Wheatheart Hydraulic Mover Kit Manual
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1. Part Number: IM3 R2 Revised: Feb/10 Read this manual before using product. Failure to follow instructions and safety precautions can result in serious inju ry, death, or property damage. Keep manual fo r future reference. SELF-PROPELLED AUGER KIT WHEATHEART & COMPETITOR MODELS ASSEMBLY & OPERATION MANUAL
17. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.3. O IL R ESERVOIR A SSEMBLY IM3 R2 17 • Take care not to crush the oil re servoir when tight ening hose clamps. • The reservoir must be m ounted so that the oil le vel remains above the gear pump (use general purpose ISO 32 oil). • To reduce weight at the in take end, mount the tank as close as possible to the axle of the auger. Figure 3.2 Hydraulic Reservoir Installation
5. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 1. I NTRODUCTION W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS IM3 R2 5 1. Introduction Congratulations. As the new owner of a Wheatheart se lf-propelled auger, you will be working with equipment especially designe d to complement and improve your farming operation. Be fore using this auger, we re commend that you read this manual to familiarize yourse lf with the various features of the machine, and the necessary precautions for efficient and sa fe operation. In addition, we suggest that anyone using this auger be required, as a matter of record, to be familiar with all safety precautions. A sign-off form is supplied on the inside cover for your convenience and permanent records. Keep this manual handy for frequent reference and to review with new personnel. Call your Wheat heart distributor or dealer if you need assistance, information, or additional copies of the manual. OPERATOR ORIENTATION—The directions left, right, front, and rear, as mentioned throughout t he manual, are as seen from the tractor or towing vehicle’s driver’s seat, and facing in the di rection of travel w hen the unit is being transported.
24. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.9. U NDERCARRIAGE I NSTALLATION W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 24 IM3 R2 Figure 3.10 Contro l Ring Installation Figure 3.11 Self-Propelled Auger Frame Installation 13. One end of the cr ossbrace is attached to the V-frame clevis, the other is attached to the transport tube us ing clamp bands (Figure 3.11). 14. When attaching to the V- frame, be sure to mount one crossbrace to the top side of the V-frame clevis, and the other to the bottom.
29. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.13. H OSE K IT L AYOUT —N O B IN S WEEP IM3 R2 29 Figure 3.15 Wheatheart Hydr aulic Schematic, SP Tr ansport Kit without Bin Sweep Option Table 3.4 Wheatheart Hydrau lic Hose Lengths, SP Trans port Kit without Bin Sweep Option Item Description 8x51 8x46 8/10 x 41 8/10 x 36 A Hose, HYD, 3/4 x 52, no ends, 1W 1 1 1 1 B Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 279, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W 1 - - - B Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 247, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W - 1 - - B Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 201, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W - - 1 - B Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 173, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W - - - 1 C Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 204, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W 1 - - - C Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 150, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W - 1 - - C Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 112, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W - - 1 - C Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 80, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W - - - 1 D Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 60, 1/2MNPT x 1/2FNPSM, 1W 1 1 1 1 F1 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 49, 6FJIC x 3/8MNPT, 1W 1 - - - F1 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 31, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - 1 - - F1 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 23, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - - 1 1 F2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 63, 6FJIC x 3/8MNPT, 1W 1 - - - F2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 47, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - 1 - - F2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 33, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - - 1 1
45. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 5. O PERATION W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 5.2. O PERATING P ROCEDURE IM3 R2 45 Figure 5.1 Hydraulic Control Valve Decal Figure 5.2 Hydraulic Control Valve
11. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 2.4. T RANSPORT & P LACEMENT S AFETY IM3 R2 11 2.4. TRANSPORT & PLACEMENT SAFETY • Before raising/lowering/mov- ing the auger, make sure the area around the auger is clear of obstructions and/or unau- thorized personnel. Never allow anyone to stand on or beneath auger while transport- ing or placing auger. • Wheels must be free to move when raising or lowering auger. • Do not stand between towing vehicle and grai n auger when hitching. • Make certain that the hitch pin is in place and th e safety chain is properly attached. Use a type of hitch pin that will not permit auger to separate from towing vehicle. • Use extreme care and mini- mum ground speed when operating or tr ansporting on hillsides, over rough ground, or near ditches or fences. • Always attach an SMV (slow moving v ehicle) sign before transporting auger, and equip the auger with the necessary lights for trans portation where required by law. Always use hazard warning flasher s on the tractor/towing vehicle when transporting unl ess prohibited by law. • Do not allow riders on the ma chine, towing vehicle, tr actor, or skid steer dur- ing transport. • Stay away from overhead obstructions and power lines when operating and transporting. Electrocution ca n occur without direct contact. • Ensure that tires are inflated to t he manufacturer's recommended pressure. • Review the work safety area diagram before starting work. • Check with local authorities regarding transport on public roads. Obey all applicable laws and regulations. • Always travel at a safe speed, never exceeding 15 mph (24 km/hr). Reduce speed on rough surfaces and use caution when turnin g corners or meeting traffic. • Transport auger in full down position with sl ight tension on cable. • Ensure that the wheel drive mo tors are disengaged before towing. Figure 2.2 Work Safety Area
19. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.5. O VER -C ENTER D RIVE A SSEMBLY —R OUND A XLES IM3 R2 19 3.5. OVER-CENTER DRIVE ASSEMBLY—ROUND AXLES 1. Ensure shims fit on round axle. On some augers, shims are welded to hub; this can be checked by lining up with the tire rim. Shims are normally sized and supplied by the factory for individual augers. 2. Weld fitted sh ims to each axle cap (Figure 3.4). 3. Bolt axle cap axle near wheels, but do not tight en bolts. Use level to ensure axle caps are straight and flush. 4. Bolt the drive assembly on the axle caps. Adjust position until pinion gear is flush with ring gear (Figure 3.5). 5. Weld shims to axle, and weld axle hubs solid. 6. Reassemble the tires. Bolt on the drive clamp with the handle down when the gear is disengaged. Figure 3.5 Over-Cente r Assembly Positioning Figure 3.4 Axle Shims
31. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.13. H OSE K IT L AYOUT —N O B IN S WEEP IM3 R2 31 Figure 3.17 Competitor Auger Hydraulic Schematic—SP Transport Kit w/out Bin Sweep Option Table 3.5 Competitor Auger Hydraulic Hose Lengths - SP Transport Kit w/out Bin Sweep Option 3/8” Hoses 1/2” Hoses H1, H2 F1 F2 G1, G2 I1, I2 J1, J2 B C A Brandt Supercharger 52 x 8 156 59 47 246 38 48 250 164 48 Brandt Supercharger 47 x 8 112 20 30 206 34 46 196 130 48 Brandt Supercharger 42 x 8 80 20 30 172 38 48 170 110 48 Brandt 60 x 8 146 60 74 279 54 60 258 180 48 Brandt 50 x 7 or 8 144 42 52 232 48 38 236 166 48 Brandt 45 x 7 or 8 98 20 30 186 38 48 180 114 48 Brandt 35 x 7 80 20 30 144 38 48 158 106 48 Brandt 30 x 8 92 30 20 132 32 24 126 60 48 Farm King 51 x 7 192 42 26 250 58 42 258 122 48 Farm King 46 x 7 or 8 312 24 34 212 80 14 186 84 48
32. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.13. H OSE K IT L AYOUT —N O B IN S WEEP W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 32 IM3 R2 Farm King 41 x 7 or 8 300 20 30 206 14 72 186 92 48 Farm King 31 x 8 204 20 30 194 14 72 174 96 48 Sakun- diak HD1800 x 8 272 94 108 330 56 74 340 276 48 Sakun- diak HD1600 x 7 or 8 210 66 80 278 48 62 288 226 48 Sakun- diak HD1400 x 7 or 8 170 38 52 236 46 60 288 178 48 Sakun- diak HD1200 x 7 or 8 120 20 30 186 50 60 192 122 48 Sakun- diak HD1000 x 7 or 8 88 20 30 152 50 60 166 96 48 Sakun- diak 49 x 7 or 8 188 54 70 280 40 50 288 220 48 Sakun- diak 45 x 7 or 8 160 50 62 234 34 44 244 170 48 Sakun- diak 41 x 7 or 8 120 38 54 200 40 30 204 122 48 Sakun- diak 37 x 7 or 8 82 20 30 168 36 46 180 106 48 West- field J 51 x 7 or 8 202 20 30 236 68 12 240 174 48 West- field J 46 x 7 166 20 30 208 68 16 220 148 48 West- field J 41 x 8 156 20 30 192 12 68 196 106 48 Table 3.5 Competitor Auger Hydraulic Hose Lengths - SP Transport Kit w/out Bin Sweep Option 3/8” Hoses 1/2” Hoses
34. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.14. H OSE K IT L AYOUT W ITH B IN S WEEP W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 34 IM3 R2 Table 3.6 Wheatheart Hydrauli c Hose Lengths - SP Transpor t Kit with Bin Sweep Option Item Description 8x51 8x46 8/10x 41 8/10x 36 A Hose, HYD, 3/4 x 52, no ends, 1W 1 1 1 1 B Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 279, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W 1 - - - B Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 247, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W - 1 - - B Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 201, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W - - 1 - B Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 173, 1/2MNPT x 1/2MNPT, 1W - - - 1 C,D Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 120, 3/8MNPT x 3/8MNPT, 1W 2 - - - C,D Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 94, 3/8MNPT x 3/8MNPT, 1W - 2 - - C,D Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 68, 3/8MNPT x 3/8MNPT, 1W - - 2 - C,D Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 56, 3/8MNPT x 3/8MNPT, 1W - - - 2 E Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 60, 1/2MNPT x 1/2FNPSM, 1W 1 1 1 1 F1 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 49, 6FJIC x 3/8MNPT, 1W 1 - - - F1 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 31, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - 1 - - F1 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 23, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - - 1 1 F2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 63, 6FJIC x 3/8MNPT, 1W 1 - - - F2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 47, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - 1 - - F2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 33, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - - 1 1 G1,G2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 267, 6FJIC x 3/8MNPT, 1W 2 - - - G1,G2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 231, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - 2 - - G1,G2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 187, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - - 2 - G1,G2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 159, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - - - 2 H1,H2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 148, 6FJIC x 1/2MNPT, 1W 2 - - - H1,H2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 122, 6FJICS x 1/2MNPT, 1W - 2 - - H1,H2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 96, 6FJICS x 1/2MNPT, 1W - - 2 - H1,H2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 84, 6FJICS x 1/2MNPT, 1W - - - 2 I1,I2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 65, 3/8MNPT x 3/8MNPT, 1W 2 2 2 2 J1,J2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 35, 3/8MNPT x 3/8MNPT, 1W 2 2 2 2 K,L Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 16, 3/8MNPT x 3/8MNPT, 1W 2 2 2 2
35. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.14. H OSE K IT L AYOUT W ITH B IN S WEEP IM3 R2 35 Figure 3.19 Competitor Auge r Hydraulic Schematic—SP Tran sport Kit w/ Bin Sweep Op- tion Table 3.7 Competitor Auger Hydraulic Ho se Lengths—SP Transpor t Kit w/ Bin Sweep Option 3/8” Hoses 1/2” Hoses H1, H2 F1 F2 G1, G2 I1, I2 J1, J2 B C K, L D A Brandt Supercharger 52 x 8 15 6 59 47 24 6 38 48 25 0 14 116 17 8 48 Brandt Supercharger 47 x 8 112 20 30 20 6 34 46 19 6 28 96 15 8 48 Brandt Supercharger 42 x 8 80 20 30 17 2 38 48 17 0 16 12 0 12 6 48 Brandt 60 x 8 14 6 60 74 27 9 54 60 25 8 60 10 2 24 0 48 Brandt 50 x 7 or 8 14 4 42 52 23 2 48 38 23 6 20 10 0 18 6 48 Brandt 45 x 7 or 8 98 20 30 18 6 38 48 18 0 16 114 13 0 48
36. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.14. H OSE K IT L AYOUT W ITH B IN S WEEP W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 36 IM3 R2 Brandt 35 x 7 80 20 30 14 4 38 48 15 8 32 74 13 8 48 Brandt 30 x 8 92 30 20 13 2 32 24 12 6 18 15 78 48 Farm King 51 x 7 19 2 42 26 25 0 58 42 25 8 14 7 20 90 48 Farm King 46 x 7 or 8 31 2 24 34 21 2 80 14 18 6 16 10 4 10 0 48 Farm King 41 x 7 or 8 30 0 20 30 20 6 14 72 18 6 16 84 10 8 48 Farm King 31 x 8 20 4 20 30 19 4 14 72 17 4 16 72 112 48 Sakun- diak HD1800 x 8 27 2 94 10 8 33 0 56 74 34 0 24 110 30 0 48 Sakun- diak HD1600 x 7 or 8 21 0 66 80 27 8 48 62 28 8 24 88 25 0 48 Sakun- diak HD1400 x 7 or 8 17 0 38 52 23 6 46 60 28 8 16 112 19 4 48 Sakun- diak HD1200 x 7 or 8 12 0 20 30 18 6 50 60 19 2 22 10 8 14 4 48 Sakun- diak HD1000 x 7 or 8 88 20 30 15 2 50 60 16 6 22 10 4 118 48 Sakun- diak 49 x 7 or 8 18 8 54 70 28 0 40 50 28 8 16 13 4 23 6 48 Sakun- diak 45 x 7 or 8 16 0 50 62 23 4 34 44 24 4 24 110 19 4 48 Sakun- diak 41 x 7 or 8 12 0 38 54 20 0 40 30 20 4 24 10 2 14 6 48 Sakun- diak 37 x 7 or 8 82 20 30 16 8 36 46 18 0 32 10 8 13 8 48 West- field J 51 x 7 or 8 20 2 20 30 23 6 68 12 24 0 32 110 20 6 48 West- field J 46 x 7 16 6 20 30 20 8 68 16 22 0 16 110 16 4 48 West- field J 41 x 8 15 6 20 30 19 2 12 68 19 6 16 94 12 2 48 Table 3.7 Competitor Auger Hydraulic Ho se Lengths—SP Transpor t Kit w/ Bin Sweep Option 3/8” Hoses 1/2” Hoses H1, H2 F1 F2 G1, G2 I1, I2 J1, J2 B C K, L D A
58. 8. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 8.3. P ARTS W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 58 IM3 R2 10 9900565 Washer Flat, 1/2”, Plt 3 11 9900536 Bolt Hex 1/2” x 1-1/2” UNC GR5 Plt 1 12 0200008-2 Over-Center Link SP Wheel Move, Bent 1 13 9900913 Carriage Bolt 1/2” x 1-1/2” 2 14 9900980 Carriage Bolt - FT 3/”8 x1-1/4” 4 15 0601007 Nut Nylock 3/8” UNC Plt 4 16 9901001PRP Motor, HYD, 4.6 RS, 1/2NPTF, 3/8" Hole 1 17 9900664 Bolt Hex 3/8” x 2” UNC GR5 Plt 4 18 9900528 Washer, 3/8” Lock, Plt 4 19 0200332A Pinion Gear, Drilled * 0200333A Pinion Gear, Keyed * 20 9901242-2 Pin, Roll, 3/8” x 1-1/2” Spring 1 21 9900330 FTG, STL, ELB, 1/2MNPT x 3/8FNPSM 2 22 0200340A Axle Cap for O/C Weld-On 1 23 9900560 Bolt, 1/2” x 2-1/4” UNC GR5 Plt 2 24 9900564 Bolt, 1/2” x 5” UNC GR5 Plt 2 25 0200340B Axle Cap Drilled 2 26 0200014 Shim, Axle, Sakundiak, Top & Bottom (Pair) 2 27 0200015D Bolt on O.C ASY, SQR, No Motor/Pinion * 0200015E Bolt on O.C ASY, SQR, Complete W/MTR/Pinion * Table 8.5 Item Part No. Description Qty
21. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.7. O VER -C ENTER D RIVE A SSEMBLY —W HEATHEART BH A UGERS IM3 R2 21 3.7. OVER-CENTER DRIVE ASSEMBLY—WHEATHEART BH AUGERS 1. Once the wheel is bolted to the hub, the over -center drive assembly can be installed. 2. Position the axle cap of the over-center drive assembly squarely on the axle tube as shown in Figure 3.6. 3. With the pinion gear flus h with the ring gear (Figure 3.5), bolt the axle cap to the axle tube. Figure 3.8
30. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.13. H OSE K IT L AYOUT —N O B IN S WEEP W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 30 IM3 R2 Figure 3.16 Hydraulic Hose Routing G1,G2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 267, 6FJIC x 3/8MNPT, 1W 2 - - - G1,G2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 231, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - 2 - - G1,G2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 187, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - - 2 - G1,G2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 159, 6FJICS x 3/8MNPT, 1W - - - 2 H1,H2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 148, 6FJIC x 1/2MNPT, 1W 2 - - - H1,H2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 122, 6FJICS x 1/2MNPT, 1W - 2 - - H1,H2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 96. 6FJICS x 1/2MNPT, 1W - - 2 - H1,H2 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 84, 6FJICS x 1/2MNPT, 1W - - - 2 I1 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 65, 3/8MNPT x 3/8MNPT, 1W 2 2 2 2 J1 Hose, HYD, 3/8 x 35, 3/8MNPT x 3/8MNPT, 1W 2 2 2 2 Table 3.4 Wheatheart Hydrau lic Hose Lengths, SP Trans port Kit without Bin Sweep Option Item Description 8x51 8x46 8/10 x 41 8/10 x 36
16. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.2. P UMP G UARD A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 16 IM3 R2 Figure 3.1 Gear Pump Installation Guard 3.2. PUMP GUARD ASSEMBLY 1. Bolt the pump guard br acket to the over-center pump bracket (Figure 3.1). • Install the pump guard bracket at the pump end of the long, adjustable slot, through the middle of the over-center bracket. • Place 2 washers between the pump guard bracket, and the over-center bracket so that the angle of the br acket may be adjusted to the belt. 2. Attach the pump guard to the pump guar d bracket. • Align the pump guard with the belt that runs bet ween the pump and the engine. • Ensure that the belt does not cont act the pump guard wi th belt engaged and disengaged. 3.3. OIL RESERVOIR ASSEMBLY 1. Bolt the double tank mount brackets to the frame wi th 3/8” x 2-5/8” u-bolts and 3/8” nylock nuts (Figure 3.2). 2. Secure the 22L oil reserv oir to the tank mount bra ckets using the 32” clamps provided. The optional 43 L oil reservoi r is attached to the double tank mount brackets using two 25” gear clamps joined together.
20. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.6. O VER -C ENTER D RIVE A SSEMBLY —S QUARE A XLES W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 20 IM3 R2 3.6. OVER-CENTER DRIVE ASSEMBLY—SQUARE AXLES 1. Once the wheel is bolted to the hub, the over-center drive assembly can be installed. 2. Position the axle ca p of the over-center drive assembly squarely on the axle tube as shown in Figure 3.6. 3. With the pinion gear flush with the ring gear (Figure 3.6), weld the axle cap to the axle tube. Figure 3.6 Over-Center Assembly Positioning Figure 3.7 Square Axle over -Center for Competitor Models
39. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.17. H YDRAULIC F ILTER INSTALLATION IM3 R2 39 3.17. HYDRAULIC FILTER INSTALLATION W HEATHEART M ODELS O NLY When connecting the hydraul ic filter, make sure that it is prope rly installed. An arrow is engraved in the filt er head indicating the directio n of oil flow. The filter MUST be installed with the oil flowing in the same direction as the arrow indicates. The filter goes in the return line right bef ore the tank. Figure 3.23 Hydraulic Filt er (Wheatheart only)
56. 8. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 8.3. P ARTS W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 56 IM3 R2 Table 8.4 Item Part No. Description Qty 1 0200311 Wheel V-Frame Assy. w/Bearings 1 2 0200006 1” ID Ball Bearing 4 0200317 Bearing, 1” ID Ball Bearing) O/S * 3 0200314 Wheel Yoke w/Collar 2 4 9900248 Locking Collar, 1” 1 5 0200319 Transport Frame Pipe 2 6 0200321 Crossbrace, Clamp band 2 7 0200320 Crossbrace Pipe 2 8 0200306 Ram Extension Pipe 1 9 9900316 Tire and Rim (4.8 - 8”) 2 10 0200308 Cyl, 2” x 15.625” x 1.125” Rod, 1 @ end 1 11 9900535 Bolt, 1/2” x 2-1/4” UNC GR5 Pld * 12 9900694 Bolt, 3/8” x 1-1/2” UNC GR5 Pld * 13 0601007 Nut Nylock 3/”8 UNC Plt * 14 9900538 Nut Nylock 1/2” UNC Plt * 15 9900559 Bolt, Hex 1/2” x 2” UNC GR5 Plt * 16 0202065-3 Ram Mount A-Frame 1 17 0202065-2 Ram Mount A-Frame Clamp, w/ Weld Bead 1 17A 0202065 Ram Mounting A-Frame, Assembly (Items 16, 17, 18) * 18 9900339 Plug, Rnd. Poly, 1” (Fits Pipe 5) 2 19 9900531 Bolt, 3/8” x 1-1/4” UNC GR5 Pld * 20 0601008 Washer Flat 3/8” Plt * 21 9900510 Bolt, 3/8” x 2-1/4” UNC GR5 Pld * 22 9900560 Bolt, 1/2” x 2-1/4” UNC GR5 Pld * 23 9900695 Nut Nylock 3/4” UNC Plt * 24 9900115 Bolt Hex 3/4” x 6” UNC GR5 Plt * 25 1600006 Valve, 3 Spool, 2 Handles, No Ftgs 1 26 0200303 Control Handle w/ Grip 1 27 0200007-4 Handle Grip 1 28 0200305 Bar Handle 1 29 2300022 Bolt Hex 5/16” x 3” UNC GR5 Plt. * 30 9900524 Bolt Hex 5/16” x 2-1/2” UNC GR5 Plt * 31 9900520 Nut Nylock 5/16” UNC Plt * 32 9900523 Washer Lock 5/16” Plt * 33 9900852 Bolt Hex M8 x 1.25” x 25” GR8.8 Plt * 34 1600007 Control Lever, SD5 Valve 2 35 0200301H Half Clamp Ram Mount, 8” 1 36 0200301F Half Clamp, Valve Mount, 8” 1 37 4500068 Bolt, 7/16” x 1” UNC GR5 Pld * 38 9900643 Nut Nylock 7/16” UNC Plt *
59. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 8. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 8.3. P ARTS IM3 R2 59 8.3.3. T ANK U PGRADE K IT , 43 L Table 8.6 Item Part No. Description Qty 1 1200011 Cap, Reservoir and Gas Tank 1 2 9900233 Tank, 43 L Reservoir, Drilled, no Cap 1 9900237 Tank, 43 L Reservoir, w/FTGS/Cap * 3 9900232 FTG, AL, 1BLKHD x 1/2MNPT 1 4 9900240 O-Ring, #318 2 5 9900052-2 Bushing, 1” Machinery 18GA 2 6 9900760 Nut Jam 1” UNF Plt 2 7 9900331 FTG, STL, ELB, 1/2MNPT x 1/2FNPSM 1 8 9900021 FTG, AL, 1” BLKHD x 3/4” HB 1 9 9900216-1 Clamp, Reservoir #116, 25” 4 10 H12X42PS Hose, HYD, 1/2 x 42,1/2FNPSM x1/2FNPSM,1W 1 11 0200025 Tank Upgrade Kit, Complete *
60. 8. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 8.3. P ARTS W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 60 IM3 R2 8.3.4. I N -L INE H YDRAULIC O IL F ILTER Table 8.7 Item Part No. Description Qty 1 9900994 Filter HYD, 10 Micron, 3/4" FNPT 1 2 0601007 Nut Nylock 3/8” UNC Plt 2 3 9900038 U-Bolt SQ 3/8”NC x 2-5/8” x 3-3/4” x 1-1/4” Thd 1 4 2300053 FTG, STL, 3/4MNPT x 1/2FNPSM 2 5 9900800 Bolt Hex 1/4” x 3/4” UNC GR5 Plt 2 6 9900783 Washer Lock 1/4” Plt 2 7 2300202 Filter Mount 1 8 9900993 Filter Head, In-line, 3/4" FNPT 1
2. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 2 IM3 R2 This product has been designed and construct ed according to gen eral engineering standards a . Other local regulat ions may apply and must be followed by the operator. We strongly recommend that al l personnel associated with this equipment be trained in the correct operational an d safety procedures required for this product. Periodic reviews of this manual wit h all employees should be st andard practice. For your convenience, we include this sign-off sheet so you can re cord your periodic reviews. a. Standards include organizations such as the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, American National Standards Institute, Canadian Sta ndards Association, International Organization for Standardization, and/or others. Date Employee Signature Employer Signature
66. Printed in Canada Wheatheart is a Division of Ag Growth Industries LP Part of the Ag Growth International Inc. Group 3455 Idylwyld Drive North Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Phone: (306) 934-0611 Fax: (306) 934-6020 Toll Free: (877) 9 34-0649 (Canada & USA) website: www.wheatheart.com email: sales@wheatheart.com © Ag Growth Industries Limited Partnership 2009
9. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 2.2. A SSEMBLY S AFETY IM3 R2 9 • Follow good shop practices: • keep service area clean and dry • be sure electric al outlets and t ools are properly grounded • use adequate light for the job at hand • Think SAFETY! Work SAFELY! 2.2. ASSEMBLY SAFETY • Read the instructions and familiarize yourself with the subassemblies and hardware making up the equipment. • The components are large, heavy, and can be hard to ha ndle. Be sure to use the proper tools, stands, ja cks, and hoists for the job. • Have 2 people handle the h eavy bulky components. • Place safety stands or large blocks under the machine or components before going beneath the comp onent for assembly. • Stay away from overhead power lines and obstructions when lifting the machine during assembly. Electrocution can occur without direct contact. Contact with obstructions can damage components or cause them to fail. • Tighten all fasteners to their specified torque be fore using the machine. ) 2.3. OPERATION SAFETY • Have another person nearb y who can shut down the equipment in case of accident. • Do not operate with any of the safety guards removed. • Keep body, hair, and clothing away from mo ving parts. Stay away from intake during operation.
4. TABLE OF CONTENTS W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 4 IM3 R2 6. Maintenance & Storage..... ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............... 47 6.1. Maintenance ............... ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... 47 6.1.1. Hydraulic Winch Valve .... ................. ................ ................. .............. .......... 47 6.1.2. Ram Speed Adjustment....... ................ .............. ............... .............. .......... 48 6.1.3. Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Adjust ment ............. ........... ............ ........ 48 6.1.4. Cushion Valve Adjustment.. ................. .............. ............... .............. .......... 49 6.2. Storage .................. ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............... 49 7. Troubleshooting .............. ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............. .... 51 8. Appendix .............. ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ......... 53 8.1. Bolt Torque Values . ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ ............. 53 8.2. Tightening O-Ring Fittings ............... ................ ................ ............... .............. .......... 54 8.3. Parts .......... ................. ................ ................ ................. .............. .............. ............. .. 55 8.3.1. Self-Propell ed Auger Kit .................. ................ ................. .............. .......... 55 8.3.2. Wheel Motor ........ ................ ................ .............. ............... .............. .......... 57 8.3.3. Tank Upgrade Kit, 43 L ...... ................ ................ ............... .............. .......... 59 8.3.4. In-Line Hydraulic Oil Filt er ................. ................ ............... .............. .......... 60 8.3.5. Hydraulic Winch & Contro l Valve ................ ................. ................ ............. 61 8.3.6. Hydraulic Winch (Dutton) & Control ............ ................. ................ ............. 62 Warranty Registration...... ................ .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. ............ ..... 63 Limited Warranty ............. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ............... ....... 65
18. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.4. G EAR D RIVE A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 18 IM3 R2 3.4. GEAR DRIVE ASSEMBLY 1. Remove tires from auger. 2. Insert ring gear into rim (Figure 3.3). Use a hammer to be sure the ring gear seats evenly into the rim. 3. Tighten the 4 set screws in rotation to lock gear evenly into place. 4. Hit the ring gear with a hammer again at each set screw and retighten in rotation. 5. After tightening, use a hammer and punch to deep set the screws by giving a blow beside each screw. 6. Retighten set screws. 7. Put tires back on auger. CAUTION Before removing the ti res from the auger, ensure the auger is in the fully lowered position. Position the auger on a fl at level surface and block the ax le to fully support the auger while remo ving the wheels. Figure 3.3 Ring Gear Installation
38. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.16. C USHION V ALVE I NSTALLATION W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 38 IM3 R2 3.16. CUSHION VALVE INSTALLATION Connect the hose s as shown in Figur e 3.21 and 3.22, ensurin g that the hoses are not crossed. Connect the lower cushion block hos es to the lower ports on each hydraulic motor as shown. Figure 3.21 Cushion Block Installation Figure 3.22 Cushion Block Installation Schematic NOTICE Do not over-tighten fitt ings! Over-tightening hose fittings can crack the fittings or motor body and will void the warranty. adjustable needle lever?
51. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 7. T ROUBLESHOOTING W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS IM3 R2 51 7. Troubleshooting PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION Valve is leaking. • loose/cracked fittings • tighten/replace fittings • worn hose • replace hose • valve spools are worn • replace valve Machine operates slowly. •oil is hot • check oil level and add oil if required (use general purpose ISO 32 hydraulic oil) • blockage in hydraulic lines • suction hose blocked or kinked • power source is not produc- ing enough oil volume and/ or pressure • speed up the engine to produce more flow/pressure • the power unit may not have enough capacity to operate properly • cushion block needs adjust- ing • adjust valve on cushion block by turning inward 1/8 of a turn at a time, refer to “Cushion Valve Adjustment” on page 49 • Filter plugged (if equipped) • Change filter. Hydraulic winch will not raise auger. • relief valve pressure set too low • adjust relief valve pressure, refer to “Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Adjustment” on page 48 • oil level is too low • check oil level • pump is worn out • replace pump Hydraulic cylinder leaking. • worn seal • replace seal Winch coupler spins off (Dutton winch). • internal winch parts worn • replace worn parts • damage or obstruction on tracking • check tracking for damage or obstructions Auger doesn’t drive. • cushion block needs adjust- ing • adjust needle valve by turning clockwise 1/8 of a turn - try and repeat if necessary, refer to “Cushion Valve Adjustment” on page 49. Pinion gear slipping or binding. • pinion gear not adjusted properly • Adjust the pinion gear. See “Pin- ion Gear Adjustment” on page 22.
61. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 8. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 8.3. P ARTS IM3 R2 61 8.3.5. H YDRAULIC W INCH & C ONTROL V ALVE Table 8.8 Item Part No. Description Qty 1 14096 Winch Frame Weld't 1 2 17625 Gearbox, 20:1, 60WPuds 1 3 0700023 Valve, Winch, Relief Block, Manifold 1 4 0700024 Valve, Winch, Non-Adj Relief (Manifold) 1 5 9901000MANK Motor, HYD, 3.2 RS, Man, 1/4" Key 1 6 14080 Winch Drum Wldt 1 7 9900584 Bolt, 7/16” x 1-1/2” UNC GR5 Pld 4 8 9900643 Nut Nylock 7/16” UNC GR5 Plt 4 9 18097 1" Rim Washer 1 10 18496 Rope Keeper Kit 1 11 9900699 Bolt, 3/8” x 1” UNC GR5 Pld 4 12 9900528 Washer, 3/8” Lock, Plt 4 13 9900524 Bolt, 5/16” x 2-1/2” UNC GR5 Pld 4 14 17105 DCL, Warn, Rotating Cable Sheaves (not shown) 1 15 17108 DCL, Warn, Inspect Cable (not shown) 1 16 17698 DCL, Warn, High-Pressure Fluid HAZ (not shown) 1 17 28129 DCL, Warn, Falling Auger Hazard (not shown) 1 18 1100625 FTG, ELB, 3/8MNPT x 1/2FNPSM 2 19 2300028 Zerk, 5/16”, Press-in Style (Yellow Zinc) 1 20 19149 Bushing, BRS, 1”ID x 1-1/4”OD x 1-3/4” WF 1 21 9900038 U-Bolt SQ 3/8” NC x 2-5/8” x 3-3/4” x 1-1/4” Thd GR5 Plt 2 22 0601007 Nut Nylock 3/8” UNC GR5 Plt 4
25. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.10. R AM E XTENSION I NSTALLATION IM3 R2 25 3.10. RAM EXTENSION INSTALLATION The ram extension slides in to the A-frame attached to the tabs on the V-frame. The ram extension length must be set at the prope r distance from the ram mounting A-frame for proper operation of the transport kit (see Table 3.1 or 3.2, and Figure 3.12). Table 3.1 Recommended Transport Pipe Length, Wheatheart Models Auger Tube Length Ram Extension Length Transport Pipe Length 8”/10” x 36’ 3-1/2” 86” 8” x 41’ 10” 101” 8” x 46’ 17” 120” 8” x 51’ 17” 144” Table 3.2 Recommended Transport Pipe Length, Competitor Models Auger Tube Length (ft) Ram Extension Length Transport Pipe Length 30’-36’ 6”-20” 76” 35’-41’ 7”-23” 86” 40’-46’ 8”-27” 101” 47’-60’ 14”-38” 120”
12. 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 2.5. S TORAGE S AFETY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 12 IM3 R2 2.5. STORAGE SAFETY • Store in an area away from human activity. • Do not permit children to play on or around t he stored machine. 2.6. MAINTENANCE SAFETY • Before applying pressure to a hydrau lic system, make sure all components are tight and that hoses and coupl ings are in good condition. • Relieve pressure from hydraulic circui t before servicing or disconnecting from tractor. • Place stands or blocks under the frame before working beneath the machine. • After maintenance is complete, repl ace and secure all safety guards and safety devices, and if applicable, service doors and cleanout covers. • Remove all tools and unused part s from machine before operation. • Remove buildup of greas e, oil, and debris. • Inspect all parts. Ensure parts are in good condition and in stalled properly. Use only genuine Wheatheart replacement parts or equivalent. Replacement parts must meet ASAE standards or se rious injury may result. Use of unauthorized parts will void the warranty. If in doubt, contact Wheatheart or your Wheatheart dealer. 2.7. HYDRAULIC SAFETY • Always place all hydraulic controls in neutral and relieve system pressure before disconnecting or work ing on hydraulic system. • Keep all components in the hydraulic sys tem tightly secured and in good con- dition and clean. • Replace any worn, cu t, abraded, flattened, or crimped hoses. • Do not attempt any makeshift repairs to the hydraulic fittings or hoses with tape, clamps, or concrete. The hydr aulic system operates under extremely high pressure; such repairs will fail suddenly and create a hazardous and unsafe condition.
14. 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 2.10. S AFETY D ECAL L OCATIONS W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 14 IM3 R2 2.10.1. D ECAL I NSTALLATION 1. Decal area must be clean and dry, wi th a temperature above 10°C (50°F). 2. Decide on the exact position bef ore you remove the backing paper. 3. Align the deca l over the specified area and ca refully press the small portion with the exposed sti cky backing in place. 4. Slowly peel back the remaining paper and carefull y smooth the remaining portion of the de cal in place. 5. Small air pockets can be pierced with a pin and smoothed out using the sign backing paper. 2.10.2. D ECAL L OCATIONS Replicas of the safety decals that are attached to the equipment are shown below. Good safety requires t hat you familiarize yourself with the various safety decals and the area s or particular functions that the decals apply to as well as the safety precautions that must be taken to avoid se rious, injury, death, or damage. Figure 2.3 Safety Decal Locations Decal # 17698 Decal # 28128
28. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.13. H OSE K IT L AYOUT —N O B IN S WEEP W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 28 IM3 R2 3. Wrap cable 1-1/2 times around the c able attach rod an d secure with two 1/4” cable clamps. Position cable cl amps as shown (F igure 3.14). Tighten cable clamps securely. 4. Rotate drum until cable is taut. Ensure drum is rotating in direction shown in Figure 3.13 when raising auger. 5. Tie up winch motor hydraulic hose as needed to prevent dam age to the hose. 6. Check gearbox for oil—make certain it is half full. Figure 3.14 3.13. HOSE KIT LAYOUT—NO BIN SWEEP Refer to Table 3.4, and Figure 3.15 and 3.16. SP T RANSPORT INCLUDES : • hoses (A, B, C, D, F1, F2, G1, G2, I1, I2, J1, J2), winch valve, winch hoses (H1, H2)
53. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 8. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 8.1. B OLT T ORQUE V ALUES IM3 R2 53 8. Appendix 8.1. BOLT TORQUE VALUES The tables shown below give correc t torque values for various bolts and capscrews. Tighten all bolts to the tor que specified in the ch art unless otherwise noted. Check tightness of bo lts periodically, using bolt torque chart as your guide. Replace hardware with t he same strength bolt. Torque figures indicated above are valid for non-greased or non-oiled threads and head unless otherwise specified. Therefore, do not grease or oil bolts or capscrews unless otherwise specified in this manual. When using locking elements, increase torque values by 5%. Table 8.1 Imperial Bolt Torque BOLT DIAMETER (Nm) (Lb-ft) (Nm) (Lb-ft) (Nm) (Lb-ft) 1/4" 8 6 12 9 17 12 5/16" 13 10 25 19 36 27 3/8" 27 20 45 33 63 45 7/16" 41 30 72 53 100 75 1/2" 61 45 110 80 155 115 9/16" 95 60 155 115 220 165 5/8" 128 95 215 160 305 220 3/4" 225 165 390 290 540 400 7/8" 230 170 570 420 880 650 1" 345 225 +850 630 1320 970
57. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 8. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 8.3. P ARTS IM3 R2 57 8.3.2. W HEEL M OTOR 39 9900042 SP Tab Pair, 3/8” x 1-1/2” x 4” w/ Gus, Sak/WH, Weld * 9900042A SP Tab Pair, Brandt (SQ Axle, L&R), Weld-On * 9900042B SP Tab, WH, Old FK, WF, Weld-On * 9900042C Sp Tab Pair, Brandt (Rnd Axle), Weld-On * 40 0200334 Ring Gear w/ Set Screws 1 41 0200350 Cushion Block, Complete 1 42 9900330 Ftg, Stl, Elb, 1/2MNPT x 3/8FNPSM 2 43 0200326 Ftg, Stl, Elb 45, 6MORB x 6MJIC 6 Table 8.5 Item Part No. Description Qty 1 0200348 SQR Axle Cap for O/Center (Bolt on) 1 2 0200347 Axle Clamp, Bolt on for 2-1/2" SQR Tubing 2 3 0200007-1 Handle No Grip, SP O/C 1 4 P1211303 Rubber Handle Cover 1/4” x 1” 1 5 0200338A Motor Bracket Drilled 1 6 0200009 Spring, Over Center 1 7 9900538 Nut Nylock 1/2” UNC Plt 3 8 9900559 Bolt Hex 1/2” x 2” UNC GR5 Plt 1 9 9900946 Nut Flange 1/2” 2 Table 8.4 Item Part No. Description Qty
26. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.11. W INCH A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 26 IM3 R2 Figure 3.12 Ram Extension Installation 3.11. WINCH ASSEMBLY 1. Lower auger completely and remo ve the hand winch on the lower auger frame. 2. Place the winch on the frame as shown in Figure 3.13 using the measurements in Table 3.3. Important: The hydraulic winch position should be ad justed until the drum is 1” away from the auger tube when in tr ansport position. On Wheat heart models, use Table 3.3 to position winch. 3. Attach 2 u-bolts to frame and secu re to hydraulic winch. Do not tighten. 4. Angle the winch so it lines up with the cable wra pping around the track roller. Tighten all nuts. 3.11.1. W INCH A LIGNMENT To check the alignment of the winch, watch the c able wrapping on the drum as the auger is raised. Proper alignment is achi eved when the cable indexes properly, meaning that it fi lls each row on the drum ev enly and does not pile up against one side.
42. 4. T RANSPORT & P LACEMENT W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 4.2. P LACEMENT P ROCEDURE W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 42 IM3 R2 4.2. PLACEMENT PROCEDURE Follow this procedure wh en placing the machine into its working position: 1. Be sure there is en ough clearance from ov erhead obstructi ons, power lines, or other equipment to move the machine into its working position. 2. Position machine in the desired area. For operating instructions, see Section 5.2. W HEN P LACING U NDER H OPPER B OTTOM B INS : 1. The wheel u-frame can easily pass through the hopper bin vertical legs. 2. The wheel u-frame does not have to travel over an obstruction. 3. Auger intake is center ed between the hopper bin vert ical legs. This ensures that the operator has adequate clearance for auger operation. 4. The auger gearbox will not contact the hopper cone wh en in it’s final position. W HEN P LACING I NTO F LAT B OTTOM B INS : 1. The wheel u-frame won’t contact the si de of the bin when auger is in its final position. 2. The door of the bi n is not obstructed. 3. The auger intake will fit through the bin access door.
62. 8. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 8.3. P ARTS W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 62 IM3 R2 8.3.6. H YDRAULIC W INCH (D UTTON ) & C ONTROL 23 0601008 Washer Flat 3/8” Plt 4 Table 8.9 Item Part No. Description Qty A 0707001 2503 Winch 1 B 0707003A Safety Bracket 1 C 0700001B Motor Coupler w/Roll Pin 1 D 9901001PRP Motor, Hyd 4.6 cu. In. 1 E 0707002 Motor Bracket 1 F 0700008 Winch Valve 1 G 1600023 End Cap 2 H 1600024 End Cap with Bolt 1 J 1600025 Cap Spring 3 K 1600006 Valve, 3 Spool, 2 Handles, no Fittings 1 L 1600026 Lever Pivot Box, with Lever Arm, Lever Pin, Rubber Boot 1 M 1600007 Control Lever, 3 Spool Valve 2 0700009 Shaft for 2503 Dutton 0700011 Reel Bolt 2503 Dutton N 1600026B Boot, 3 Spool Lever 3 Table 8.8 Item Part No. Description Qty
65. LIMITED WARRANTY Wheatheart warrants to t he buyer that the new machinery is free from defects in material and workmanship. This warranty is only effective for any new machinery that has not been altered, changed, repaired, or treated sinc e its delivery to the bu yer, other than by Wheatheart or its authorized dealers or employees, and does not apply to accessories, attachment s, tools, or parts sold or operated with the new machiner y if they have not been ma nufactured by Wheatheart. Wheatheart shall only be liable for defects in the material or wo rkmanship attributed to faulty material or bad workmanship that can be proved by the buyer, and specifically excludes liability for repairs arising as a result of normal wear and tear of the new machinery or in any other man- ner whatsoever, and without limiti ng the generality of the foregoing, exclude s application or installation of parts not completed in accord ance with Wheatheart oper ation manual, specifica- tions, or printed instructions. A Warranty Registration Fo rm and Inspection Repor t must be completed at the time of delivery and returned to Wheatheart Manufacturi ng within thirty (30) days. Warranty Period Defective parts are subject to inspection by a Wheatheart represent ative prior to approval of a warranty claim. All returned parts mu st be sent to the fa ctory, freight pre-paid , in order to qualify for warranty replacement. Re paired or replaced parts will be returned freight collect. If these conditions are fulfilled, Wheatheart shall at its own cost and its own option either repair or replace any defective parts provided that t he buyer shall be responsible for all expenses incurred as a result of repairs, labor, parts, tr ansportation, or any other work, unless Wheatheart has authorized such expenses in advance. No rmal wear and service it ems such as belts, hoses, flashing, etc. ar e excluded from warranty. The warranty shall not extend to any repairs, changes, alterations, or replacements made to the new equipment other than by Wheatheart or its authoriz ed dealers or employees. This warranty extends only to the or iginal owner of the new equipment. This warranty is limited to the terms stated herein and is in lieu of any other warranties whether expressed or implied, and withou t limiting the generalit y of the foregoing, excluded all warran- ties, expressed or implied, or conditions whether statut ory or otherwise as to quality and fitness for any purpose of the new equipment, Wheatheart disclaims al l liability for incidental or conse- quential damages. This machine is subject to design changes and Whea theart shall not be requ ired to retro-fit or exchange items on previo usly sold units exc ept at its own option. WARRANTY VOID IF NOT REGISTERED Private Farm Use One (1) year from date of purchase. Commercial, Custom, or Rental Use Ninety (90) days from date of purchase. Replacement Parts Ninety (90) days from date of replacement
13. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 2.8. E NGINE S AFETY IM3 R2 13 • Before moving a hydraulic cylinder, ensure that the attached component is safely secured. 2.8. ENGINE SAFETY • Be sure to stop engine and remove key or lock out power before inspecting or servicing engine • Refer to engine operation manual for further details. 2.9. TIRE SAFETY • Failure to follow proper procedures when mounting a tire on a wheel or rim can produce an explosion that may re sult in serious injury or death. • Do not attempt to mount a tire unl ess you have the proper equipment and experience to do the job. • Have a qualified tire dealer or repair service perfo rm required tire mainte- nance. • When replacing worn tires, make sure they meet the original tire specifica- tions. Never undersize t he replacement tire. • Do not weld to the tire rim with the tire mounted on the rim. This action may cause an explosion which could resu lt in serious injury or death. • Inflate tires to the manufac turers's recommended pressure. 2.10. SAFETY DECAL LOCATIONS • Keep safety decals clean and legible at all times. • Replace safety decals that are missing or have become illegible. See decal location figures below. • Replaced parts must display the same decal(s) as t he original part. • Safety decals are available from y our distributor, dealer, or factory. WARNING Hydraulic fluid can cause serious injury if it penetrates the skin. If it does, see a doctor immediately. • Relieve pressure before disconnecting hydraulic line. • Wear proper hand and eye protection and use wood or cardboard, not hands, when searching for leaks.
23. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.9. U NDERCARRIAGE I NSTALLATION IM3 R2 23 3.9. UNDERCARRIAGE INSTALLATION Important: Pre-Assembly: When assembling the frame pipes , ram extension, and cylinder under the auger, the components should form a straight li ne from the axle to the ram mount ring when the auger is fully lowered. If th e frame components prevent the transport frame pipes fr om forming a straight lin e, then the fr ame pipes and axle tabs must be mount ed on the auger support arms. 1. Lower the auger completely. 2. Install axle tabs by clam ping (not weldi ng) on axle. 3. Make sure that tabs are square to axle and oriented straight down. 4. Attach transport frame pipes to axle tabs on the auger axle frame as shown in Figure 3.11 using the bolts and locknuts provided. 5. The clevis end of the transport pipe fits inside the clevis on the V-frame. Attach using the bolts and locknuts provided. 6. In the location noted in Figure 3.10, bolt the contro l panel ring to the auger tube approximately 9’ from the intake cage. Do not tighten the bolts yet. Note: The hydraulic ram is normally mounted to a separate ram mount ring, not the control ring (Figure 3.10). The only except ion to this is if t he straight line path from the axle to the tube intersects the control ring. 7. Mount the ram mount ring to the tube as indicat ed ahead of the control ring; refer to Figure 3.10. 8. Connect the fully retrac ted cylinder to the tab on t he ram mount ring and the ram extension. 9. The ram extension slid es into the A-frame atta ched to the tabs on the V- frame as shown in Figure 3.12. The ram extension l ength must be set at the proper distance from the ram mounting A-frame for proper operation of the transport kit. To set t he ram extension length, elevate the V-frame to adequately clear the ground, but not interfere with the auger support arms. 10. Elevate the V-frame, undercarriage pipes, and ram assembly to form a straight line (transport po sition) as shown in Figure 3.10. Tighten the control ring and ram mount ring bolts. 11. If the frame component s prevent the transport fram e pipes from forming a straight line, then the fram e pipes and axle tabs must be mounted on the auger support arms. To do this, slide the ram mount ri ng, cylinder, ram extension, and frame pipes toward the hopper until they form a straight line and can be attached to t he support arms. The transp ort frame pipes should not have to be moved more th an 2’ in most circumstances. 12. Make sure that the tabs are square and oriented straight down before the final welding.
33. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.14. H OSE K IT L AYOUT W ITH B IN S WEEP IM3 R2 33 3.14. HOSE KIT LAYOUT WITH BIN SWEEP Refer to Table 3.6, Figure 3.16 and 3.18. SP T RANSPORT K IT INCLUDES : • hoses (A, B, E, F1, F2, G1, G2, H1, H2 , I1, I2, J1, J2), winch valve, winch hoses (H1, H2) B IN S WEEP OPTION INCLUDES : • hoses (D, C, L, K), relief valve Figure 3.18 Wheatheart Hydraulic Schematic - SP Transport Kit wi th Bin Sweep Option
54. 8. A PPENDIX W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 8.2. T IGHTENING O-R ING F ITTINGS W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 54 IM3 R2 8.2. TIGHTENING O-RING FITTINGS 1. Inspect o-ring and seat for dirt or obvious defects. 2. On the angle fittings, ba ck the lock nut off until wash er bottoms out at top of groove. 3. Hand-tighten fitting until back up washer or washer face (if straight fitting) bottoms on face and o-ring is seated. 4. Position angle fitt ings by unscrewing no more than one turn. 5. Tighten straight fittings to torque shown. 6. Tighten while holding body of fitting with a wrench. Table 8.2 Metric Bolt Torque BOLT DIAMETER (Nm) (Lb-ft) (Nm) (Lb-ft) M3 0.5 0.4 1.8 1.3 M4 3 2.2 4.5 3.3 M5 6 4 9 7 M6 10 7 15 11 M8 25 18 35 26 M10 50 37 70 52 M12 90 66 125 92 M14 140 103 200 148 M16 225 166 310 229 M20 435 321 610 450 M24 750 553 1050 774 M30 1495 1103 2100 1550 M36 2600 1917 3675 2710 Table 8.3 “O” Ring Fittings Tube Size OD (in.) Nut Size Across Flats (in.) Torque Values a (Nm) Torque Values a (Lb-ft) # of Turns to Tighten (Flats) (After Finger Tightening) (Turn) 3/8 1/2 8 6 2 1/3 7/16 9/16 12 9 2 1/3 1/2 5/8 16 12 2 1/3 9/16 11/16 24 18 2 1/3 3/4 7/8 46 34 2 1/3 7/8 1 62 46 1-1/2 1/4 1-1/16 1-1/4 102 75 1 1/6 1-3/16 1-3/8 122 90 1 1/6 1-5/16 1-1/2 142 105 3/4 1/8 1-5/8 1-7/8 190 140 3/4 1/8 7/8 2-1/8 217 160 1/2 1/12 a. The torque values shown are based on lubricated connecti ons as in reassemble.
22. 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3.8. P INION G EAR A DJUSTMENT W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 22 IM3 R2 3.8. PINION GEAR ADJUSTMENT For gear depth alignment, refer to Figure 3.9. The pinion gear should mesh with the ring gear to provide maximum tooth contact (Figure 3.5). If the pinion gear d oes not mesh fully with the ring gear, adjust the handle slot bolt (which bolts to the dr ive mount clamp) so full meshing of pinion gear is achieved when handle is in over-c enter position (Figure 3.9). Gear teeth binding: If the handle wi ll not ‘lock’ into over-c enter position, loosen the slot bolt nuts an d slide the handle aw ay from the tire. Insufficient Meshing: If the pinion gear will barely mesh with the ring gear, loosen the slot bolt jam nuts and slide the handle towards the tire until the pinion gear teeth mesh with the ri ng gear teeth without binding. Figure 3.9 Over-Center Assembly Adjustment NOTICE Failure to ensure proper gear meshing wil l result in gear damage.
41. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 4. T RANSPORT & P LACEMENT W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 4.1. T RANSPORT P ROCEDURE IM3 R2 41 4. Transport & Placement 4.1. TRANSPORT PROCEDURE Note: Use only a tractor or towing vehicle of adequate power and capacity to transport the machine. Follow this procedure wh en placing the unit into its transport position: 1. Attach the auger intake to the towing vehicle with a minimum 1/2” diameter pin with retainer clip and safety chain. 2. Fully raise the V-frame assembly by retracting the hydraulic cylinder. For transportation on public roadw ays, secure the V-fram e to the auger frame to prevent it from a ccidentally dropping. 3. Before transporting, di sengage the over-center handl e at each wheel (Figure 4.1) by pulling up on the handle. Figure 4.1 Over-Center Tran sport and Working Position Warning: Before continuing, please reread the safety in formation relevant to this section at the beginning of this manua l. Failure to follow the safety instructions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage. NOTICE Ensure that the over-center bolts are ti ght enough to prevent the handle fr om engaging. If t hey are not tight enough, damage to the gear s and motor will result.
3. TABLE OF CONTENTS W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS IM3 R2 3 1. Introduction .............. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ .......... 5 2. Safety First.............. ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ 7 2.1. General Safety .... ................ ................. ................ .............. .............. .............. .......... 8 2.2. Assembly Safety......... ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ 9 2.3. Operation Safety ........ ................ ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ 9 2.4. Transport & Placement Safety ... ................. ................ ................. ................ .......... 11 2.5. Storage Safety.......... ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 12 2.6. Maintenance Safety...... ................. ................ ................ ................. .............. .......... 12 2.7. Hydraulic Safety ....... ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 12 2.8. Engine Safety ........... ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 13 2.9. Tire Safety ...... ................. ................ ................ .............. ............... .............. ............ 13 2.10. Safety Decal Locations......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 13 2.10.1. Decal Installation ............... ................. .............. .............. .............. .......... 14 2.10.2. Decal Locations ... ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 14 3. Assembly .................. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ ........ 15 3.1. Gear Pump Assembly .. ................. ................ ................ ................. .............. .......... 15 3.2. Pump Guard Assembly ... ................ ................ ................. .............. .............. .......... 16 3.3. Oil Reservoir Assembly ................. ................ ................ ................. .............. .......... 16 3.4. Gear Drive Assembly ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 18 3.5. Over-Center Drive Assembly—Round Axles........ .............. .............. .............. ........ 19 3.6. Over-Center Drive Assembl y—Square Axles............ ................ ................. ............ 20 3.7. Over-Center Drive Assembly—Wheatheart BH Augers ............ ................. ............ 21 3.8. Pinion Gear Adjustment ......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 22 3.9. Undercarriage Installation ...... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 23 3.10. Ram Extension Installation ..... ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 25 3.11. Winch Assembly ......... ................. ................ ................ ................. .............. .......... 26 3.11.1. Winch Alignment.. ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 26 3.12. Cable Installation .... ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 27 3.13. Hose Kit Layout—No Bi n Sweep............... ................ ................. ................ .......... 28 3.14. Hose Kit Layout With Bin Sweep............... ................ ................. ................ .......... 33 3.15. Hose Kit Assembly .... ............... ................. ................ ................. ................ .......... 37 3.16. Cushion Valve Installation .... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 38 3.17. Hydraulic Filter installation ... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 39 4. Transport & Placement ..... ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ ............... 41 4.1. Transport Procedure ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 41 4.2. Placement Procedure ............... ................ ................. ................ ................. ............ 42 5. Operation .................. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ............... ......... 43 5.1. Start-Up ................. ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ ............... 43 5.2. Operating Procedure .... ................. ................ ................ ................. .............. .......... 44
37. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.15. H OSE K IT A SSEMBLY IM3 R2 37 3.15. HOSE KIT ASSEMBLY Refer to Figures 3.15 - 3.20. 1. Assemble hoses as illustrated. 2. Keep free of di rt while assembling. 3. Keep pressure and return sides aligned. 4. Tighten after being satisfied that the hoses are in t he proper position. 5. Check operation. 6. Secure hoses in place wi th the cable ties supplied Important: Before disassembling the hoses, fully lower the auger and relieve the oil pressure. Figure 3.20 Control Ring Hy draulic Hose Connections WARNING The SP Transport unit MUST operate as indicated on the cont rol panel decal. The auger MUST move in t he direction that the handle is moved. SERIOUS OPERATOR IN JURY could occur if the transport unit and hydraulic hoses are not assembled correctly. If necessary, disconnect the hoses and re-assemble. NOTICE Do not over-tighten! Over-tightening hose fittings can crack the fitting or motor body and cause the fi ttings to leak, and will void the motor warranty.
47. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 6. M AINTENANCE & S TORAGE W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 6.1. M AINTENANCE IM3 R2 47 6. Maintenance & Storage 6.1. MAINTENANCE Before performing any mainte nance on this unit, shut off and remove key or lock out power source. 1. Periodically check for wear and prop er meshing of the ring gear and pinion. See Section 3.8. 2. Change oil annually to remove any accumulation of dirt or condensation in the system. Replace with Ty pe A automatic transmissi on oil. Do not over-fill reservoir. Leave 1/2 quar t (0.47L) space to allo w for level fluctuation. 3. Inspect hoses and fittin gs. Replace as required. 6.1.1. H YDRAULIC W INCH V ALVE The hydraulic winch option allows the operator to safely and easily lower and raise the auger. The winch is equipped with a fa ctory preset safety valve that allows the winch to completely raise the auger , but it will stop once the auger is fully raised. The safety valve is non-adjustable and does not require any maintenance. The only item that an operator must inspect is t he cable, and if this cable is frayed or worn, it must be replaced. Important: Winch speed is adjusted at t he factory. Cold temperatures may cause the winch to operate slowly. Figure 6.1 Hydraulic Winch Warning: Before continuing, please reread the safety in formation relevant to this section at the beginning of this manua l. Failure to follow the safety instructions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage.
63. WARRANTY REGISTRATION Wheatheart congratulates you on your new equipment purchase. The warranty registration form must be filled out with in thirty (30) days from delivery date and sent to: Wheatheart Manufacturing 3455 Idylwyld Dr. N., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7L 6B5 CUSTOMER COPY (Retain this card for warranty and record purposes.) PRODUCT: DEALER’S NAME: SERIAL #: ADDRESS: DELIVERY DATE: OWNER’S NAME: PHONE #: ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: INVOICE #: PHONE #: (Please refer to invoic e # when filing claim) DEALER COPY (Retain this card for warranty and record purposes.) PRODUCT: DEALER’S NAME: SERIAL #: ADDRESS: DELIVERY DATE: OWNER’S NAME: PHONE #: ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: INVOICE #: PHONE #: (Please refer to invoic e # when filing claim) WARRANTY REGISTRATION (Must be filled out and returned to Wheatheart within 30 days of delivery.) OWNER’S NAME: DEALER’S NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: PHONE #: PHONE #: SIGNATURE: (I acknowledge the product to be whole and in proper working order.) SIGNATURE: (I acknowledge the product to be whole and in proper working order. The owner has been given an operation manual and has been informed on proper operation and maintenance.) PRODUCT: SERIAL #: INVOICE #: DELIVERY DATE: GAS MOTOR SERIAL #:
15. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.1. G EAR P UMP A SSEMBLY IM3 R2 15 3. Assembly 3.1. GEAR PUMP ASSEMBLY Refer to Figure 3.1 for assembly. Note: The engine pulley guard is re moved from Figure 3.1 for ill ustrative purposes only. 1. The over-center (o/c) pump bracket co mes pre-assembled and is attached to the engine block with two 3/8” bolts. Us e 1” pump shims to provide a flat mounting surface for the o/c pump bracket (Figure 3.1). 2. Install the single groov e engine pulley and 1/2” x 4- 1/2” pump pulley so they are in line. 3. Install the belt and slide the over-center bracke t back to increase tension on the belt. 4. Tighten the 2 bolts holding the over-cent er bracket to the engine, then push down on the over-center handle to lock the belt in place. Allow belt to shift approximately 3/4” to 1” at the center. Important: The gear pump placement may be changed, but the pump MUST run counter- clockwise (when facing pump) at a maximum of 3600 rpm. Warning: Before continuing, please reread the safety in formation relevant to this section at the beginning of this manua l. Failure to follow the safety instructions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage. CAUTION Ensure the auger is in the fully lowered position and on a level surface with the wheels chocked before proceeding with any assembly.
48. 6. M AINTENANCE & S TORAGE W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 6.1. M AINTENANCE W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 48 IM3 R2 6.1.2. R AM S PEED A DJUSTMENT Ram speed is regulated at the control valv e. The adjustable st roke limiter screws and lock nuts set the speed of ram travel individually in each direction (Figure 6.2). Adjust the stroke limiter screws and lock nuts until the de sired rate of travel is achieved. • Turning the screws in resu lts in a slower speed. • Turning the screws out re sults in a faster speed. Figure 6.2 Three Spool Valve Adjustment 6.1.3. H YDRAULIC P RESSURE R ELIEF V ALVE A DJUSTMENT Note: Before adjusting, ensure auger is fully lowered (intake and discharge ends) and that the auger is on a level surface. If the controls are “jerky” or act too fast, it may be necessary to increase the hydraulic pressure on the self-propelled auger kit. To do this, follow the steps below (Figure 6.2). 1. Ensure auger engine is idling and that the auger flight ing is disengaged before adjusting. 2. To decrease hydraulic pressure: loosen jam nut on 3 spool valve (bottom right side of valve) and turn adju stment screw out (counter-clockwise) 1/4 turn. Tighten jam nut. WARNING Winch cable must be w ound onto the drum of the winch from the t op of the drum. This ensures the safe and pr oper operation of the hydraulic winch.
49. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 6. M AINTENANCE & S TORAGE W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 6.2. S TORAGE IM3 R2 49 3. To increase hydraulic pressure: repeat step 2. exce pt turn adjustment screw in (clockwise) 1/4 turn. Tighten jam nut. 6.1.4. C USHION V ALVE A DJUSTMENT To control the speed of th e mover, the adjustable needle valve (Figure 6.3) can be: • screwed in for increased speed (a djust by 1/8 turn increments) • screwed out for decreased speed (a djust by 1/8 turn increments) Figure 6.3 Cushion Valve Adjustment 6.2. STORAGE To ensure a long, trouble- free life, prepare unit for st orage after the season’s use following the procedure below: • Store the machine on a level surface, free of debris, and in an area away from human activity. Store in a dry place, or use a tightly secured tarp to protect the equipment from the weather. • Ensure that the unit is in transport position. • Remove all residual material and clean the machine thoroughly. • Inspect the unit at stress points for cracks. • Repair or replace any worn or damaged components to prevent any unnecessary downtime at the start of the next season. • Touch up paint nicks and scratc hes to prevent rusting. • Check hydraulic fittings, hoses, lines , couplers, and va lves. Tighten any loose fittings. Replace any hose that is badly cut, nicked, abraded, or is separating from the crimped end of the fitt ing. Secure the hoses to the machine. • Inspect and tighten all fasteners; replace fasteners if required. • Check tire inflation. • Retract all cylinders or grease exposed shafts. • Inspect hydraulic cylinders for lea ks; replace seals if necessary
27. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 3. A SSEMBLY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 3.12. C ABLE I NSTALLATION IM3 R2 27 If the cable does not index properly, lower the auger fully un til there is slack in the cable. Loosen the nuts on the u-bolts. Ad just the winch, re tighten nuts, and retest. Figure 3.13 Winch Positioning 3.12. CABLE INSTALLATION 1. Loop cable over top of dr um, through hole in drum end, through cable clamp, and then tighten with two 3/8” set screws (Figure 3.13). Important: Cable must enter winch on the top side of dr um and must have a minimum of 3 wraps on the drum when auger is in the transport position. ̈ FOR NEW INSTALLATIONS, USE STEPS 2 AND 3 2. Thread lift cable under and around roller on track shoe then back to the cable- attach rod welded to lower end of track (Figure 3.14). Note: On augers equipped wit h a lower angle-iron track stop, the cable must be threaded between track stop and auger tube so the cable rests on top of the track stop (Figure 3.14). Table 3.3 Winch Positi oning, Wheatheart Models AUGER DIM 'A' 8” x 51’ 5-1/2" 8” x 36’ 3-3/4" 10” x 36’ 1/2" 10” x 46’ 5-7/8" 10” x 41’ 6-5/8" WARNING Falling auger hazard. To prevent serious in jury or death while winching, ensure winch cable is fed onto the winch drum as shown above, and replace cable if frayed or damaged.
8. 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 2.1. G ENERAL S AFETY W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 8 IM3 R2 2.1. GENERAL SAFETY Important: The general safety section includes instruct ions that apply to al l safety practices. Any instructions specific to a certain safety practice (e .g., assembly safety), can be found in the appropriate section. Al ways read the complete instructional sections and not just thes e safety summaries before doing anything with the equipment. YOU are responsible for the SAFE use and maintenance of your equipment. YOU must ensure that you and anyone else who is going to work around the equipment understands all pr ocedures and related SAFETY information contained in this manual. Remember, YOU are the key to safety. Good sa fety practices not only protect you, but also the people around you. Make these practices a working part of your safety program. • It is the equipment owner and the operator's responsib ility to read and under- stand ALL safety instructions, safety decal s, and manuals a nd follow them before assembling, operati ng, or maintaining the equipment. All accidents can be avoided. • Equipment owners must give instructions and review the in formation initially and anually with all personnel before allo wing them to operat e this product. Untrained users/operators expose t hemselves and bystanders to possible serious injury or death. • Use this equipment for its intended purposes only. • Do not modify the equipment in any way. Unauthorized modification may impair the function and/or safety, and coul d affect the life of the equipment. Any modification to the equi pment voids the warranty. • Do not allow children, spectators, or bystanders within the work area. • Have a first-aid kit avail able for use should the need arise, and know how to use it. • Provide a fire extinguisher for use in case of an accident. St ore in a highly vis- ible place. • Wear appropriate protective gear . This list includes, but is not limited to: • a hard hat •gloves • protective shoes with slip-resistant soles • protective goggles • hearing protection • For Powered Equipment: be fore servicing, adjusti ng, or repairing powered equipment, unplug, plac e all controls in neutral or off position, stop the engine or motor, remove ignition key or lock out power so urce, and wait for all mov- ing parts to stop.
43. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 5. O PERATION W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 5.1. S TART -U P IM3 R2 43 5. Operation Operators must observe safe ty procedures at all times and foll ow the pre-opera- tional checklist before each start-up. P RE -O PERATION C HECKLIST Before operating each time, the operator must follow t he checklist, which should confirm the following: • Follow the service schedule. • Check hydraulic system oil level. • Ensure that all hydraulic lines are fr ee from damage, and t hat all fittings are tight. • Visually inspect the unit for damage to components. Replace or repair any damaged or questionable parts. • Check that all guards ar e installed, secured, an d functioning as intended. • Check the worksite and clea n up the area , if needed. • Ensure that the auger is securely atta ched to the towing vehicle or tractor. 5.1. START-UP Although there are no operati onal restrictions on the machine when used for the first time, it is recomm ended that the following me chanical items be checked: B EFORE S TARTING : • Read power unit operational manual. • Inspect hydraulic hose fittings for le aks. Tighten if nece ssary, and replace worn or damaged hoses. • Inspect hydraulic mount bolts for tightness. D URING THE F IRST F EW M INUTES : • Ensure unit is running properly. • Some air may be trapped in the hydraulic system; slowly activate hydrau- lic control valves to ensure all air is out of the system. Warning: Before continuing, please reread the safety in formation relevant to this section at the beginning of this manua l. Failure to follow the safety instructions can re sult in serious injury, death, or property damage. WARNING Shut off and remove ke y or lock out power source before inspecting or servicing the machine.
7. W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 2. S AFETY F IRST W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS IM3 R2 7 2. Safety First The Safety Alert symbol to the left i dentifies important safety messages on the product and in the manual. W hen you see this symbol, be alert to the possibil- ity of personal injury or death. Follow the instruct ions in the safety messages . Why is SAFETY important to you? Three big reasons: • Accidents disable and kill. • Accidents cost. • Accidents can be avoided. SIGNAL WORDS Note the use of the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTICE with the safety messages. The appropriate signal word for each message has been selected using t he definitions belo w as a guideline. The Safety Alert symbol means ATTE NTION, BE ALERT!, YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED. DANGER Indicates an im minently hazardous situation that, if not avoi ded, will result in serious injury or death. WARNING Indicates a hazardous si tuation that, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death. CAUTION Indicates a hazardous si tuation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. NOTICE Indicates a potentiall y hazardous situat ion that, if not avoided, may result in property damage.
44. 5. O PERATION W HEATHEART - S ELF -P ROPELLED A UGER K IT 5.2. O PERATING P ROCEDURE W HEATHEART & C OMPETITOR M ODELS 44 IM3 R2 A FTER O PERATING OR T RANSPORTING F OR 1/2 H OUR : • Retorque all wheel bol ts (if applicable). • Retorque all fasteners and hardware. • Check all safety decals are instal led and legible. Apply new ones if needed. • Check all guards are instal led and worki ng as intended. A FTER 3 H OURS : • Change oil for best results. A FTER 5 AND 10 H OURS : • Check all hydraulic hoses and fittings for leaks. Tighten fittings where required, and replace wo rn or dam aged hoses. • Retorque all wheel bolts (if appl icable), fasteners, and hardware. 5.2. OPERATING PROCEDURE Important: Ensure the over-center handle at each wheel is fully engaged by pushing down on the handle at each w heel and checking that the gears fully mesh (see Section 3.8. for adjustment if necessary). 1. With the engine at idle, use the hydraulic controls (Figure 5.1, and 5.2) to fully lower th e auger with the winch control lever on the valve before moving the auger into position. 2. Raise the auger intake end off the ground using the hydraulic ram control lever on the valve. 3. Move the auger into place by moving the wheel move control forward or backward to control the di rection of travel. Stee ring is accomplished by grasping the handle bar and either leaning in or pu lling away from the auger. Steering is easier if t he auger is in motion. 4. When unloading a bin, aim the auger intake into the bottom of the center of the bin. Use the winch control lever and hydraulic ram control lever to help position the auger. 5. When loading a bin, use the winch control to raise the auger to the desired height. Use the hydraulic ram control to raise the intake of the auger off the ground as the auger is winched up. Turn the wheel move control to change the direction of travel. Leave extra clearanc e for making wide turns. Note: Refer to Section 6.1.1. fo r winch valve kickout adjustm ent, 6.1.4. for cushion valve adjustment, and 6.1.2. for adjustment of the ram speed. CAUTION Do not attempt to move the auger on uneven or hilly terrain. The mo ver will not perform well under these conditions and could damage the machine or injure the operator.
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