6 4 9 7 M6 10 7 15 11 M8 25 18 35 26 M10 50 37 70 52 M12 90 66 125 92 M14 140 103 200 148 M16 225 166 310 229 M20 435 321 610 450 M24 750 553 1050 774 M30 1495 1103 2100 1550 M36 2600 1917 3675 2710
45. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9. A PPENDIX 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 9.4. T IGHTENING O-R ING F ITTINGS 30617 R0 45 3. Lubricate connection and hand ti ghten swivel until snug. 4. To prevent twisting the tube(s), use two wrenches. Place one wrench on the connector body and with t he second tighten the swiv el nut to the torque shown. * The torque values shown are bas ed on lubricated co nnections as in reassemble. 9.4. TIGHTENING O-RING FITTINGS 1. Inspect o-ring and seat for dirt or obvious defects. 2. On the angle fittings, ba ck the lock nut off until wash er bottoms out at top of groove. 3. Hand-tighten fitting until back up washer or washer face (if straight fitting) bottoms on face and o-ring is seated. 4. Position angle fitt ings by unscrewing no more than one turn. 5. Tighten straight fittings to torque shown. 6. Tighten while holding body of fitting with a wrench. * The torque values shown are bas ed on lubricated co nnections as in reassemble. Table 9.4 Flare Ty pe Tube Fittings Tube Size OD (in.) Nut Size Across Flats (in.) Torque Values(N-m) Torque Values (lb-ft) # of Turns to Tighten (Flats) (After Finger Tightening) (Turn) 3/16 7/16 8 6 1 1/6 1/4 9/16 12 9 1 1/6 5/16 5/8 16 12 1 1/6 3/8 11/16 24 18 1 1/6 1/2 7/8 46 34 1 1/6 5/8 1 62 46 1 1/6 3/4 1 1/4 102 75 3/4 1 7/8 1 3/8 122 90 3/4 1 Table 9.5 “O” Ring Fittings Tube Size OD (in.) Nut Size Across Flats (in.) Torque Values (Nm) Torque Values (Lb-ft) # of Turns to Tighten (Flats) (After Finger Tightening) (Turn) 3/8 1/2 8 6 2 1/3 7/16 9/16 12 9 2 1/3 1/2 5/8 16 12 2 1/3 9/16 11/16 24 18 2 1/3 3/4 7/8 46 34 2 1/3 7/8 1 62 46 1-1/2 1/4 1-1/16 1-1/4 102 75 1 1/6 1-3/16 1-3/8 122 90 1 1/6 1-5/16 1-1/2 142 105 3/4 1/8 1-5/8 1-7/8 190 140 3/4 1/8 7/8 2-1/8 217 160 1/2 1/12
61. LIMITED WARRANTY Wheatheart warrants to t he buyer that the new machinery is free from defects in material and workmanship. This warranty is only effective for any new machinery that has not been altered, changed, repaired, or treated sinc e its delivery to the bu yer, other than by Wheatheart or its authorized dealers or employees, and does not apply to accessories, attachment s, tools, or parts sold or operated with the new machiner y if they have not been ma nufactured by Wheatheart. Wheatheart shall only be liable for defects in the material or wo rkmanship attributed to faulty material or bad workmanship that can be proved by the buyer, and specifically excludes liability for repairs arising as a result of normal wear and tear of the new machinery or in any other man- ner whatsoever, and without limiti ng the generality of the foregoing, exclude s application or installation of parts not completed in accord ance with Wheatheart oper ation manual, specifica- tions, or printed instructions. A Warranty Registration Fo rm and Inspection Repor t must be completed at the time of delivery and returned to Wheatheart Manufacturi ng within thirty (30) days. Warranty Period Defective parts are subject to inspection by a Wheatheart represent ative prior to approval of a warranty claim. All returned parts mu st be sent to the fa ctory, freight pre-paid , in order to qualify for warranty replacement. Re paired or replaced parts will be returned freight collect. If these conditions are fulfilled, Wheatheart shall at its own cost and its own option either repair or replace any defective parts provided that t he buyer shall be responsible for all expenses incurred as a result of repairs, labor, parts, tr ansportation, or any other work, unless Wheatheart has authorized such expenses in advance. No rmal wear and service it ems such as belts, hoses, flashing, etc. ar e excluded from warranty. The warranty shall not extend to any repairs, changes, alterations, or replacements made to the new equipment other than by Wheatheart or its authoriz ed dealers or employees. This warranty extends only to the or iginal owner of the new equipment. This warranty is limited to the terms stated herein and is in lieu of any other warranties whether expressed or implied, and withou t limiting the generalit y of the foregoing, excluded all warran- ties, expressed or implied, or conditions whether statut ory or otherwise as to quality and fitness for any purpose of the new equipment, Wheatheart disclaims al l liability for incidental or conse- quential damages. This machine is subject to design changes and Whea theart shall not be requ ired to retro-fit or exchange items on previo usly sold units exc ept at its own option. WARRANTY VOID IF NOT REGISTERED Private Farm Use One (1) year from date of purchase. Commercial, Custom, or Rental Use Ninety (90) days from date of purchase. Replacement Parts Ninety (90) days from date of replacement
21. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 4. P LACEMENT 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 30617 R0 21 4. Placement When placing the auger, follow thes e instructions and see Figure 4.1. 1. Check for power lines or any ob structions that may damage the auger. 2. Move the machi ne under the truck or storage facility. 3. Place the auger on a firm, level surface. 4. Chock the wheels befor e augering any products. 5. Always use a vehicle or mover to move the auger. Never move it by hand. 6. Do not place anythi ng under the wheels to add height to the auger. 7. To prevent upending or the wind upse tting the auger: when operating the auger in raised position, rest the disc harge end on the bin roof or tie it down to the bin. When operating the auger in a free- standing position, anchor the intake end. . Figure 4.1 DANGER Electrocution hazard: • This auger is not insulated. • Keep auger away from overhead power lines and devices. • Electrocution can o ccur without direct contact. • Fully lower aug er before moving. Failure to keep away w ill result in serious injury or death. Warning: Before continuing, please reread the safety in formation relevant to this section at the beginning of this manua l. Failure to follow the safety instructions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage.
26. 5. O PERATION W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 5.4. O PERATING P ROCEDURES 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 26 30617 R0 locked position during shutdown or whenev er maintenance is performed on the auger. 2. If reset is required, disconnec t all power before resetting motor. PTO D RIVELINE DRIVE SYSTEM 1. Ensure that the PTO driveline is securely attached to the tractor and jackshaft. 2. Do not use PTO drivel ine without a rotating shield in good working order. 3. Do not exceed the maxi mum operating a ngle of 15° 4. Be sure that the PTO-driv e on the tractor is in the off position before starting tractor. 5. Stay clear of the PTO hazard area. LOCKOUT 1. Shut off engine. 2. Remove ignition key from tractor. 3. If step 2 is impossible, remove the PTO driveline from tractor. 5.4. OPERATING PROCEDURES 5.4.1. B REAK - IN P ERIOD Your auger does not require an elaborate break-in. However, following a few simple tips during the firs t 1000 bu of operation can add to the re liability and life of your machine. If any unusual noises or vi brations are encoun tered, determine the source, shut the auger off, lock ou t the power source, and adjust. If unsure of the problem, or the procedure to fix it, contac t your local Wheatheart dealer. P RE O PERATION C HECKLIST : • Read the power sour ce operation manual. • Inspect motor mountin g bolts for tightness. • Check oil level in the gear box by remo ving the filler plug. Make sure the gear box is half full (center cross s haft) and free of foreign objects. • Inspect all belts for alignment, tight ness, and abnormal w ear. Adjust or replace as required. • Inspect components for damage and abnormal wear. Replace as required. • Check that safety decals are instal led and legible. A pply new decals if required. • Check the wheel bol t torque prior to transpor ting the unit. See Section 6.3.6. for recommended torque values. • Check that tires are inflated to th e manufacturer’s recommended pressure prior to transporting the unit.
43. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 9. A PPENDIX 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 9.1. S PECIFICATIONS 30617 R0 43 9. Appendix 9.1. SPECIFICATIONS Important: Wheatheart Manufacturi ng reserves the right to c hange specifications without notice. 9.2. BOLT TORQUE VALUES The tables shown below give correc t torque values for various bolts and capscrews. Tighten all bolts to the tor que specified in the ch art unless otherwise noted. Check tightness of bo lts periodically, using bolt torque chart as your guide. Replace hardware with t he same strength bolt. Torque figures indicated above are valid for non-greased or non-oiled threads and head unless otherwise specified. Therefore, do not grease or oil bolts or capscrews unless otherwise specified in this manual. When using locking elements, increase torque values by 5%. Table 9.1 Auger Length 8 X 36’ 8 X 41’ 8 X 46’ 8 X 51’ 10 X 36’ 10 X 41’ Tube Size 8”(203mm) 8”(203mm) 8”(203mm) 8”(203mm) 10”(254mm) 10”(254mm) CAPACITIES Unloading Rate Up to 3000 Bu/ Hr Up to 3000 Bu/ Hr Up to 3000 Bu/ Hr Up to 3000 Bu/ Hr Up to 6000 Bu/Hr Up to 6000 Bu/Hr (106m 3 /Hr) (106m 3 /Hr) (106m 3 /Hr) (106m 3 /Hr) (212m 3 /Hr) (212m 3 /Hr) DIMENSIONS Transport Length 36’5”(11.1m) 41’5”(12.6m) 46’4”(14.1m) 51’3”(15.6m) 36’11”(11.2m) 42’(12.8m) Width 8’ (2.44m) Height 11’(3.35m) 10’ 9”(3.28m) 11’10”(3.6m) 12’10”(3.91m) 11’2”(3.39m) 11’6”(3.39m) Discharge Clearance Min 9’ 7”(2.92m) 9’ 6”(2.9m) 10’ 6”(3.2m) 11’ 6”(3.5m) 9’2”(2.78m) 9’5”(2.86m) Max 21’ 6”(6.55m) 24’ 8”(7.52m) 27’ 6”(8.38m) 30’ 8”(9.35m) 20’7”(6.25m) 23’7”(7.17m) TIRES Type 15” Radial Inflation Pressure 20 – 24 PSI (137-165kPa) WEIGHT Hitch Tongue Weight (no engine) 66 LB(30kg) 68 LB(31kg) 72 LB(33kg) 70 LB(32kg) 70 LB(32kg) 90LB(41kg) Total Weight 1188LB (539kg) 1285LB (583kg) 1397 LB (634kg) 1540LB (699kg) 1250LB (567kg) 1351LB (617kg) POWER REQUIREMENTS Gas Engine 15-18 HP (11-13.5KW) 18-20 HP (13.5- 15KW) 22-25 HP (16.5- 18.8KW) 25-27 HP (18.8- 20.3KW) 27-35 HP (20.3- 26.3KW) 30-35HP (22.5- 26.3KW) Electric Motor 5 - 7 1/2 HP (3.75-5.6KW) 5 - 7 1/2 HP (3.75-5.6KW) 7 1/2 HP (5.6KW) 7 1/2 - 10 HP (5.6-7.5KW) 10 HP (7.5 KW) 10 - 15 HP (7.5- 11.3KW) PTO Drive 540 rpm PART SPECIFICATIONS Gas Tank Capacity 5 Imp Gal (22 L) Gearbox Oil Capacity 1/2 Imp Gal (2.3 L) Belt Size B210 B240 B270 B300 B210 B240
32. 6. M AINTENANCE W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 6.2. M AINTENANCE I NTERVALS 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 32 30617 R0 6.2. MAINTENANCE INTERVALS Refer to Section 6.3. for details of service. 6.3. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 6.3.1. V ISUAL I NSPECTION Before beginning the visual inspection , chock auger wheels and ensure that all operators are aware of safety precautions. When inspecting look for possi ble defects, and the following: • Ensure all guards are in plac e, and in good working order. • Examine the auger for damage or unusual wear. • Inspect the machine for evidence of oil leaks. • Examine hydraulic hoses and fittings for leaks and cracks. • Be sure all safety decals ar e in place and are legible. • Check that drive belts are not fray ed or damaged. Ensure they are prop- erly adjusted and aligned. Table 6.1 Maintenance Intervals Time Period Maintenance Procedure Daily (8000)BU Periodically (40,000)BU Annually (Before Storage) Annually (After Storage) Visually Inspect the Unit 6.3.1. X Check engine oil level 6.3.7. X Service PTO Driveline 6.3.11. X Check Air Filter 6.3.7. X Service Upper Chain Drive 6.3.2. X Service Belts 6.3.13. X 6.3.14. Grease Machine 6.3.3. X Check Gear Box Oil Level 6.3.8. X Check Winch 6.3.12. X Clean Machine 6.3.4. X Service Engine 6.3.7. X Repack Wheel Bearings 6.3.5. X Tighten Wheel Bolts 6.3.6. X Change Gear Box Oil 6.3.9. X Service Truss Cables (51' only) 6.3.10. X
33. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 6. M AINTENANCE 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 6.3. M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 30617 R0 33 • Check that the discharge spout and intake area are free of obstructions. • Ensure that intake housing fa steners are properly secured. . • Examine all flighting fo r damage or unusual wear. • Examine tires for gashes, uneven we ar, or loss of air pressure. • Inspect auger shaft bushing for unu- sual wear or discoloration. • Inspect all truss cables for tension, and possible failure points. • Inspect winch cable for fraying, kinks, unwinding, or other possible damage. 6.3.2. S ERVICING U PPER C HAIN D RIVE 1. Lock out power. 2. Remove cover plate fr om discharge end of auger. 3. Check chain slack. • Chain slack is checked at the midpoint of the longest span. It should be no more than 5/16” (8 mm). 4. Adjust the chain slack. • Remove the connecting link from the chain. • Remove a link from the chain; if the chain will not fit with one link removed, add a half link to t he chain and replace. 5. Grease the chain with appropria te lubricant (Section 6.1.) 6. Reattach cover plate. Figure 6.1 Auger Bushing NOTICE Improper adjustment of chain w ill result in premature wear. Figure 6.2 Upper Chain Driver
35. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 6. M AINTENANCE 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 6.3. M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 30617 R0 35 3. Tighten the wheel bolts wit h a torque wrench to 80 ft-l b (±10 ft-lb) of torque. Note: Tighten the wheel bolts in a di agonal pattern as in Figure 6.4. Figure 6.4 Crisscross Pattern 6.3.7. S ERVICE E NGINE 1. See engine operation manual for service requirements. 6.3.8. C HECKING G EAR B OX O IL L EVELS 1. Lock out all power. 2. Remove oil filler plug. 3. Make sure the gearbox is half full (center of cross s haft) and free of foreign objects. Gearbox should be le vel when checking gears. 6.3.9. C HANGING G EARBOX O IL 1. Remove guards and gearbox from auger. 2. Place a pan under the drain plug. 3. Use a wrench and re move the drain plug. 4. Loosen the filler plug so air can enter the gear box and the oil w ill drain freely. 5. Allow the oil to drain completely. 6. Replace the drain plug. 7. Add oil until the gearbox is half full (c enter of cross shaft) and replace filler plug. Gearbox should be level when c hecking or refilling. Do not overfill. 8. Reinstall gearbox and guards.
59. WARRANTY REGISTRATION Wheatheart congratulates you on your new equipment purchase. The warranty registration form must be filled out with in thirty (30) days from delivery date and sent to: Wheatheart Manufacturing Box 39 Rosenort, Manitoba, Canada, R0G 1WO CUSTOMER COPY (Retain this card for warranty and record purposes.) PRODUCT: DEALER’S NAME: SERIAL #: ADDRESS: DELIVERY DATE: OWNER’S NAME: PHONE #: ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: INVOICE #: PHONE #: (Please refer to invoic e # when filing claim) DEALER COPY (Retain this card for warranty and record purposes.) PRODUCT: DEALER’S NAME: SERIAL #: ADDRESS: DELIVERY DATE: OWNER’S NAME: PHONE #: ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: INVOICE #: PHONE #: (Please refer to invoic e # when filing claim) WARRANTY REGISTRATION (Must be filled out and returned to Wheatheart within 30 days of delivery.) OWNER’S NAME: DEALER’S NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: PHONE #: PHONE #: SIGNATURE: (I acknowledge the product to be whole and in proper working order.) SIGNATURE: (I acknowledge the product to be whole and in proper working order. The owner has been given an operation manual and has been informed on proper operation and maintenance.) PRODUCT: SERIAL #: INVOICE #: DELIVERY DATE: GAS MOTOR SERIAL #:
28. 5. O PERATION W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 5.4. O PERATING P ROCEDURES 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 28 30617 R0 R ESTARTING WITH A F ULL T UBE The tube may be filled with ma terial if the machine is shut down inadvertently or for an emergency. It is recommended that you rest art with the following procedure: 1. With the power source lo cked out, remove as much of the grain as possible from the tube and intake. 2. Start the engine and r un it at half speed. Slow ly engage the belt until the auger is brought up to speed. 3. Once the auger has been started, increase th e engine speed to achieve the desired augering speed. 5.4.3. S HUTDOWN N ORMAL S HUTDOWN 1. Near the end of the l oad, reduce the feed of gr ain and decrease the auger speed (if possible). 2. Run the auger until the tube is empty. 3. When auger is clear of grain, disengage the belt, and stop engine/motor, or disengage the PTO. 4. Shut down, and lock out power source. E MERGENCY S TOP Although it is reco mmended that the machine be em ptied before stopping, in an emergency situation: 1. Stop or shut down the po wer source immediately. 2. Stop the flow of ma terial (if applicable). 3. Lock out power, and correct t he emergency before resuming work. NOTICE Always engage belts with engine idling. Engaging belts at high engine speed will result in premature belt wear NOTICE Prolonged operation of an empty auger will cause unnecessary wear.
17. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 3. T RANSPORT 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 30617 R0 17 3. Transport W HEN T RANSPORTING : To reduce the risk of injury or death to people usi ng this equipment , follow basic safety precautions: • Ensure tires are inflated to the ti re manufacturers’ recommended pressure. • Check with local authorities regarding transportation of agricultural equipment on public roadways. Ob ey all applicable la ws and regulations. • Make sure that all lights and reflectors required by law are in place, function- ing, and can be seen by all ov ertaking and oncoming traffic. • Ensure the unit is hitched secu rely to the towing vehicle. Warning: Before continuing, please reread the safety in formation relevant to this section at the beginning of this manua l. Failure to follow the safety instructions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage. DANGER Electrocution hazard: • This auger is not insulated. • Keep auger away from overhead power lines and devices. • Electrocution can o ccur without direct contact. • Fully lower auger before moving. Failure to keep away w ill result in serious injury or death. NOTICE Empty the auger before transport ing. Transporting a full auger will place excessive loads on the tube assembly, frame, axle assembly, hitch, and towing unit. If auger wheels are partially or fu lly buried in snow or grain, do not attempt to move auger until snow or grain has been cleared away from auger wheels. WARNING Failure to secure the unit prior to transporting could cause a serious hazard to the occupants of the towing vehicle or of other vehicles.
34. 6. M AINTENANCE W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 6.3. M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 34 30617 R0 6.3.3. G REASING M ACHINE Important: Original equipment bearings used by Wheatheart are s ealed units and will not accept grease. 1. Lockout all power. 2. Grease points on the machin e are shown in Figure 6.3. Figure 6.3 Upper Chain Dr ive Zerk & Intake Zerk 3. Use grease recommended in Section 6.1. 4. Use only a hand-held grease gun. 5. Wipe grease fitting with a clean cloth bef ore greasing to avoi d injecting dirt and grit. 6. If a fitting will not take grease, remove and clean thor oughly. Also clean lubricant passageway. Repl ace fitting if necessary. 7. Replace and repair brok en fittings immediately. 6.3.4. C LEANING M ACHINE 1. Lockout all power. 2. Clean out excess grain fr om auger tube and intake. 3. Make sure nothing is obstructing t he auger intake so water can run out. 4. Wash the tube with a wate r hose or pressure washer un til all dirt, mud, debris, or residue is wash ed from the auger. 5. Provide sufficient time for th e water to drain from the auger. 6.3.5. R EPACKING W HEEL B EARINGS 1. Block wheels and ens ure unit is stable. 2. Remove the wheel bolts and the wheels. 3. Remove the wheel bearing and pack with grease. Refer to Section 6.1. for recommended grease. 6.3.6. T IGHTENING W HEEL B OLTS 1. Clean wheel and hub mounting surfaces to ensure there is no rust or debris. 2. Install the wheel and “finger tighten” t he wheel bolts. Inspect to make sure the wheel is sitting fl ush with the hub.
37. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 6. M AINTENANCE 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 6.3. M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 30617 R0 37 6.3.11. PTO D RIVELINE 1. Lock out all power. 2. Check shield and replace if damaged. 3. Use grease recommended in Section 6.1. 4. Lubricate both universal joints after ev ery 8 hours of operat ion. Lubricate the center portion of the driv eline (grease fitting is beneath shield) on a yearly basis (where applicable). 6.3.12. W INCH (41', 46', AND 51' A UGERS O NLY ) 1. Service winch with auger in fu lly lowered positi on and cable slack. 2. Check to make sure cable clamps are secure. 3. Keep a film of grease on gears. Occasionally oil the bushings, drumshaft and ratchet. Take care not to get oil or greas e on brake discs. 4. Inspect brake discs, repl ace if less than 1/16” thick. Figure 6.7 Cable Pulley 6.3.13. R EPLACING B ELTS 1. Lock out all power. 2. Make sure that the bel t engaging lever is disengaged. 3. On motor drive : Remove pulley shield at motor if necessary (belts may slip past pulley without removing shield). If belts do not come off easily, the engine mounting bolts will have to be loosened and th e engine pushed toward the intake end of the auger. On PTO drive : The PTO driveline and shield w ill need to be removed before the belts can be ta ken off the pulley. 4. The new auger belts can now be put in place. Make sure to route the belt over the idler pulley. 5. Follow the procedure in Section 6.3.14. for the pr oper belt tension. 6. Re-attach shield and PTO driveline (where applicable).
8. 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 2.1. G ENERAL S AFETY 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 8 30617 R0 2.1. GENERAL SAFETY Important: The general safety section includes instruct ions that apply to al l safety practices. Any instructions specific to a certain safety practice (e .g., assembly safety), can be found in the appropriate section. Al ways read the complete instructional sections and not just thes e safety summaries before doing anything with the equipment. YOU are responsible for the SAFE use and maintenance of your equipment. YOU must ensure that you and anyone else who is going to work around the equipment understands all pr ocedures and related SAFETY information contained in this manual. Remember, YOU are the key to safety. Good sa fety practices not only protect you, but also the people around you. Make these practices a working part of your safety program. • It is the equipment owner and the operator's responsib ility to read and under- stand ALL safety instructions, safety decal s, and manuals a nd follow them before assembling, operati ng, or maintaining the equipment. All accidents can be avoided. • Equipment owners must give instructions and review the in formation initially and anually with all personnel before allo wing them to operat e this product. Untrained users/operators expose t hemselves and bystanders to possible serious injury or death. • Use this equipment for its intended purposes only. • Do not modify the equipment in any way. Unauthorized modification may impair the function and/or safety, and coul d affect the life of the equipment. Any modification to the equi pment voids the warranty. • Do not allow children, spectators, or bystanders within the work area. • Have a first-aid kit avail able for use should the need arise, and know how to use it. • Provide a fire extinguisher for use in case of an accident. St ore in a highly vis- ible place. • Wear appropriate protective gear . This list includes, but is not limited to: • a hard hat •gloves • protective shoes with slip-resistant soles • protective goggles • hearing protection • For Powered Equipment: be fore servicing, adjusti ng, or repairing powered equipment, unplug, plac e all controls in neutral or off position, stop the engine or motor, remove ignition key or lock out power so urce, and wait for all mov- ing parts to stop.
31. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 6. M AINTENANCE 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 6.1. F LUIDS & L UBRICANTS 30617 R0 31 6. Maintenance The Wheatheart Auger has been designed an d manufactured to meet the highest standards, while re quiring minimal maintenanc e. Following a careful service and maintenance program will provide many year s of trouble-free service. When performing adjustments, service, or repairs: • Always take safety into c onsideation and note Section 2.5. • Use extra caution when cleaning and servicing augers because flighting edges can become sharp. • Follow proper procedures when mounting a tire on a ri m. If in doubt, have a qualified tire repair service perform the requi red maintenance. 6.1. FLUIDS & LUBRICANTS E NGINE O IL Refer to engine operation m anual for recommended oil usage. G EAR O IL Use SAE approved 90W or equivalent gear oil. G REASE Use SAE multi-purpose high-temperature grease with extreme pressure (EP) performance or SAE multi- purpose lithium based grease. 6.1.1. S TORAGE & H ANDLING Always follow manufacturer’s guidelines for the safe and ef fective storage and handling of lubricants. Your machine can operate at top efficiency only if clea n lubricants are used. Use clean containers to handle al l lubricants. Store them in an area protected from dust, moisture, and other contaminants. Warning: Before continuing, please reread the safety in formation relevant to this section at the beginning of this manua l. Failure to follow the safety instructions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage. NOTICE Do not modify the equipment. Unauthorized modificati on may impair the f unction or safety of the equipment, coul d affect the life of the equipment, and will void your warranty.
39. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 7. S TORAGE 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 30617 R0 39 7. Storage To ensure a long, trouble-free life, the following procedure should be followed when preparing the unit for storage after the season’s use: • Lower auger fully, with sl ight tension on the cable. • Store the machine on a level surface, free of debris, and in an area away from human activity. Store in a dry place, or use a tightly secured tarp to protect the equipment from the weather. • Ensure that the unit is in transport position. • Remove all residual material and clean the machine thoroughly. • Inspect the unit at stress points for cracks. • Repair or replace any worn or damaged components to prevent any unnecessary downtime at the start of the next season. • Touch up paint nicks and scratc hes to prevent rusting. • Check hydraulic fittings, hoses, lines , couplers, and va lves. Tighten any loose fittings. Replace any hose that is badly cut, nicked, abraded, or is separating from the crimped end of the fitt ing. Secure the hoses to the machine. • Inspect and tighten all fasteners; replace fasteners if required. • Inspect the engine for any abnormal leaks, check the air filter and clean or replace as necessary. Drain the gas from the carburetor and gas tank. Check to see if there is suff icient oil in the crankcase. • Support intake on blocks to eliminat e prolonged contact with the ground. • Lubricate all grease fittings. • Cover motor/engine to protect from weather. • Chock wheels. • Remove battery (where applicable) and store in a cool, dry place. Warning: Before continuing, please reread the safety in formation relevant to this section at the beginning of this manua l. Failure to follow the safety instructions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage. WARNING To reduce the risk of injury or death to persons using this equi pment, follow basic safety precautions. When storing: • Store in an area aw ay from human activ- ity.
7. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 2. S AFETY F IRST 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 30617 R0 7 2. Safety First The Safety Alert symbol to the left i dentifies important safety messages on the product and in the manual. W hen you see this symbol, be alert to the possibil- ity of personal injury or death. Follow the instruct ions in the safety messages . Why is SAFETY important to you? Three big reasons: • Accidents disable and kill. • Accidents cost. • Accidents can be avoided. SIGNAL WORDS Note the use of the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTICE with the safety messages. The appropriate signal word for each message has been selected using t he definitions belo w as a guideline. The Safety Alert symbol means ATTE NTION, BE ALERT!, YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED. DANGER Indicates an im minently hazardous situation that, if not avoi ded, will result in serious injury or death. WARNING Indicates a hazardous si tuation that, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death. CAUTION Indicates a hazardous si tuation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. NOTICE Indicates a potentiall y hazardous situat ion that, if not avoided, may result in property damage.
27. W HEATHEART - BH A UGERS 5. O PERATION 36’, 41’, 46’, & 51’ 5.4. O PERATING P ROCEDURES 30617 R0 27 Please refer to the regula r maintenance schedule give n in Section 6.2. for recommended service intervals after the break-in period. 5.4.2. O PERATION The following items should be che cked before operat ing the machine each time : • Visually inspect the mach ine, check engine oil, and service the PTO drive- line (if applicable). • Check that the gas cap is in place (gas drives only). • Ensure that all guards ar e in place, and secure. • Check that drive belts are not frayed or damaged, and that they are prop- erly adjusted and aligned. • Ensure auger wheel s are chocked. • See that the discharge s pout and intake area are free of obstructions. • Ensure that operators are aw are of safety precautions. • Check that the cable is not frayed or damaged. • Check that cable cl amp(s) are secured. N ORMAL S TART -U P 1. Disengage the belt eng aging lever so the motor pu lley is not under load. 2. Start the engine and then engage the belt engaging leve r with engine at idle. Note: The flighting rpm on auger equipped with electric moto rs is not adjustable. 3. Increase the engine speed to achieve the desired augering speed. 4. If everything is opera ting normally, start running grain through the auger. NOTICE Foreign objects can dam age the auger. Remove any obstructions from the intake and discharge areas before operating the unit. NOTICE Engine must be idling before belts are engaged. Engaging belts at high engine speed will resu lt in premature belt wear. DANGER Rotating Flight Hazard: Keep away from auger intake.
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