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PBA Warda Faba Beans

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1. Better pulse varieties faster Improved quality & disease resistance KE Y F EATURES z z Yiel d z is z superior z to z all z currently z grown z faba z bean z varieties z in z northern z NSW z and z southern z Qld z z Suggested z replacement z of z Doza A z and z Cairo A z z Moderately z resistant/resistant z to z rust z (equivalent z to z Doza A ) z z Higher z level z of z tolerance z to z bean z leafroll z virus z (BLRV) z than z Doza A z z z Similar z flowering z and z maturity z time zzzzz to z Doza A z z z Bigger z and z more z uniform z seed z size zz than z Doza A MAIN ADVANTAGES PBA Warda A has a larger seed than Doza A , almost similar in size to Cairo A . Its uniform seed size and colour is superior to that of Cairo A , making it acceptable in the human consumption market. PBA Warda A is well adapted to northern NSW where it has out-yielded Doza A by at least 5% in both rainfed and irrigated trials. It has an equivalent level of rust resistance to Doza A with a higher level of tolerance to bean leafroll virus (BLRV). SEED PROTECTION & ROYALTIES PBA Warda A is protected under Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR) legislation. Growers can only retain s eed from production of PBA Warda A for their own seed use. An En d Point Royalty (EPR) of $3.85 per tonne (GST inclusive), which includes breeder royalties, applies upon d elivery of this variety. Seed is available from the commercial partner Viterra. AREA OF ADAPTATION PBA Warda A Faba bean Toowoomba Theodore Roma St George Goondiwindi Dalby Dubbo Moree Walgett Nyngan Tamworth Region 2. (Medium Rainfall) Region 3. (Low Rainfall) Narrabri Inverell Warwick Parkes

3. PULSE BREEDING AUSTRALIA AGRONOMY Plant characteristics Growing PBA Warda A requires no adjustment to agronomic practices currently being used for other faba bean varieties. Paddock selection and basic cultural practices are similar to other faba bean varieties. z Flowering and maturity time is similar to Doza A and 5-6 days earlier than Cairo A . z Medium plant height and shorter than Cairo A . z Lodging resistance is better than Cairo A . z PBA Warda A can withstand mild frost at vegetative stage similar to Doza A , but not at reproductive stage. z Combination of rust resistance and BLRV tolerance will make PBA Warda A a reliable faba bean variety for northern NSW and southern Queensland. Sowing z Early sowing is recommended to achieve maximum yield potential. z Sowing later than mid May in northern NSW is likely to cause reduction in yield. z Seeding rate similar to other faba bean varieties should be maintained. Aim to achieve 15-20 plants/m 2 . . z Inoculation with the commercial faba bean Rhizobium Group F is essential for proper nodulation. Herbicide tolerance z PBA Warda A has been extensively tested in plant breeding trials and NVT with the application of recommended herbicides and no specific adverse reactions have been observed in these trials. z Limited herbicide testing has shown that PBA Warda A has no increased sensitivity to any of the recommended herbicides over commonly grown faba bean varieties. DISEASE MANAGEMENT Rust z PBA Warda A is moderately resistant / resistant to faba bean rust, equivalent to Doza A . z Similar to all faba bean varieties there is a certain level of heterogeneity in PBA Warda A . A small proportion of moderately susceptible plants for faba bean rust will be found under high disease pressure in PBA Warda A . z For the targeted region of northern NSW and southern Qld, this level of resistance will provide adequate protection against rust and there will be no or minimal yield loss in most seasons. z However, foliar fungicide application may be required if the rust appears early in the season followed by warm and frequent rain events. Ch oc olate spot z PBA Warda A is moderately susceptible to chocolate spot, but this disease is generally not a problem in northern NSW. z However, it can be a problem in wet and humid years. z Effective crop monitoring is required to determine if chocolate spot is present. If the disease is detected apply Mancozeb at the recommended rate. This will minimise the pressure of chocolate spot as well as rust. Carbendazim is more active against chocolate spot and preferable with high chocolate spot pressure, but will not control rust. Ascochyta blight z Currently Ascochyta blight is not a problem in northern NSW on faba beans and PBA Warda A is susceptible to the disease, similar to Cairo A and Doza A . Bean leafroll virus (BLRV) z PBA Warda A is tolerant to bean leafroll virus (BLRV): Good yield has been obtained in the presence of severe BLRV pressure. z It has a higher level of tolerance to BLRV than Doza A . REFER TO DETAILED INFORMATION AT www.pulseaus.com.au Ute guides, crop and disease management bulletins PBA Warda A Faba bean Faba bean rust on susceptible variety. Chocolate spot on susceptible variety.

2. PULSE BREEDING AUSTRALIA z It is moderately resistant/resistant to rust, the major fungal disease in the target production zone. z It is moderately susceptible to chocolate spot and its higher level of tolerance to bean leafroll virus (BLRV) than Doza A will benefit growers where BLRV is a problem. z PBA Warda A is susceptible to Ascochyta blight, but so far this is not considered to be a major disease in northern NSW. z PBA Warda A is not recommended for southern NSW where Ascochyta blight and chocolate spot are significant diseases. YIELD & ADAPTATION z PBA Warda A is an early flowering and maturing variety, similar to Doza A . It is well adapted to the growing season in northern NSW and southern Queensland. z Extensive yield evaluation of PBA Warda A in northern NSW, both within PBA trial sites and the National Variety Testing (NVT) sites, shows that its yield is at least 5% greater than Doza A . This yield advantage has been obtained in both rainfed and irrigated trials. z PBA Warda A is suggested as a replacement for Doza A and Cairo A in northern NSW and southern Queensland. PBA Warda A Faba bean Long term (2004-2011) yield of faba bean varieties in northern New South Wales (yields expressed as % Doza A ) Variety North/East New South Wales Number of trials North/West New South Wales Number of trials Overall yields Total number of trials PBA Warda A 105 18 106 26 105 44 Cairo 97 23 96 40 97 63 Fiesta VF 101 22 100 39 100 61 Fiord 94 23 92 39 93 62 Doza A (t/ha) 2.97 (22) 2.26 (38) 2.62 (60) Agronomic features and disease rating of faba bean varieties in northern New South Wales Variety Plant height Flower time Maturity Lodging resistance Rust Chocolate spot BLRV PBA Warda A Medium Early Early MR MR-R MS MT Cairo Tall Mid/Late Mid/Late MS MS VS S Doza A Medium Early Early MR MR-R MS MT Fiesta VF Medium Mid/Late Mid/Late MS S S S Fiord Medium Mid Mid MR/MS S VS S Source: Trial results from Pulse Breeding Australia (PBA) Source: Pulse Breeding Australia (PBA) trials program 2004-2011 R = Resistant, MR = Moderately Resistant, MT = Moderately Tolerant, MS = Moderately Susceptible, S = Susceptible, VS = Very Susceptible


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