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Batco Field Loader Operation

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26. 7. S TORAGE BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 24 P1512120

9. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 2. S AFETY F IRST 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 2.2. T RANSPORT AND P LACEMENT S AFETY P1512120 7 • Follow good shop practices: • keep service area clean and dry • be sure electric al outlets and t ools are properly grounded • use adequate light for the job at hand • Think SAFETY! Work SAFELY! 2.2. TRANSPORT AND PLACEMENT SAFETY • Be sure that conveyor is em pty before raising or lowering. • Check with local authorities regarding transport on public roads. Obey all applicable laws and regulations. • Always travel at a safe speed, never exceeding 20 mph (32 km/h). Reduce speed on rough surfaces. Use caution w hen turning corners or meeting traffic. • Make sure the SMV (slow moving vehicle) emblem and all the light s and reflectors that are required by local aut horities are in place, are clean, and can be s een by all over-taking and oncoming traffic. A lways use hazard-warn- ing flashers on tracto r/towing vehicle when transporting unless prohibited by law. • Do not allow riders on the machine, towing vehicle, tractor, or ski d steer during transport. • Stay away from overhead obstructions and power lines when operat ing and transporting. Electrocution can occur without direct contact. • Fully lower conveyor before transporting, and only raise when next to storage facility. • Review the work safety area diagram before starting work. • Attach a conveyor to to wing vehicle with a pin and retainer. Always atta ch safety chain(s). • Chock front and rear conveyor and tractor wheels before operating. • Do not raise the intake end above drawbar, conveyor upending may occur. • Be familiar with the mach ine transport hazard area. If anyone enters t he hazard area, shut down the machines imm ediately. Clear the area before restarting. • Do not transport conveyor on slopes gr eater than 20°. • When lowering the auger t he track shoe may become st uck; if this happens, do not continue to turn the winch handle counter-clockwise be cause it will dis- engage the brake mechanism and create an unsafe condition. Too much slack in the cable may also caus e the conveyor to drop suddenly.


14. 2. S AFETY F IRST BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 2.10. S AFETY D ECAL L OCATIONS 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 12 P1512120 Figure 2.3 Safety Decal Locations PART #: P1513004 PART #: P1513003 PART #: P1513001 PART #: P1513022 PART # P1513028

20. 5. P LACEMENT BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 5.2. F ILLING B INS 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 18 P1512120 8. Unhook the unit from the tractor or towing vehi cle and lower hopper to the ground. 9. Lower the machine to the bin, but do not le t it rest on the bin. 10. Cose ball valve and di sconnect hydraulic hose. 11. Remove the hitch from the machi ne to prevent interfering with other equipment. 12. Prior to operating the conveyor, revi ew Section 2.3. and follow all set-up instructions. 13. Check angle of machine. Ensure that the machi ne angle is less than the angle of repose of the material to be moved. See Section Section 10.2. on pg. 42 for more help. WARNING Upending hazard: Do not hook or unhook hi tch unless weight is down.

46. part of the Ag Growth International Inc. group Box 1750 Swi f t C u rrent, Saskatchew a n , Canada S9H 0L0 Phone: (306) 773-7779 F a x : (306) 778-2524 email: info@batcomfg.com website: ww w .batcomfg.com © Ag Growth International Inc. 2013 Batco Manufacturing Printed in Canada

2. = This product has been designed and constructed accordi ng to general engineering standards a . Other local regulat ions may apply and must be followed by the operator. We strongly recommend that al l personnel associated with th is equipment be trained in the correct operational an d safety procedures required for this product. Periodic reviews of this manual wit h all employees should be st andard practice. For your convenience, we include this sign-off sheet so you can record y our periodic reviews. a. Standards include organizations such as the American Society of Agri cultural and Biological Engineers, American National Standards Institute, Canadian Sta ndards Association, International Organization for Standardization, and/or others. Date Employee Signature Employer Signature

4. 2 P1512120 BATCO F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES TABLE OF CONTENTS 8. Maintenance......... ................ ................. ................ .............. .............. .............. ............. ....... 25 8.1. Maintenance Schedule ............... ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... 25 8.1.1. Initial start-up servicing . ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... 25 8.1.2. 8 Hours or Daily ... ................ ................ .............. ............... .............. .......... 25 8.1.3. 40 Hours or Weekly ........ ................. ................ ................. .............. .......... 25 8.1.4. 200 Hours or Annually ....... ................ ................ ............... .............. .......... 26 8.2. Maintenance Checklist ............. ................ ................ ................. ................ ............. 27 8.3. Service & Maintenance Procedures ................ ................ ............... .............. .......... 27 8.3.1. Fluids and Lubric ants.................. ................ ................. ................ ............. 28 8.3.2. Greasing ........... ................. ................ ................ ............... .............. .......... 28 8.3.3. Conveyor Belt Tension ... ................. ................ ................. .............. .......... 28 8.3.4. Belt Tension Instructions ................. ................ ................. .............. .......... 29 8.3.5. Conveyor Belt Alignment ................. ................ ................. .............. .......... 30 8.3.6. Conveyor Belt Replacemen t ................ .............. ............... .............. .......... 34 8.3.7. Belt Relacing............... ................ ................ ................. ................ ............. 35 8.3.8. Drive Belt Tension & Alignment (Gas and Electric Dr ive) ............ ............. 36 9. Troubleshooting .............. ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............. .... 37 10. Appendix ............ ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ........ 41 10.1. Field Loader Specifications ...... ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... 41 10.2. Conveyor Product Chart ......... ................ ................ ................. ................ ............. 42 New Equipment Warranty ...... ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............... 43

45. NEW EQUIPMENT WARRANTY Batco Manufacturing Ltd. will warrant each new conveyor to be free from factory defects in material and wo rkmanship under normal use and service when set up and oper ated in accordance with factory instructions. Commercial applications will reduce the wa rranty period to 90 days from the original date of delivery. This warranty will apply under the following conditions: • The warranty will be limited to one year from the da te of purchase. • A “Warranty Registrati on Form” and “Inspection Report” must be filled out and returned to Batco Manufacturing Ltd. at the time of sale in order to qualify for replacemen t of defective parts. • The warranty is void on any unit that has been tam pered with or has been subject to misuse, n egligence, or accident. • The warranty is limited to the supplying of replacement parts in exchange for parts defective due to material or factory workmanship. • The warranty covers material only, unless expenditures are pre-author- ized by Batco Manufacturing Ltd. in writing. • A reasonable allowance may be charg ed to cover labor for replacement of damaged parts at the discretion of the Batco Warranty Department. • Normal wear and service items such as belts, hos es, flashing, etc., will only be considered warranty at the discretion of the Batco Warranty Department. All warranty repairs must be performed at an authorized Batco dealership in order to receive credit. Returned parts must be sent to the factor y freight prepaid in order to qualify for warranty replacement, and will be returned freight collect. Please direct all claims to the attention of the Warranty Department at Batco Manufacturing Ltd. (306-773-7779)

15. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 3. C OMPONENTS AND C ONTROLS 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES P1512120 13 3. Components and Controls Before operating the convey or, all operators should fa miliarize themselves with the location and function of the com ponents and controls. See Table 3.1 and Figure 3.1 for details. . Figure 3.1 Typical Conveyor Components HOOD SPOUT MAIN TUBE RETURN ROLLER OR WG ROLLER A-FRAME COLLAPSIBLE HOPPER CONTROL HOPPER S-DRIVE

18. 4. T RANSPORT BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 4.2. T RANSPORT P ROCEDURE 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 16 P1512120 6. Use caution when moving conveyors over rolling terr ain. In severe dips the discharge end may contact the ground. 7. Never go across slopes of more than 11°. It is better to go straight up or straight down the slope. Table 4.1 Speed versus Weight Ratio Road Speed Weight or fully equipped or loaded implement(s) relative to weight of towing machine Up to 32 km/h (20 mph) 1 to 1, or less Up to 16 km/h (10 mph) 2 to 1, or less Do not tow if More than 2 - 1 DANGER Stay away from over head obstructions and power lines when operati ng and transporting. Electrocution can occur without direct contact.

37. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8. M AINTENANCE 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 8.3. S ERVICE & M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES P1512120 35 Figure 8.6 Drive Belt Path 8.3.7. B ELT R ELACING 1. Rotate the belting unti l the lacing is by the hopper or easily accessible. 2. Loosen conveyor belt and remove lacing retainer clip and pin. 3. Using a square and sharp knife, cut lacing off right behind the lacing clips. Cut belt MUST have a square end. 4. Use knife to cut Chevron pattern off 1” back from end of belt. This ensures that the lacing is centered and fully seat ed on the belt. 5. Use lacing tool to install new lacing clips. Lacing clips are one clip shorter than belt width. For example: the lacing for a 15” wide belt is 14 clips. Center lacing on belt and install lacing as per instructions on lacing tool. 6. Reattach conveyor bel t ends together. If requir ed, use a ratchet strap clamped to both ends of belt to cinch belting ends together. 7. Install lacing pin and cr imp retainer clips onto ea ch end of the lacing pin. 8. Remove ratchet stra p and tighten conveyor be lt (See Sect ion 8.3.3.). 9. Check and set belting ali gnment (See Section 8.3.5.). Figure 8.7 Belt Lacing

28. 8. M AINTENANCE BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8.1. M AINTENANCE S CHEDULE 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 26 P1512120 8.1.4. 200 H OURS OR A NNUALLY • Check tire pressure and add air if required. Find inflation pressure details on the tire itself. • Check roller bearings for wear. Any rollers making noise, getting hot while running, or that give should be replaced. • Repack wheel bearings. • Wash machine. • Check gear box oil le vel (if equipped). • Inspect roller lagging to see if it is showing signs of wear. • Check belt lacing. If any clips ar e worn through, r eplace all lacing. • Check hopper flashing for wear and replace any that are worn. Worn flashing will ca use hopper leakage. NOTICE Operating the conveyor with a damaged roller will result in a damaged conveyor belt.

10. 2. S AFETY F IRST BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 2.3. O PERATIONAL AND M AINTENANCE S AFETY 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 8 P1512120 • The winch must make a clicking sound when raising conv eyor. If clicking sound stops, retain grip on handle, lower conveyor fully, and repair winch. • After lowering conveyor, turn handle cl ockwise 2 clicks to lock winch brake. • The winch is designed fo r manual operation only. • Always keep a minimum of 3 ca ble wraps on the winch drum. • Wheels must be free to move when raising or lowering conveyor. Do not use conveyor as a crane or hoist. • Only move the conveyor with a tracto r/towing vehicle. Never move by hand. 2.3. OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE SAFETY • Keep hands, feet, hair, cl othing, and jewelery away from all moving and/or rotating parts. • Stay away from overhead obstructi ons and power lines; electrocution may occur without direct contact. • Do not operate with any of the guards removed. • The machine is closely balanced. Do not lift unless there is a downward weight on the intake end to prevent upending. ̈ • Set park brake on tr actor before starting. • Lower conveyor to its lowe st position when not in use. • Operate conveyor on level ground free of debris. If ground is uneven, anchor the conveyor to prev ent tipping or upending. • Place stands or blocks under the frame before working beneath the machine. • Always work with a second person aroun d conveyor in case of accident. • Empty conveyor before raising or lowering. • Do not get on or beneath convey or when raising or lowering. • Do not lift intake above tow bar he ight or conveyor may upend. • Be familiar with the machine hazar d area shown in Figure 2.1 . If anyone enters the hazard area, shut down the machines imme diately. Clear the area before restarting.

25. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 7. S TORAGE 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES P1512120 23 7. Storage T O PROTECT THE CONVEYOR IN STORAGE : 1. Lower the conveyor to it s lowest position for storage. 2. Select an area that is dr y, level, and free of debris. 3. Remove all residual mate rial from the conveyor. 4. Stop machine so that the belt lacing is inside the tube. This protects the lacing from weathering. 5. Wash the entire machi ne thoroughly using a water hose or pressure washer to remove all dirt, m ud, debris, or residue. 6. Inspect all hydraulic hos es (if equipped), fittings, lin es, couplers, and valves. Tighten any loose fittin gs. Replace any fitti ng or hose if damaged. 7. Touch up all paint nicks and scratches to prevent rusting. 8. If machine is not equipped with belt weather guards, positi on it in such a way as to limit wind ex posure to the belt. 9. Place a block under the jack to ensure it will not fr eeze to the ground in the winter. To prepare the conveyor for use afte r storage, perform general maintenance. See Section 8.3. fo r further details. WARNING Before continuing, please reread the safety info rmation relevant to th is section at the begin- ning of this manual. Failur e to follow the safety instructions can result in serious injury, death, or property damage.

11. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 2. S AFETY F IRST 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 2.4. H YDRAULIC S AFETY P1512120 9 Figure 2.1 Workplace Hazard Ar ea (Electric/G as Area) 2.4. HYDRAULIC SAFETY • Always place all tractor hydraulic controls in ne utral before disconnecting from tractor or work ing on hydraulic system. • Make sure that all com ponents in the hydraulic syst em are kept in good con- dition and are clean. • Replace any worn, cu t, abraded, flattened, or crimped hoses. • Do not attempt any makeshift repairs to the hydraulic fittings or hoses by using tape, clamps, or cements. The hydraulic system operates under extremely high-pressure. Such repair s will fail suddenly and create a hazard- ous and unsafe condition. • Wear proper hand and eye protection when searching for a high-pressure hydraulic leak. Use a pi ece of wood or cardboard as a backstop instead of hands to isolate and identify a leak. • If injured by a concentrated high-pressure stream of hydraulic fluid, seek medical attention immediately. Seri- ous infection or toxic reaction can develop from hydraulic fluid piercing the skin surface. 2.5. STORAGE SAFETY • Store the unit in an area away from human activity. • Do not permit children to play on or around t he stored equipment. • Fully lower convey or before storing.

36. 8. M AINTENANCE BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8.3. S ERVICE & M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 34 P1512120 6. If belt has not cent ered repeat from step 2. Figure 8.5 Weather Guard Guide Block 8.3.6. C ONVEYOR B ELT R EPLACEMENT 1. Rotate the belting unti l the lacing is by the hopper or easily accessible. 2. Move the tens ion roller to its loosest position. 3. Pull all the sla ck to the lacing area. 4. Remove the lacing pin (see Figure 8.6). 5. Attach one end of t he replacement belt to t he belt end being removed, closest to the hopper. Important: Ensure that the belt is inst alled as shown in Figure 8.7. Note the direction of belt travel and square and trimmed edge positions. 6. Pull the old belt out and the new belt will be threaded into place. 7. Disconnect the old belt. 8. Reattach conveyor bel t ends together. If requir ed, use a ratchet strap clamped to both ends of belt to cinch belting ends together. 9. Install lacing pin and cr imp retainer clips onto ea ch end of the lacing pin. 10. Remove ratchet stra p and tighten conveyor be l.t (See Section 8.3.3.) 11. Check and set belting alignm ent. (See Se ction 8.3.5.) 12. Engage conveyor driv e. Allow to run for 30 seconds, then shut down conveyor and inspect lacing.

43. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 10. A PPENDIX 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 10.1. F IELD L OADER S PECIFICATIONS P1512120 41 10.Appendix 10.1. FIELD LOADER SPECIFICATIONS Table 10.1 S-Drive Field Loader UP - OPERATION DOWN - TRANSPORT Model # Belt Length Total Weight A B Angle C B Angle Length Overall Width PTO (HP) Electric (HP) Gas (HP) Hyd (HP) (Cu. In). 1335 GAS 80' 4” 1638 17.9 16.2 32.0 13.2 18.3 21.0 35.0 7.5 n/a 7.5 20.0 n/a 1335 G-Mover 80' 4” 1706 16.7 16.2 30.0 12.1 16.1 20.0 35.0 7.5 n/a 7.5 20.0 n/a 1345 GAS 100' 4” 1822 23.1 20.6 32.0 13.2 22.0 16.0 45.0 7.5 n/a 7.5 20.0 n/a 1345 G-Mover 100' 4” 1892 21.7 20.6 30.0 13.2 21.6 17.0 45.0 7.5 n/a 7.5 20.0 n/a 1535 GAS 85’ 1685 17.5 17.4 30.0 9.7 19.8 15.0 35.0 7.5 n/a 10.0 24.0 n/a 1535 G-Mover 85’ 1763 17.5 15.4 30.0 11.9 16.6 18.0 35.0 7.5 n/a 10.0 24.0 n/a 1545 GAS 105’ 1868 21.9 23.7 29.0 12.4 25.8 15.0 45.0 7.5 n/a 10.0 24.0 n/a 1545 G-Mover 105’ 2082 22.7 21.3 30.0 13.2 22.0 16.0 45.0 7.5 n/a 10.0 24.0 n/a 1835 GAS 82' 11” 2875 17.5 17.5 32.0 13.3 18.2 22.0 35.0 7.5 n/a 10.0 27.0 n/a NOTE: ALL ANGLES AND MEASUREMENTS SHOWN ARE MACHINE LIMITS. THE MAX OPERATION ANGLE DEPENDS ON THE PRODUCT BEING CONVEYED, USUALLY LESS THAN 30°.

5. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 1. I NTRODUCTION 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES P1512120 3 1. Introduction Congratulations on your choi ce of a Batco Conveyor to complement your agricul- tural operation. This equipment has been designed and manufactured to meet the needs of the discriminat ing buyer for the efficient movement of grain, pulse crops, fertilizer, and most other granular materials. Safe, efficient, and trouble-free operation of your conveyor requ ires that you, and anyone else who will be op erating or maintaining t he conveyor, read and under- stand the safety, operation, maintenance, and troubleshoot ing information in this manual. ̈ Equipment is available in various combinations. In mo st cases, the following instructions will apply to all machines. Where the a ssembly information varies, additional instructions will be include d and will be indi cated with an arrow. Keep this manual handy fo r frequent reference and to pass on to new operators or owners. Call your Batc o distributor or dealer if you need assistance, infor- mation, or addit ional copies of the manual. Always give your dealer the serial number of your Ba tco Grain Conveyor when ordering parts or requesting service or other information. The serial number plate is located where indicated above by the arrow on the frame. Please mark the number in the space prov ided for easy reference. Model# Serial # Production Year

34. 8. M AINTENANCE BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8.3. S ERVICE & M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 32 P1512120 4. Stop conveyor, remove igniti on key or lock out power source. 5. If belt has centered, then move to next step bel ow; otherwise, repeat from step 1. 6. Tighten bearing bolts and jam nut (if equipped). H OPPER R OLLER 1. Loosen bearing bolts an d jam nut (if equipped). 2. Rotate adjustment bolt 1/2 turn on the side the belt is running toward. 3. Restart conveyor a nd run empty for one minute. 4. Stop conveyor, remove igniti on key or lock out power source. 5. If belt has centered, then move to next step bel ow; otherwise, repeat from step 2. 6. Tighten bearing bolts and jam nut (if equipped). Figure 8.2 Hopper Roller Note: The transition return roller may have to be adjusted to center the belt on the hopper roller. T RANSITION R OLLERS Note: The top transition roller s hould be the only one requir ing adjustment. Only in extreme cases does the bottom transition roller require adjustment (Figure 8.3). 1. Loosen bearing bolts an d jam nut (if equipped). 2. Rotate adjustment bolt 1/2 turn on the side the belt is running toward. 3. Restart conveyor a nd run empty for one minute. 4. Stop conveyor and run empty for one minute. 5. If belt has centered, then move to the next step below; otherwise, repeat from step 2. 6. Tighten bearing bolts and jam nut (if equipped). HOPPER ROLLER

35. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8. M AINTENANCE 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 8.3. S ERVICE & M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES P1512120 33 Figure 8.3 Field loader Transition Rollers S POUT R OLLERS 1. Loosen bearing bolts an d jam nut (if equipped). 2. Rotate adjustment bolt 1/2 turn on the side the belt is running toward. 3. Restart conveyor a nd run empty for one minute. 4. Stop conveyor, remove igniti on key or lock out power source. 5. If belt has centered, t hen move to next step below ; otherwise, repeat from step 2. 6. Tighten bearing bolts and jam nut (if equipped). 7. Tighten drive roller mount plate bolts. Figure 8.4 Spout H EX R OLLERS 1. Start at hopper or last ad justed roller and check that belt is centered on each belt return bracket. 2. If belt is not c entered, adjust bracket toward hopp er slightly on side belt is tracking toward. 3. Adjust wear blocks if unit has weather protectors (see Figure 8.5). Note: Wear blocks are located on every se cond weather protector bracket. 4. Restart conveyor a nd run empty for one minute. 5. Stop conveyor, remove igniti on key or lock out power source.

3. P1512120 1 BATCO F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .............. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ .......... 3 2. Safety First.............. ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ 5 2.1. General Safety .... ................ ................. ................ .............. .............. .............. .......... 6 2.2. Transport and Placement Safety ... ................ ................ ................. ................ .......... 7 2.3. Operational and Maintenance Safe ty .............. ................. ................ .............. .......... 8 2.4. Hydraulic Safety ......... ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ 9 2.5. Storage Safety............ ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ 9 2.6. Tire Safety ...... ................. ................ ................ .............. ............... .............. ............ 10 2.7. Battery Safety .... ................ ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. .......... 10 2.8. Gas Engine Safety ....... ................. ................ ................ ................. .............. .......... 10 2.9. Electric Motor Safety ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 10 2.10. Safety Decal Locations......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 10 2.10.1. Decal Installation ............... ................. .............. .............. .............. .......... 11 2.10.2. Decal Locations ... ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 11 3. Components and Controls ........... ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. .......... 13 4. Transport................. ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ .......... 15 4.1. Pre-Transport Checklis t.............. ................. ................ ................. ................ .......... 15 4.2. Transport Procedure ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 15 5. Placement ................... ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. ........ 17 5.1. Under Hopper Bottom Bins ...... ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 17 5.2. Filling Bins ...... ................. ................ ................ .............. ............... .............. ............ 17 6. Operation .................. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ............... ......... 19 6.1. Pre-Operation Checklis t .................. ................ ................. .............. .............. .......... 19 6.2. Machine Break-In and Operation . ................... ................. .............. .............. .......... 19 6.2.1. Drive Setup ........ ................ ................ ................. .............. .............. .......... 20 6.2.2. Starting Conveyor .. ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 20 6.2.3. Conveyor Shutdown .......... ................ ................. .............. .............. .......... 21 6.2.4. Emergency Shutdown ....... ................ ................. .............. .............. .......... 21 6.2.5. Re-starting (Full Tube)..... ................ ................ ................. .............. .......... 21 6.2.6. Conveyor Operat ing Angles .......... ................ ................. ................ .......... 22 6.2.7. Belt Speed ......... ................ ................ ................. .............. .............. .......... 22 6.2.8. Operating Tips ..... ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. .......... 22 7. Storage ............... ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ........... 23

44. 10. A PPENDIX BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 10.2. C ONVEYOR P RODUCT C HART 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 42 P1512120 10.2. CONVEYOR PRODUCT CHART The following table indicates the maxi mum angle a conveyor can move grain. To roughly determine conveyor angle, use angle guide on right. Stand the manua l (vertically) on conveyor s-drive or tube and hold a string with a weight atta ched to end against the top of this page. Weighted end of stri ng will fall between degree lines, and from this the approximate angle of the conveyor can be determined. EXAMPLE Other Materials Ma ximum Co nveyor Operating Angle (degrees) Sawdust 38 Coal 27-45 Wood C hips >45

32. 8. M AINTENANCE BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8.3. S ERVICE & M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 30 P1512120 P INCH S-D RIVE 1. Check to ensure pinc h roller is moveable. 2. Tighten tightener bolts equally, use tape to verify (see Figure 8.1). Belt should deflect 1-2” when pushed down with a 5 lb force on 10’ span, or be difficult to pull from sides of hopper transition.Take-up springs will stretch under load. However, the spring should not come l oose during operation. Tension springs to match pretensioner length to start. Increase if required. 3. Check belt tension by runni ng conveyor for one minute. If belt is not slipping, then proceed to next step; ot herwise repeat from step 1. 4. 20 Series: If belt is not slipping, but now running to one side, the tensioned roller needs to be re-aligned. See “Conv eyor Belt Alignm ent” on page 30. Figure 8.1 Pinch S-Drive 8.3.5. C ONVEYOR B ELT A LIGNMENT If your belt is tracking to one side, use the instructions below and follow the steps listed to center it. Follow t he steps in the appropriate se ction(s) in order. If you are unsure where the problem is, start at the beginn ing of this section and work your way to the end. Skip sections that do not apply. The proc ess can be lengthy but will help ensure trouble-free operation and long belt life. Important: Ensure that conveyor is empty of all pr oduct before adjusti ng belt alignment. WARNING Before aligning belt, re move ignition key and lock out power. After aligning belt, repl ace guards if removed.

39. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 9. T ROUBLESHOOTING 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES P1512120 37 9. Troubleshooting The Batco Grain Conveyor is a simple and reliable system that requires minimal maintenance. In the follo wing section, we have list ed many of t he problems, causes, and solutions to the problems that you may encounter. If you encounter a pr oblem that is difficult to solv e even after having read through this troubleshooting section, please call your loca l Batco dealer or distributor. Before you call, please have this operati on manual and the se rial number from your machine ready. Overall Problem Cause Solution Low conveying capacity. • conveyor angle is too high • re-position with lower tube angle (see Section 10.2.) • incorrect belt speed • verify and adjust belt speed to appro- priate speed (see Section 8.3.3.) • conveyor belt slipping • see Section 8.3.3. • drive belts slipping • see Section 8.3.3. Low capacity for some grains. • smaller and smoother grains will sl ide at shal- lower angles • see Section 6.2.8. Belt Problem Cause Solution Belt slipping. • conveying belt loose • tighten and align belt (see Section 8.3.3. and 8.3.5.) • drive roller lagging worn or damaged • replace drive roller lagging • drive belts loose • tighten and align (see Section 8.3.3. and 8.3.5.) • belt frozen to tube from operating in high humidity in cold conditions • remove conveyor from area of high humidity and warm belt to de-ice Excessive belt edge fraying. • belt not aligned • align and tension belt (see Section 8.3.3. and 8.3.5.) Belt loose. • belt stretches over time • re-tension belt (see Section 8.3.3.) • can also be caused by oily grain/ product • if belt tightener on s-drive is fully engaged, you may need to shorten belt (8.3.7.).

41. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 9. T ROUBLESHOOTING 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES P1512120 39 Frame Problem Cause Solution Conveyor lifts slowly. • inadequate hydraulic pres- sure from source • use alternate hydraulic pressure source; contact your local dealer for assistance • if conveyor lowers faster than it lifts, then the check valve may be installed in opposite direction • lower machine to transport position and inspect check valve; re-install in opposite direction if required (see indicator arrow on valve) Machine will lift but not lower. • foreign object clogging check valve • contact your local dealer for assist- ance Conveyor will not stay elevated • faulty winch • lower machine to transport position and repair or replace winch • faulty cable • lower machine to transport position and repair or replace cable Conveyor makes noise while lifting. • frame parts loose and move while lifting • replace damaged components and re-tension frame fasteners Brackets Problem Cause Solution U-clamps sliding on tube. • clamp not properly crimped to tube • contact your local dealer for correct positioning

12. 2. S AFETY F IRST BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 2.6. T IRE S AFETY 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 10 P1512120 2.6. TIRE SAFETY • Failure to follow proper procedures when mounting a tire on a wheel or rim can produce an explosion that may re sult in serious injury or death. • Do not attempt to mount a tire unless you have the proper equipment and experience to do the job. • Have a qualified tire dealer or repair service perfor m required tire mainte- nance. • When replacing worn tires, make sure they meet the original tire specifica- tions. Never undersize t he replacement tire. • Do not weld to the tire rim with the ti re mounted on the rim. This action may cause an explosion which could resu lt in serious injury or death. • Inflate tires to the manufact urers's recommended pressure. 2.7. BATTERY SAFETY • Wear safety glasses when working near batteries. • Make certain the battery or terminal covers are in place and in good working order. • Keep all sparks and flames away from bat teries; gas given off by electrolyte is explosive. • Avoid contact with battery electrolyte. Wash off any spilled electrolyte immedi- ately. • Do not tip batteries more than 45° to av oid electrolyte loss. • To avoid injury from sparks or short circuits, disconnect battery ground cable before servicing any part of an electrical system. 2.8. GAS ENGINE SAFETY • Read and understand t he operating and maintenance instructions that came with the gas engine. 2.9. ELECTRIC MOTOR SAFETY • To prevent serious injury or death, only qualifi ed personnel should service electrical components. • Keep electrical com ponents in good repair. • Ground electric mo tor before using. • Inspect drive belts before using. Replace if frayed or damaged. 2.10. SAFETY DECAL LOCATIONS • Keep safety decals clean and legible at all times. • Replace safety decals that are missing or have become ille gible. See decal location figures below.

22. 6. O PERATION BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 6.2. M ACHINE B REAK -I N AND O PERATION 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 20 P1512120 2. Check the drive and conv eyor belt tension and alignment. Tension or align as required. See Main tenance section. 6.2.1. D RIVE S ETUP E LECTRIC M OTOR M ODEL : 1. Have a certified electrician provide power to the machine. 2. Provide convenient shutdown switc hes and comply with local electrical codes. 3. Use a totally enclosed electric mo tor when conveying in extremely dusty conditions. Ensure electric motor is properly grounded. G AS E NGINE M ODEL : 1. Have engine installed by an electrical technician. 2. Ensure electrical c ables are properly grounded. 3. Ensure drive belts are proper ly aligned and in good condition. 4. Ensure that fuel lin es are in good condition an d are not contacting any obstructions. 5. Fill system with fuel. 6.2.2. S TARTING C ONVEYOR E LECTRIC D RIVE : 1. Turn the electric motor ON. 2. Engage belt drive if equipped. G AS E NGINE D RIVE : 1. Disengage gas engine drive bel t or electric clutch. 2. Move throttle to 1/4 position for starting. 3. Use choke, if required. 4. Start engine. 5. Run engine for a couple of minutes until the engine warms. 6. Engage belt drive or electric clutch and increas e engine speed to desired speed. WARNING Anchoring and/or suppor t of the conveyor during operation is necessary. When emptying the conveyor, the weight balance transfers to the upper end of the machine, which can cause upending.

33. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8. M AINTENANCE 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 8.3. S ERVICE & M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES P1512120 31 S- DRIVE B ELT A LIGNMENT T IPS 1. The only adjustment required on the s- drive should be on the drive roller. If the belt still tracks to one side after adjusting the s- drive roller, then follow the procedure for the wrap roll er, if equipped, and repeat t he same procedure for the s-drive return roller if there are still problems. 2. If belt tracks to the side of the s-drive, ch eck that s-drive is level with the hopper. If attached with clamps, u-clam ps will have to be loosened slightly and re-tightened to level s-drive. 3. Do not adjust the take -up roller on the s-drive; instead, use a tape measure and measure dimension ‘A’ on both sides of the s-dr ive as shown in Figure 8.1 to ensure take-up bearings /bolts are tightened equally. S- DRIVE T AKE - UP R OLLER 1. Measure length ‘A’ in Figure 8.1 on each side of s- drive. If lengths not equal then adjust nuts until equal. 2. Restart conveyor a nd run empty for one minute. 3. Stop conveyor, remove igniti on key or lock out power source. 4. If belt has centered, t hen move to next step below ; otherwise, repeat from step 1. 5. Tighten bearing bolts and jam nut (if equipped). S- DRIVE D RIVE R OLLER (N O P INCH ) 1. Loosen bearing bolts an d jam nut (if equipped). 2. Rotate adjustment bolt 1/2 turn on the side the belt is running toward. 3. Restart conveyor a nd run empty for one minute. 4. Stop conveyor, remove igniti on key or lock out power source. 5. If belt has centered, t hen move to next step below ; otherwise, repeat from step 1. 6. Tighten bearing bolts and jam nut (if equipped). P INCH S- DRIVE A ND P INCH R OLLERS 1. Loosen 8 drive roller mount plate bolts or 4 drive roller bolts. 2. Rotate adjustment bolt 1/2 turn on the side the belt is running toward. 3. Measure length ‘A’ in Fi gure 8.1 on each side of s-dr ive. If lengths not equal then adjust nuts until equal. 4. Restart conveyor and run empty for 1 minute. 5. Stop conveyor, remove igniti on key or lock out power source. 6. If belt has centered, t hen move to next step below ; otherwise, repeat from step 1. 7. Tighten 8 drive roll er mount plate bolts. S- DRIVE W RAP R OLLER 1. Loosen bearing bolts an d jam nut (if equipped). 2. Rotate adjustment bolt 1/2 turn on the side the belt is running toward. 3. Restart conveyor a nd run empty for one minute.

38. 8. M AINTENANCE BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8.3. S ERVICE & M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 36 P1512120 10. Clear area of all byst anders and engage conveyor driv e. Allow to run for 30 seconds, then shut down c onveyor and inspect lacing. 8.3.8. D RIVE B ELT T ENSION & A LIGNMENT (G AS AND E LECTRIC D RIVE ) Power to the conveyor is transmitted through a set of v-belts. The drive system must be maintained at the proper belt tension and pul ley alignment to obtain desired performance and life. When maintain ing the belt drive system follow the appropriate sections below. B ELT T ENSION 1. Push on the center of the belt span with a forc e of approximately 5 lb. 2. The belts will deflect approximately 1/4” to 1/ 2” when proper ly tensioned. 3. Move the motor base to set drive belt tension. 4. Close and secure guards. B ELT A LIGNMENT 1. Lay a straight edge ac ross the pulley faces to check the alignment. 2. Use the pulley hub to mo ve the pulley to the requi red position fo r alignment. 3. Tighten hub bolts to secure pulley on shaft. 4. Check belt tension. 5. Close and secure guards. B ELT R EPLACEMENT 1. Move motor base to its loosest position. 2. Remove old belts and replace with new one. 3. Check pulley alignmen t. Adjust if required. 4. Close and secure guards. WARNING Before working on drive belt: Gas Drives: Remove ig nition key and lock out power. Electric Drives: Turn motor off and unplug power cord or turn off power at master panel.

13. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 2. S AFETY F IRST 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 2.10. S AFETY D ECAL L OCATIONS P1512120 11 • Replaced parts must display the same decal(s) as t he original part. • Safety decals are available from y our distributor, dealer, or factory. 2.10.1. D ECAL I NSTALLATION 1. Decal area must be clean and dry, wi th a temperature above 10°C (50°F). 2. Decide on the exact position bef ore you remove the backing paper. 3. Align the deca l over the specified area and carefully press the small portion with the exposed sti cky backing in place. 4. Slowly peel back the remaining paper and carefu lly smooth the remaining portion of the de cal in place. 5. Small air pockets can be pierced with a pin and smoothed out using the sign backing paper. 2.10.2. D ECAL L OCATIONS Replicas of the safety decals that are attached to the equipment are shown below. Good safety requires t hat you familiarize yourself with the various safety decals and the area s or particular functions that the decals apply to as well as the safety precautions that must be taken to avoid se rious, injury, death, or damage. Figure 2.2 Gas/Electric Drive Safety Decals PART #: P1513008 BENEATH PLASTIC GUARD PART #: P1513002 ELECTRIC MODELS PART #: P1513009

40. 9. T ROUBLESHOOTING BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 38 P1512120 Hopper Problem Cause Solution Grain leaking from con- veyor hopper. • belt not tracked (cen- tered) • track belt (see Section 8.3.5.) • flashing installed incor- rectly or worn • inspect flashing for wear and replace if required • hopper cloth worn or damaged • replace damaged hopper cloth • transition filler rings are worn or need replace- ment • adjust transition filler rings; replace if worn Hopper cloth collapsing under grain. • misaligned or broken spring(s) • check spring installation and repair as required • pivot shafts improperly installed • on some machines , switching pivot shafts left to right will increase hopper tension Drive Problem Look For Solution Drive making noise. • slipping belt • see Section 8.3.3. and 8.3.5. • hot shaft, pulley or bear- ing • overheated components indicate a failed bearing that must be repaired • broken drive roller • replace damaged component Spout Problem Cause Solution Grain leaking from con- veyor spout between belt and tube. • belt not tracked (cen- tered) • track belt (see 8.3.5.) Grain leaking from con- veyor spout between hood and belt. • belt speed is too fast, hood plugging • decrease belt speed or feed rate

8. 2. S AFETY F IRST BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 2.1. G ENERAL S AFETY 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 6 P1512120 2.1. GENERAL SAFETY Important: The general safety section includes instruct ions that apply to al l safety practices. Any instructions specific to a certain safety practice (e .g., assembly safety), can be found in the appropriate section. Al ways read the complete instructional sections and not just thes e safety summaries before doing anything with the equipment. YOU are responsible for the SAFE use and maintenance of your equipment. YOU must ensure that you and anyone else who is going to work around the equipment understands all pr ocedures and related SAFETY information contained in this manual. Remember, YOU are the key to safety. Good sa fety practices not only protect you, but also the people around you. Make these practices a working part of your safety program. • It is the equipment owner and the operator's responsib ility to read and under- stand ALL safety instructions, safety decal s, and manuals a nd follow them before assembling, operati ng, or maintaining the equipment. All accidents can be avoided. • Equipment owners must give instructions and review the in formation initially and anually with all personnel before allo wing them to operat e this product. Untrained users/operators expose t hemselves and bystanders to possible serious injury or death. • Use this equipment for its intended purposes only. • Do not modify the equipment in any way. Unauthorized modification may impair the function and/or safety, and coul d affect the life of the equipment. Any modification to the equi pment voids the warranty. • Do not allow children, spectators, or bystanders within the work area. • Have a first-aid kit avail able for use should the need arise, and know how to use it. • Provide a fire extinguisher for use in case of an accident. St ore in a highly vis- ible place. • Wear appropriate protective gear . This list includes, but is not limited to: • a hard hat •gloves • protective shoes with slip-resistant soles • protective goggles • hearing protection • For Powered Equipment: be fore servicing, adjusti ng, or repairing powered equipment, unplug, plac e all controls in neutral or off position, stop the engine or motor, remove ignition key or lock out power so urce, and wait for all mov- ing parts to stop.

31. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8. M AINTENANCE 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 8.3. S ERVICE & M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES P1512120 29 Important: Some belts may have uneven edges, appearing misaligned. Wait until the belt makes a complete revoluti on before adjusting rollers. 8.3.4. B ELT T ENSION I NSTRUCTIONS S-D RIVE 1. Tighten take-up bolts 1”; ensure they are equal (see Figure 8.1). 2. Check belt tension by r unning conveyor for one minute. If belt is not slipping, then proceed to next step; ot herwise repeat from step 1. 3. If belt is not slipping, but now running to one side, the tracking needs to be re-aligned. See “Conveyor Be lt Alignment” on page 30. S-D RIVE W ITH S PRINGS 1. Tighten take-up roller bolts so that springs compress and match dimension B (Figure 8.1). If springs are alread y properly compressed, then tighten the take-up bolts 1”; ensure t hey are tensioned equally by measuring the position of the take up rolle r dimention A (Figur e 8.1.). Tension unt il both sides are equal.Check belt tension by running conveyor for one mi nute. If belt is not slipping, then proceed to next step; otherwis e repeat from step 1. 2. If belt is not slipping, but now running to one side, t he tracking needs to be re- aligned. See “Convey or Belt Alignm ent” on page 30. Note: Springs should open up during oper ation. If they don’t, the belt is too tight. Springs are meant to expand un der load to absorb loose belt. WARNING Ensure ignition key is removed, or lock out power source before adj usting or servicing conveyor. NOTICE Do not operate conveyor if belt is slipping. Stop conveyor and tighten belt. Failure to do so will damage the belt and may void the warranty. WARNING Before tensioning belt, remove ignition key and lock out power. After tensioning belt, replace guards if removed.

27. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8. M AINTENANCE 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 8.1. M AINTENANCE S CHEDULE P1512120 25 8. Maintenance 8.1. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 8.1.1. I NITIAL START - UP SERVICING Since the belt alignment is pr eset to run true under a condi tion of no load, it is important to check alignmen t and make adjustments if required during the initial few minutes of l oaded operation. To adjust ali gnment, see Section 8.3.5. Conveyor Belt Ali gnment on page 30. 8.1.2. 8 H OURS OR D AILY A LL M ODELS • Check the conveyor belt tension and alignment (See Section 8.3.3.). G AS E NGINE D RIVE M ODELS • Check fuel level an d add as required. • Check gearbox oil level. • Check crankcases oil leve l and add as required. • Check drive belt tension and alignment. • Check that the wet kit oil reservoir leve l is equipped. • Refer to gas engine operati on manual for further details. E LECTRIC D RIVE M ODELS • Check drive belt tension and alignment. • Check gearbox oil level. H YDRAULIC D RIVE M ODELS • Check hoses for wear. 8.1.3. 40 H OURS OR W EEKLY • Check the conveying belt tension and alignment. (See Section 8.3.3.) Check condition of hopper fl ashing. Be sure it seals the hopper and pre- vents grain leakage. • If equipped, look for hydraulic leaks and repair if required. • Clean engine air fi lter (if equipped). Warning: Before continuing, please rer ead the safety information rele vant to this section at the beginning of this m anual. Failure to follow the safety in structions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage.

30. 8. M AINTENANCE BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8.3. S ERVICE & M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 28 P1512120 8.3.1. F LUIDS AND L UBRICANTS G REASE : • Use SAE multi-purpose hi gh temperature grease wi th extreme pressure (EP) performance. SAE multi-purpose lithiu m based grease is also acceptable. E NGINE C RANKCASE O IL : • See engine operation manual for details. E NGINE G ASOLINE : • See engine operation manual for details. S TORING L UBRICANTS • Your machine can operate at top effi ciency only if cl ean lubricants are used. Use clean containers to handle all lubricants. Store them in an area protected from dust, moistu re, and other contaminants. 8.3.2. G REASING Note: Most original equipment bearings used by Batco ar e sealed units and will not accept grease. 1. Wipe grease fitting with a clean cloth bef ore greasing to avoi d injecting dirt and grit. 2. Replace and repair brok en fittings immediately. 3. If fittings will not take grease, remove and clean thoroughly. Also clean lubricant passageway. Repl ace fitting if necessary. 8.3.3. C ONVEYOR B ELT T ENSION Adjusting your conveyor belt for proper tension helps to en sure trouble-free operation and long belt life. A conveyor be lt only needs to be tight enough to not slip on the drive roller. If the belt is too loose, it will s lip on the drive roller making a noticeable sound and slow ing the belt down. To co rrect belt slippage and set proper tension in the belt, follow the steps in the co rresponding section below. Important: If belt is slipping and adju stment bolts are fully ti ghtened, then belt must be shortened. See Section 8.3.7. Belt should not be easy to pull from the hopper trans ition sides, otherwise the belt will requir e tensioning. When conveyor is starting/operating, th e belt stretches and a pair of springs extend to take-up the stretc hed belt. See indicator on side of s-drive for recom- mended spring compression. Excessive droop between s-dr ive and hopper should be corrected. See Section 8.3.4.

21. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 6. O PERATION 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 6.1. P RE -O PERATION C HECKLIST P1512120 19 6. Operation 6.1. PRE-OPERATION CHECKLIST B EFORE O PERATING THE C ONVEYOR E ACH T IME : • Service the machine per the sc hedule outlined in Section 8.1. • Use only a tractor, gas eng ine, or electric motor of adequate power to operate the machine See “Field Loader Specifications” on page 41. Important: Check winch and cabl e. There should be at least th ree complete wraps of cable around the winch drum in transport positi on. Check that cabl e anchor on winch drum is tight. Inspect cable and replace if frayed or damaged. • Check that cable cl amps are secure. • Check that drive (Gas/Ele ctric Models) and conveying belts are not frayed or damaged and that they are pr operly adjusted and alig ned. See Maintenance section. • Ensure wheels are chocked. • Check that hopper and spout areas are free of obstructions. • Support discharge end or anchor intake end before using. 6.2. MACHINE BREAK-IN AND OPERATION Although there are no operati onal restrictions on the conv eyor when used for the first time, it is recommended that the following items be checked: B EFORE STARTING : 1. Read the conveyor and motor (if so e quipped) operation manuals. 2. During the first few mi nutes of operation, check the conveyor belt alignment to ensure preset alignment does not vary under l oaded conditions. See Maintenance section. A FTER OPERATING OR TRANSPORTING FOR 1/2 HOUR : 1. Re-torque all the wheel bolts. 2. Re-torque fasteners and hardware. 3. Check the drive and conv eyor belt tension an d alignment. Tension or align as required. A FTER OPERATING FOR 5 AND 10 HOURS : 1. Re-torque all wheel bolt s, fasteners, and hardware. Warning: Before continuing, please rer ead the safety information rele vant to this section at the beginning of this m anual. Failure to follow the safety in structions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage.

23. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 6. O PERATION 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 6.2. M ACHINE B REAK -I N AND O PERATION P1512120 21 6.2.3. C ONVEYOR S HUTDOWN E LECTRIC M OTOR M ODELS : 1. Run until the bel ting is empty. 2. Disengaged belt dr ive if equipped. 3. Turn off motor and lock out power source. G AS D RIVE M ODELS : 1. Run until the bel ting is empty. 2. Reduce engine speed to low idle. 3. Disengage belt drive; or di sengage electric clutch if unit is equi pped with one. 4. Shut off engine. 6.2.4. E MERGENCY S HUTDOWN Although it is reco mmended that the tube be emptied before stopping, in an emergency situation, stop or shut dow n the power source immediately. Important: Lock out all power and ensure the mach ine components come to a stop before inspecting. Correct the emergency be fore resuming work. 6.2.5. R E - STARTING (F ULL T UBE ) When the machine is shut do wn inadvertently or for an emergency, the tube will still be filled with material. Important: Since the start-up torque loads are much higher than normal when the tube is full, restart at low idle engine speed for the PTO and gas engine models. It may be necessary to tighten the drive belts (Gas/Electric models) slightly to handle the heavier than normal loads. See “Belt Tension Instructions” on page 29. CAUTION Conveyor should not be left in a raised position for extended peri ods of time. Fully lower conveyor to prevent the risk of damage or personal injury.

24. 6. O PERATION BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 6.2. M ACHINE B REAK -I N AND O PERATION 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 22 P1512120 6.2.6. C ONVEYOR O PERATING A NGLES The coneyor lift can set t he tube angle at any positi on between 12° and 30° when operating. Because the belt d oes not have roll back barrier s, the material will roll back if the angle is too st eep. Do not position the c onveyor at an angle steeper than the angle of repose of the material to be moved. See Section 10.2. for help on determining these angles. Note: The lower the angle, t he greater the capacity. 6.2.7. B ELT S PEED The best results are obtained when the input drives are set to provide a belt speed of 500 to 600 ft/min on the 1300 and 1 500 series, and 600 to 650 on the 1800 and 2000 series. Count the number of belt revolutions per minute to determine belt speed. Approximate belt length is double the length of your machine plus 3’. See packing slip or parts m anual for belt lengths. Note: Use the connector splice as a refe rence when counting belt revolutions. Contact your dealer or the factory for the appropriat e drive components to give the recommended belt speed. 6.2.8. O PERATING T IPS • Direct the flow of material into the input hopper in t he direction of the belt for the best capacity. • Attempting to move material at too steep an angle can result in excessive slide back and poor capacity. • Always listen for any unusual sounds or noises. If any are heard, stop the machine and determine the source. Correct the problem before resuming work. ̈ • An optional hydraulic lift is available for the machine. Always close the hydraulic safety ball valve when the machine is positioned. • Do not run the machine for long periods of time with- out material on the belting. It increases belt wear. • Do not support outlet end directly on the storage facility. Tie down the intake (hopper) or weigh it down to prevent upending. • To achieve maximum capaci ty, feed material onto be lt until material tube clearance is 1/2”; do not flood feed hopper. • Load materials in the loading zone indicated in Figure 6.1. Figure 6.1 Field Loader Hopper Loading Zone

7. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 2. S AFETY F IRST 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES P1512120 5 2. Safety First The Safety Alert symbol to the left i dentifies important safety messages on the product and in the manual. W hen you see this symbol, be alert to the possibil- ity of personal injury or death. Follow the instruct ions in the safety messages . Why is SAFETY important to you? Three big reasons: • Accidents disable and kill. • Accidents cost. • Accidents can be avoided. SIGNAL WORDS Note the use of the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTICE with the safety messages. The appropriate signal word for each message has been selected using t he definitions belo w as a guideline. The Safety Alert symbol means ATTE NTION, BE ALERT!, YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED. DANGER Indicates an im minently hazardous situation that, if not avoi ded, will result in serious injury or death. WARNING Indicates a hazardous si tuation that, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death. CAUTION Indicates a hazardous si tuation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. NOTICE Indicates a potentiall y hazardous situat ion that, if not avoided, may result in property damage.

19. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 5. P LACEMENT 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 5.1. U NDER H OPPER B OTTOM B INS P1512120 17 5. Placement 5.1. UNDER HOPPER BOTTOM BINS B EFORE MOVING CONVEYOR UNDERNEATH HOPPER BIN : 1. Confirm that hop per is centered bet ween the hopper bin vert ical legs. This ensures that the operat or has adequate clearance. ̈ 2. Ensure the conveyor’s motor will not make contact with the hopper cone when in its final position. 3. Collapse the cloth hopper un til it is posit ioned under the bin. 4. Move conveyor into place. Important: 5. Raise the conveyor sp out to desired height, and close ball valve (if equipped). 6. Make sure that grav el is not jammed against the bel t under the hopper. 5.2. FILLING BINS 1. Back the machine up to t he storage facility while it is in its lowered configu- ration. 2. Set the park brake on th e tractor before dismounting. 3. When releasing conveyor from the to wing vehicle, test the intake end for downward weight. 4. Use the winch or hydraulics to raise the machine so it clears the storage facility. 5. Slowly back the machine up until the outlet is over the opening in the storage facility. 6. Use the winch or hydraulics to sl owly lower the mach ine to the bin. 7. Place chocks in the front and back of each wheel. Warning: Before continuing, please rer ead the safety information rele vant to this section at the beginning of this m anual. Failure to follow the safety in structions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage. NOTICE Ensure that the ball valve is closed. Failure to do so will cause the frame to lower, damagi ng the conveyor. NOTICE Do not rest the spout or hood on the bin. This may cause hood or belt damage.

17. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 4. T RANSPORT 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 4.1. P RE -T RANSPORT C HECKLIST P1512120 15 4. Transport 4.1. PRE-TRANSPORT CHECKLIST Before transporting conveyor, ensure that: 1. Conveyor is fully lowered. 2. Attach conveyor to towing vehicle with a pin and retainer. Always attach safety chain(s). ̈ 3. On electric motor models , unplug the power cord, wrap ar ound frame, and secure to prevent dragging. ̈ 4. For gas drive models , shut off fuel supply. 4.2. TRANSPORT PROCEDURE 1. Check with local authorities regardi ng conveyor transpor t on public roads. Obey all applicable laws and regulations. 2. Make sure the SMV (s low moving vehicle) emblem and all the lights and reflectors that are requ ired by the local highway and transport authorities are in place, are clean, and can be seen clearly by all overtaking and oncoming traffic. 3. Always use hazard warning flashers on tractor or towing vehicle when transporting unless prohibited by law. 4. Always travel at a safe speed. Use caution when turning corners or meeting traffic. 5. It is not recommended t hat the machine be trans ported faster than 20 mph (32 km/h). Table 4. 1 references the acceptable transport speed as per the ratio of tractor weight ve rsus conveyor weight. See Section 10. for conveyor weights. Warning: Before continuing, please rer ead the safety information rele vant to this section at the beginning of this m anual. Failure to follow the safety in structions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage. CAUTION It may be necessary to raise the outlet end above the storage facility to provide clearance to raise the intake end.

29. BATCO - F IELD L OADER G RAIN C ONVEYOR 8. M AINTENANCE 1300 P,1500 P,1800 S ERIES 8.3. S ERVICE & M AINTENANCE P ROCEDURES P1512120 27 8.2. MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST See Lubrication and Main tenance sections for details of service. Photocopy this page to conti nue record keeping. Use the maintenance che cklist provided to keep a record of all scheduled maintenance. Note: Not all options may app ly to your machine. 3 Check CL Clean L Lubricate C Change R Re pack 8.3. SERVICE & MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES By following a careful service and main tenance program for yo ur machine, you will enjoy many years of trouble-free service. 8 Hours/Daily Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 3 Conveyor Belt Tracking 3 Fuel & Oil Level(s) Day 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 3 Conveyor Belt Tracking 3 Fuel & Oil Level(s) Day 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 3 Conveyor Belt Tracking 3 Fuel & Oil Level(s) Day 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 3 Conveyor Belt Tracking-- 3 Fuel & Oil Level(s) 40 Hours/Weekly Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 3 Belt Tension & Alignment 3 Conveyor Belt Tracking 3 Hopper Flashing Condition 3 Check for Hydraulic Leaks Electric Drive Models 3 Drive Belt Tens. & Align. Gas Engine Drive Models 3 Drive Belt Tens. & Align. CL Air Cleaner Foam 200 hours / Annually Year 1 Year 2 Ye ar 3 Yea r 1 Ye a r 2 Yea r 3 3 Tube Straightness 3 Belt Lacing 3 Roller Bearings 3 Hopper Flashing R Wheel Bearings Gas Engine Drive Models CL Machine C Engine Oil 3 Roller Lagging 3 Check Tire Pressure

1. Part Number: P1512120 R0 Revised: 15/3/10 Read this manual before using product. Failure to follow instructions and safety precautions can result in serious inju r y , death, or property damage. Keep manual fo r future reference. FIELD LOADER GRAIN CONVEYOR 1300 P ,1500 P ,1800 SER I ES OPERATION MANUA L


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